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Author: GuardMe Security

4 Tips For An (Almost) Stress-Free Move

Summer is the perfect time to plan a move with the kids out of school and vacation time ready. Even if you’d rather be on the beach in Hawaii, moving does not have to be a stress-inducing proposition. In fact, with the right tools and tips, you might have time to move and spend some time on a tropical island.

Whether you are moving across town or into our neighborhood, here are some tips to make the move safely and (almost) stress-free.

Pace Yourself When Packing

While a packing marathon sounds like a great idea, it can lead to problems down the road. Packing is exhausting work and being exhausted can mean you are less aware of potential dangers. It can also leave less time to pack well, which can mean lost, broken, or stolen items.

Use a Labeling System

Never label boxes with a list of contents or use general categories. This helps thieves prioritize which boxes to take first. A better way to stay organized without giving away information is to use a number or color coded system on boxes.

Secure Your New Home with a Home Security System

It is a good idea to have your home security system in place even before your official arrival. Would be burglars love homes where owners are in the process of moving. They know that typically people move the bigger, more expensive items first so they avoid being damaged. They also know that while you are in the process of moving you are more distracted and the house is likely easily breached during this time. Having a security system already in place can deter burglars before they strike.

Pack Some Personal Items As If You are Going On Vacation

Avoid having to unpack everything to find that one pair of shoes by packing a week’s worth of supplies for each person in suitcases or duffel bags. Also, consider packing a kitchen survival box filled with important appliances such as a hot plate, coffee maker, paper plates, utensils, and cups. This will reduce the need to eat out while you find and organize all of your kitchen supplies.

Use Mobile Apps for Your Monitored Home Security System

You can’t be two places at once but you can sure keep your eye on things while you are away. Using your cell phone, tablet, or other connected device you can check on your new home during the move to ensure things are safe and well.

About GuardMe Security – An Authorized Brinks Home Dealer

If you are getting ready to move to the area, give GuardMe a call before you start packing. From touch screen keypads to glass break sensors, motion detectors, key fobs and more, GuardMe Security has the most cutting-edge security available today.

Protecting Your Emergency Cash at Home

Everyone should keep some amount of cash on hand in their home for emergencies. How much cash you keep is entirely up to you, but it is imperative you properly store it. Placing cash under the mattress used to be the common practice. However, in the event of a burglary, that spot is one of the first places burglars will look for household cash.

4 Places to Hide Emergency Cash at Home

To safely hide your emergency cash, you need to think like a burglar, and think of those places a burglar would never look. To help get you started, here are five clever places to hide your emergency cash. You can store all of your money in a single spot or spread it amongst multiple places.

  • False Infrastructures – You can construct false fixtures around your home for cash storage, such as a fake return air vent in the living room wall or a power outlet that is not really an outlet.
  • Conspicuous Places – Sometimes hiding your cash in the open is the easiest way to ensure it is never found. If you have an extensive library in your house, hollowing out a “money book” is the perfect way to hide money in plain sight. Even hiding cash in a blank envelope in a box of envelopes can be a clever, yet conspicuous hiding place.
  • In a Household Safe – If you have a heavy-duty safe, it may be all you need to store your emergency cash. Floor safes or built-in safes are best because the burglar cannot leave the house with them.
  • Furniture – A burglar will not have hours to search your home; in fact, most will want to be in and out in a few minutes. You can hide your emergency cash in the furniture in spots a burglar is unlikely to look, such as a hollowed out table leg, under the upholstery of a dining room chair or even taped in an envelope under a drawer or piece of furniture.

About GuardMe Security

Hiding your emergency cash requires a little creativity, but you can reduce the chances of a burglary by installing a home security system. GuardMe Security offers quality burglar alarms that deter criminals from entering your home and immediately notify authorities the moment an alarm is triggered, giving them even less time to hunt for your emergency cash.


5 Home Security Safety Tips For Summer

At GuardMe Security, we think it is always a good time to reflect on improving our safety, but summer does pose its own threats and challenges that we should all consider addressing.

Whether you are out of town or just about town, here are some ways your home security and home automation system can help you stay safe.

 Use Remote Door Locking Technologies

Whether you forgot to lock the door or just want the assurance your home is secure, Zwave door locks allow you to control multiple locks with smartphone or tablet and get real-time alerts when doors are locked or unlocked. This means you never have to drive back home “just to make sure” you really did lock the door.

