Warmer Weather? Be Careful About Leaving Windows Open
About 30% of those burglaries are accomplished through an open window or an unlocked door and usually during the daytime hours when occupants are away. Here’s what to do about it.
What Burglars Look for When Targeting a Home
You might think your home is secure, but could your home actually be an ideal target for burglars?
“I Already Have a Dog” and Other Home Security Misconceptions
From the cost of having a service to relying on locks and a dog to assuming that systems are not as great as they claim, these myths could put your home and loved ones at risk—if you play into them.
Essential Home Security Steps to Take After a Move
Often, it’s easy to overlook all the necessary precautions to protect your property and loved ones after moving in to a new home. Burglars are more than ready to take advantage of that fact.
Tips for Protecting Your Home While it is Under Renovation
A home under renovation can be a gold mine to potential burglars! It is not just your personal property that burglars are interested in. Renovation sites have construction materials and tools that are very attractive too.
Valentine’s Day Safety Tips
It is easy to be caught up in the romance of Valentine’s Day. From the chocolates to the flowers to the romantic candlelight dinners, you have a lot going on. Small errors or neglect is all it takes for huge safety and security issues.