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Author: GuardMe Security

Safety Precautions to Consider While Your Home is For Sale

You have a lot on your plate when your home is on the market – from keeping it constantly clean to being prepared to take off at a moment’s notice for a showing. In the midst of everything else going on, it is easy to forget what is most important: home security. Homes on the market are ideal for burglars – especially with the Internet giving them a sneak peek at what is inside. If your home is on the market or about to be, there are a few things to keep in mind so you can keep your home safe.

Precautions to Take While Your Home is on the Market

Between the extra foot traffic and your online virtual tour, these are a few precautions you can take to keep everything secure.

  • Be Aware of What You Photograph – When you sell a home, your realtor will take photographs and possibly compile a virtual tour of the home. Remove items of value, such as flat screen TVs, computers, and gaming systems so that they are not pictured. By having these included in your photos, you are giving burglars a peek at what items you have inside your home to steal.
  • Know Who Enters – You will have a lot of people coming and going while your home is listed. Know who visits by keeping a list of the real estate agent’s name and the potential homebuyer they bring with them. Do not allow potential homebuyers to enter your home without their own real estate agent or your agent present. If you have a home security system, give real estate agents their own alarm code – not the main one – so that you can track when they enter and for how long they stay.
  • Inspect Your Home After Each Showing – After a showing, walk through your home and see if anything is missing. Also, check all doors and window locks. Some burglars will come to a showing in order to map out the floor plan, but also to unlock windows for future entry.
  • Lock Items – Do not leave around extra keys, cash or other valuable items that are easy to pick up while you are showing the house. Instead, lock them away in an inconspicuous area – such as a safe under your bed, a locked desk drawer or filing cabinet.
  • Turn On Cameras – Residential security cameras can help you keep an eye on who enters and exits your home during a showing. You can also keep an eye on the perimeter to see if anyone comes back. Also, you can install cameras inside your home to monitor buyers and their agents while they are in your home – and to make sure your personal property is secure.

If you have a home security system, notify your provider that you plan to move. They may be able to offer additional tips for protecting your home while it is on the market, and also help you relocate your security system once you do move.

About GuardMe Security

To learn more about how to protect your home while it is up for sale, contact your local home security professionals at GuardMe Security. Call us today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question on our website and a GuardMe Security expert will be in touch shortly.

How Home Security Makes Life Less Stressful

Alarm systems do not just protect your home, they make your life easier. Whether you own a business or home, today’s alarm system is meant to make life stress-free.

How Alarm Systems Help Business Owners

  • Peace of Mind – You can check in on your business while at home, on the road or even while you are on vacation. If you have multiple offices and/or locations, you can still keep an eye on daily operations even if you are not able to physically visit each location.
  • Suspicious Activities – Motion-detection lights in and around your commercial property will eliminate hiding places for thieves and criminals.
  • Awareness – You are not only aware of possible thefts, but employee activities too. An alarm system with video monitoring allows you to check in on employees, see how they treat customers and even catch employee theft.

How Alarm Systems Help Homeowners and Busy Professionals

  • Mobile Monitoring – From wherever you are, you can check-in on your home via a mobile or computer-based app.
  • Mobile Activation – You can activate your alarm even if you are not home; ensuring your home and belongings are protected at all times.
  • Emergencies – Alarm systems offer two-way communication with emergency professionals in the event of a fire, burglary, etc. for faster responses.
  • Immediate Alerts – Home alarm systems will report alarms even if there is no Internet or phone connection. Some systems can still report an alarm even if the control panel is smashed or damaged. Also, motion-activated cameras allow homeowners to see who walks on their property, enters their driveway, etc. for better monitoring.
  • Customized Notifications – You can set up custom notifications so you know what is going on at your house. For example, you can set up a special code/notification for your house-sitter and be notified when that code is used in your home.

Learn more about how an alarm system can make your life easier by contacting your GuardMe, your local home security service. GuardMe Security can schedule a no-obligation consultation with you to assess your home or office alarm needs. 