Burglars expect you to be gone frequently during the summer months and use this time to their advantage. Once gaining entry, all it takes is a few minutes to devastate your life.

Install Intrusion Alarms

Burglars expect you to be gone frequently during the summer months and use this time to their advantage. Once gaining entry, all it takes is a few minutes to devastate your life. If your security is breached getting authorities on site quickly is essential. Equip your home with a home security system to both deter the criminal and to help catch them in the act.

Never Crack the Windows, Use Climate Control

The temperature is rising and cracking the window a bit will not hurt a bit, right? Not so warns the Hoboken and other NJ police departments. In fact, burglary is an opportunistic crime and burglars look for just such a scenario to take advantage of unsuspecting residents. Rather than cracking the window, use climate control systems to cool the home just prior to your return.

Use Video Surveillance

Overt and covert video cameras are proven to deter crime. They also provide a window to your world while you are away from home through remote viewing apps, so you will always know if something is amiss. You can even set custom actions to record activity at specific times to increase your security and your peace of mind.

Have Fire and Life Safety Systems Installed

We all worry about things like fire while we are away from home because while we are away there is little we can do to intervene and protect our property. A professionally monitored fire system can alert you, and authorities to smoke, fire, carbon monoxide, and even flooding to keep your family and home safe.

About GuardMe Security

At GuardMe Security, we understand that safety is your top priority. If you have any questions about the latest in home security systems, feel free to give us a call. We are always ready to help.

Home Automation Outdoor Living Trends to Keep Summer Sizzling

Who doesn’t want to take advantage of their outdoor space for memory-making recreation and soul restoring relaxation? If you are a fan of home automation, it probably won’t surprise you for a second that the awesome doesn’t have to stop at the door. In fact, home automation outdoor living trends can make your outdoor space even more exciting and perfectly fit for all the fun summer has to offer. We want to help you kick off summer with some of the hottest smart home trends for outdoor spaces.

Unlock Your Lifestyle with Outdoor Automation

Automation lets you elevate a mundane space to the profound with just a few tech-inspired changes. To bring out the potential in your space, make it a continuation of your indoor space. Automate your backyard lighting to create scenes for entertaining and, of course, smart lighting can ensure your space is well-lit to extend the fun beyond sunset. If you want your inside to flow seamlessly outside, pull up your outdoor furniture and create an outdoor living room complete with smart outdoor televisions and connected speakers so you can enjoy your playlists with just a tap of your smart device.

Home Automation Outdoor Trends that Control Time Robbers

Time is precious, and time enjoying a wonderful day with friends and family even more precious. Smart home technologies let you guard that time, and not let anything unnecessarily take away from the fun. Rather than get pulled away, use the smart doorbell to answer the door remotely and with smart locks you can let in guests without leaving the grill.

Keeping Summer Safe with Smart Technologies

It is easy to become distracted while enjoying great times and great company and become a little slack with our security. Smart security cameras can let you check in on what is going on in the places you can’t see. They also let you keep an eye on backyard activities like the children playing if you have to be pulled away for a moment. The smart doorbell lets you answer the door without having to leave a hot grill dangerously unattended, or without having to hurry and round up small children just to find that whoever was at the door is now gone. With smart security, you can disarm the system to let in new guests without having to leave other guests uncomfortably alone.

About GuardMe Security

As a premier provider of monitored home alarms and commercial security systems, GuardMe security systems monitor over 80,000 residential, commercial, industrial and new construction projects with the latest high quality security equipment that is easy to use. Contact us today for a free consultation.


Prepare For Summer Travel With These Easy Home Security Tips

Summer has arrived and you can hardly wait to get through the door and onto taking selfies of all the action. And you are not alone in anticipating your vacation. There are criminals out there just as ready for your getaway, and they are ready to spring into action at the first sign of your absence. Before you pack your bags, it may be helpful to consider these helpful home security tips.

Alert Your Trusted Neighbors

Because summer affords more time for big life changes like a move, neighbors do not think twice when they see a moving van pull up into a driveway and clear out a home. If you plan on leaving for vacation, let your trusted neighbors know and ask them to call for help if they see anything unusual.

