Buying Smart Home Security? Look for These Features
This is a great time of year to shop for a smart home security system, but not all systems are the same. Here’s what to look for when shopping for yours.
12 Tips To Prevent Accidental Fires Over the Holidays
The holidays are formally underway, and that means it’s time to talk about keeping your home safe from holiday-related fire risks. There are also some ways you can work alongside your smart home security system to have a safer holiday season. First, though, here are some cautionary facts regarding holiday fire safety:
5 Tips To Foil The Cat Burglar This Holiday Season
As the song says, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But unfortunately, it’s not without any worries; that’s why you want to learn the ways your security system can help you beat the security-related concerns, and keep them at arm’s length even after the holidays are over. Here are some examples of seasonal threats you can neutralize with your system.
Home Automation For the Holidays
With home automation, you really can be home for the holidays and enjoy every moment of it. Smart technologies are more than just a convenience, they are a way to help manage a multitude of time-sucking, stress inducing details that can take the fun right out of the festivities. Here are some great ways that home automation can keep the season merry.
Preventing Package Theft with Affordable Smart Cameras
Front porch package theft affects millions of homeowners annually, and even those who haven’t experienced it are often worried about it this time of year. But before you take time off work to make sure your Cyber Monday packages arrive safely this week, take note of some ways your security system can help you prevent package theft – that is, if you have chosen to take advantage of smart home upgrades.
Home Security Cameras: Professional vs. DIY
Home security cameras are a fantastic choice for homeowners just starting out with home security, but it’s important to understand that not all home security cameras are the same. In fact, many of the cameras you encounter on the retail shelves are not connectable to a home security system.