Give us a call at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online and a security expert will be in touch with you soon.

Kitchen Safety Checklist for Parents

It does not matter if you are making a gourmet feast or heating up a grilled cheese, your kitchen is only as safe as you make it. Small children can be easily burned or scalded from unmonitored pots, electrocuted by outlets, hurt by the steam from a kettle, and more. If your little ones are going to join you in the kitchen, make sure to follow these essentials for a safer, family-friendly kitchen.

Kitchen Safety Musts for Parents with Small Children:

  • Secure Sharp Objects – Knives, scissors and even forks should be locked away in a drawer that is secured with a childproof lock. If you have a knife block on the counter, see that it is pushed back to the furthest point and out of reach for children.
  • Secure Your Dishwasher – If your child opens a dishwasher mid-cycle, she could be scalded by hot water or gain access to sharp objects that are otherwise locked away. Consider installing a childproof dishwasher lock to prevent this.
  • Knob Protectors – To prevent your child from turning on the stove or oven, especially if knobs are within reach, install knob protectors.
  • Keep an Eye While Cooking – While you are cooking in the kitchen, keep an eye on your child. Turn all pot handles toward the inside of the range, so that a child cannot reach up and grab a boiling pot.
  • Unused Appliances – If you have appliances not in use in the kitchen, unplug them and place plug protectors in the outlets.
  • Plastic Bags – Trash bags, sandwich bags and even grocery bags should be out of reach. Make sure your child knows to never play with plastic bags.
  • Highchair – Only use highchairs that have a working child safety belt and that cannot be easily toppled over.

You can keep your home, especially your kitchen, safe for little ones by using a home automation system. Automatically turn off faucets, ensure the stove isn’t on and flip the switch off for appliances you left on so your child cannot touch them. To learn more about home automation, contact your local home security experts at GuardMe Security.

Get a free consultation for home automation. Call GuardMe Security today at (800) 235-0644 or feel free to ask a question online.

How To Secure Your Home From Invasion While You’re On Spring Break

A burglary is defined as unlawful or forced entry and is usually accompanied by theft. If you are away from home on Spring Break Vacation, will your home be broken into and burglarized? Data from the FBI 2016 crime report ( us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012) shows that we can expect one in every 36 homes in America to be burglarized each year. In addition, each burglary results in an average loss of $1,675 per break in, but that amount does not take into account the psychological impact on the homeowners.

4 Types of Burglary

There are four types of burglary:

  1. Attempted forcible entry – the burglar used force in an attempt to gain entry to your home
  2. Unlawful entry without force – the criminal had no legal right to be on the premises but entered anyway
  3. Forced entry – the burglar used force to gain entry into your home by breaking a window, picking a lock, or cutting through a door
  4. Completed burglary – a burglar gained entry and stole something with or without the use of force

Gaining a Technological Advantage to Prevent Home Burglary 

Technological advances have played a part in the reduction of burglary rates throughout the United States. While home security systems have been available since 1969, the latest camera surveillance technology gives the homeowner a significant technological advantage:

  • Cameras deter criminals from breaking in because of their effectiveness at recording and the ability to positively identify burglars.
  • Video surveillance ensures that the homeowner can positively prove when their home was broken into and what was taken.

Current data suggests that homes without security cameras are 2.7 times more likely to be targeted by a burglar – especially when the homeowner is away.

About GuardMe Security

To learn more about protecting your home from burglary, call the experts at GuardMe Security: (800) 235-0644. Or click here to find out how security cameras can help you protect your home from burglary.

Warmer Weather? Be Careful About Leaving Windows Open

Ah, it is finally warm again and everyone wants to throw open their windows and enjoy the fresh air again. But wait, according to the FBI, home break-in is the most common threat to our homes. Over 2 million home burglaries are reported every year in the United States – about 30% of those burglaries are accomplished through an open window or an unlocked door and usually during the daytime hours when occupants are away.