Assign A Captain

Having neighbors watch your home is the first step, the next is to have someone coordinate and execute your safety plan should there be trouble brewing. This friend may pick up mail (if you did not have it stopped at the post office), park and re-park their car in your driveway several times. Make sure the captain has all of your contact information to keep you up to date.

Use Your Home Security System To Your Advantage

Just because you are away does not mean you can’t have your eye on things back at home. One way to do that is to stay connected through your video surveillance system using your computer, phone or tablet to view surveillance feeds. Being able to see that everything is as it should be can provide the reassurance you need to relax and have a great time. For extra reassurance, be sure to provide the security company with mobile contact information as well as the contact information for your captain, if you have arranged to have one.

Home Automation Helps

If your home security system includes home automation, you can use it to fake occupancy while you are away. Set the system to turn off and on lights throughout the home at various times, for example, or schedule the music or television to go on and off periodically.  The activity will simulate occupancy that will confuse criminals and deter crime.

Share Your Photos AFTER You Return

We know how tempting it is to load that picture of yourself in front of that exclusive restaurant or on that pristine beach, but hold off until you get home. Sharing on social media makes it that much easier for others to figure out that you are away from home, which increases the likelihood of crime.

Your home security system can help you take control of your life, even when you are away from home. Before you go away on your next vacation, find out about the advantages that a home security system can offer you. GuardMe is a premier provider of monitored home alarms and we are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Home Automation Wins: Those Moments When You’re Glad You’re Connected

Some folks find all this connectedness a bit overwhelming. Undoubtedly, we live in a time like no other with smart technologies putting nearly everything in our lives at our fingertips. And, yes, it could be easy to get lost in all of it, should you not have the advantage of one amazing interface like a smart home security app (which we highly recommend). When you have that however, you pretty much have it all. And once you have it all at your fingertips, you find there are a great many moments that you’re really glad you’re connected.

Did I Turn Off the Appliances?

You’ve just made it to work over an hour away and you are suddenly seized with that horrible feeling when you realize you left a dangerous appliance on. Or you think you did. Maybe you did. No, you’re sure you did. Now what? Lucky you, you just saved two hours of extra driving, and maybe your job– you can take care of that connected appliance via your smart home app in an instant.

The Door Was Never Locked

With the kids going in and out a million times, and having to rush off to endless appointments and activities it’s easy to see how that door never got locked or how the security system never got armed. It doesn’t make you feel any better though, and what good is a security system is it’s not actually on, right? Well, now you can see the status of the system, arm it if it’s not on and lock your smart locks all from wherever you are– from work to sports practice.

The Packaged Finally Arrived, But You Aren’t Home

You waited at home for hours but the moment you step away, that’s when the package arrives. With a video doorbell and smart lock you can verify the arrival, and even instruct the delivery person where to place it.

Why is That Door Open?

When you have children it is essential, but near impossible, to keep an eye on them around the clock. It’s that one moment you turn away that they slip outside or get into the storage area and into the cleaners. When forbidden doors are opened you know through an immediate alert and can avert what could have been a tragedy.

Did The Kids Get Home?

It is always an agonizing time when the kids should be home but you have not yet received a call. Or you really want to give them a bit of independence but they still need some oversight so you debate whether to call and make sure they’re safe. You are glad you’re connected when they punch in their unique code to disarm the system, or when you can see the security camera feed.

You Are Not Home To Defend Against Calamity

You are nowhere near home but at that very moment, a fire breaks and erupts in the attic. It could be far too late before someone from the outside even notices. With smart security and 24/7 monitoring, you and emergency services know as swiftly as possible.

GuardMe Security has been protecting New Jersey homes with custom home security and home automation systems since 1997.


Comparing Home Security Systems and Services

Home security solutions are constantly evolving as new technology emerges. Each type of system has its own unique features that set it apart from others. Once you start comparing security systems, you may notice that there are plenty of variables to make the job even more difficult. From pricing to packages to monitoring options and equipment; there are many factors to consider and compare.

If you are thinking about installing a new home security system, you can narrow down the list of potential providers and system types by knowing what to look for.

Key Points to Compare

Do not feel overwhelmed by all of the options. Instead, take your list of services and compare the four most important things: monitoring options, warranty, pricing and installation requirements. These four components will help you quickly identify which service and solution is best for you.

  • Monitoring Options – Your security system must, first and foremost, make you feel safe, which is why you should only consider services that provide 24/7/365 monitoring. Also consider how systems are monitored. Landline monitoring not only requires a home phone, but these systems are less reliable, because a burglar can cut the line. Cellular monitoring requires that you live in an area with a strong cellular signal, but these ones are the most reliable.
  • Warranty – Unfortunately, warranties are not easily found in the security industry. Pay attention to how long your equipment is insured by the company. Since most services require a 36-month contract, you should ensure the equipment is backed for at least the length of the contract term.
  • Installation Requirements – A professional installation is best when purchasing a home security system. Inquire about first-time installation fees; some companies only offer a small number of components for free and the rest are charged per device.
  • Pricing – Read the pricing information carefully. Just because you are quoted a price does not mean that is the price you will truly pay. After monitoring fees, activation fees and taxes as well as other surcharges, your quoted monthly rate may inflate exponentially.

Most importantly, go with a security company that has a reputation for quality and customer service. A local company that offers excellent monitoring, affordability and convenient installation is often better than a national security company that looks at you as just another customer. GuardMe Security offers residential home security solutions that can be customized to your budget and security needs.


3 Vintage Home Security Devices that No Longer Work

In today’s sophisticated security climate, criminals have become more sophisticated too. That means that many things we once considered tried-and-true security devices are no longer useful; in fact, they are downright not smart anymore. Our home security company believes it’s high time to retire these three “old school” security practices:

Keys Under the Mat

Even in this day and age, many parents make the mistake of placing a key under the mat for children to use when they come to an empty house. But what if those children walk into a house that has already been robbed and ransacked, or worse – into the company of an awaiting predator? Instead of putting a key under the mat for your kids, give them their own key, or better yet install remote, keyless lock control.

The Plastic Rock

If you have a history of losing keys – or like the parents described above, have some reason to not give your children their own keys – then the plastic rock was your solution (15 years ago). But today, there is hardly a thief in America who doesn’t know about these strange security solutions. Even the least intelligent burglar is most likely smart enough to spot a fake rock placed strategically near the doorway, pick it up and let himself in.

Combination Locks

They may still work for high school gym lockers, but combination locks are no longer a good idea to use as bicycle locks. Bike thieves are pretty experienced these days, and most can cut a combination lock in a matter of seconds. Instead, use a U-Lock (ask your retailer if unfamiliar) and always lock your bike’s frame to an unmovable object (a sturdy bike rack). You can also get a U-Lock with a cable, which will allow you to lock the frame and both wheels to the bike rack. This is a better alternative to combination locks for bicycles.

When it comes to protecting your home and your possessions, the “old ways” aren’t always the best ways. Take it from an established home security business: Retire these outdated security methods and embrace the new technology that was designed with you in mind. Contact GuardMe today to learn more.


The Benefits of a Security System for Your Vacation Home

You know that a home security system protects your residence, but it could also keep your vacation home safe. In fact, a home security system is critical for a vacation home, especially when it sits for several months at a time unoccupied.

How a Home Security System Protects Your Vacation Property

Home security systems do not just protect your vacation home from burglars while you are away; they can also:

  • Monitor for Carbon Monoxide – If you visit your vacation home during the cooler months, you are going to use a heating unit, which means the threat of carbon monoxide is a lot higher. Your home security system’s built-in carbon monoxide monitoring system can protect you and your loved ones from this silent killer.
  • Deters Thieves – When Daylight Savings occurs, burglars take advantage. They know that the nights are longer and darker, which makes it easier for them to move about and break-in to your property (whether you are in it or not). A home security system will deter thieves and even notify you and authorities of any perimeter breaches.
  • Fire Safety – You can tie a fire alarm into your home security system for maximum protection. Notify authorities immediately when smoke is detected; and hopefully, limit the amount of damage done to your property from a fire.

A Few Tips to Keep Your Vacation Property Safe

  • Check smoke detectors. Test to make sure they are working and replace batteries.
  • Make sure your doors and windows are locked tight before you leave.
  • Visit the property regularly to trim down shrubbery so that burglars do not have places to hide on the premises.
  • Create a neighborhood watch system with other property owners in the area. Take turns checking on one another’s properties while you are away.

About GuardMe Security

To learn more about protecting your vacation home, contact your local home security service. GuardMe Security offers a no-obligation consultation to assess your vacation home and help decide the best way to protect your investment.