It’s not surprising that the highest percentage of burglaries occur during the warmer months. Homes without security systems are more likely to be broken into than those with a home security system.

5 Tips to Secure the Windows of your Home

The following are expert-recommended tips for securing the windows of your home from break-ins and intruders:

  1. Secure all windows with secondary blocking devices like a wooden dowel.
  2. Block all open windows with a device so the window cannot be opened wider than six inches.
  3. Make certain someone can’t reach through the open window and dislodge the secondary blocking device.
  4. Make sure that your window frame cannot be easily lifted to remove the entire window.
  5. Install glass-break detectors integrated with your home security system in case the thief decides to employ the use of force instead.

All of the above applies to sliding glass doors, french doors, and types of glass doors as well. Glass break detectors combined with secondary blocking devices will help you enjoy the fresh air of the warmer months without the fear of someone breaking into your home.

Windows are left unlocked and open at a much higher rate than doors are – after all, we have been taught to lock our doors. An unlocked window on the ground floor is easily accessed quickly and quietly by criminals but there are ways you can protect yourself.

About GuardMe Security

Learn more about how to protect yourself from home intrusion through the windows. Call the team at GuardMe Security: (800) 235-0644. Or click here to ask a question about protecting your family from break-ins, burglaries, and intruders.

What Burglars Look for When Targeting a Home

You might think your home is secure, but could your home actually be an ideal target for burglars? There are specific reasons why burglars pick their target properties— from signs that you are not home to careless security. To protect your home, make sure you are not making it a target. Also, contact a local security company in New Jersey to have your home assessed for security threats.

Why Burglars May Target Your Property:

  • You Leave It Open – Nothing invites trouble more than unlocked windows, doors, unlocked gates, and garages (especially at ground level). Never leave windows open, even if they are on the second floor.
  • Plenty of Hiding Spots – High bushes, multiple trees and dark corners conceal burglar hiding spots. Here they can hide and wait for the perfect opportunity to break in. No outdoor lighting or bad lighting at night also gives burglars an opportunity to sneak around your perimeter without being noticed by neighbors.

Leaving Signs You Are Not Home

Lights off all night, mail piling up in the mailbox, newspapers piled on the driveway, etc. are signs you are not home and have not been. Always make your home look as though it is occupied, such as turning on the lights in the evening, opening blinds during the day, etc.

  • Not Using a Security System – Homes guarded by security systems are unappealing and less likely to be burglarized than homes without security systems.
  • Showing Off – Do not showcase expensive items, like leaving laptop packaging outside to let everyone know you just got a new one. Also, do not leave valuable jewelry or cash out in full view of your windows or doors.

About GuardMe Security

Now that you know what burglars look for, it is time to protect your home. If you need more help keeping your home secure and your family safe, it’s time to contact GuardMe.

Get in touch with a GuardMe professional by calling (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online.

“I Already Have a Dog” and Other Home Security Misconceptions

There are numerous myths revolving around home security. From the cost of having a service to relying on locks and a dog to assuming that systems are not as great as they claim, these myths could put your home and loved ones at risk—if you play into them. Before you assume anything, contact your local home security company to learn how a home security system works and what it can do for you and your family.

Top 10 Home Security Myths Debunked

  1. Home Security is Too Expensive – For most systems, you can protect your business or home for as little as $1 per day; some even cost less than $20 per month. Some insurance companies also offer discounts for having a home security system, which means you save even more.
  2. Your Neighborhood is Already Safe Safe neighborhoods do not mean you are risk averse to intrusion, vandalism or even fire.
  3. I Have a Dog Pets can be injured during an invasion just as much as people or worse, and a pet cannot protect your home against a fire.
  4. Hardwiring My Home is Difficult – Even older homes can be wired with a modern home security system. Established security companies in the Garden State like GuardMe Security have experience wiring brand new buildings as well as older structures.
  5. Alarm Systems Are Unreliable Advancements in technology have made alarm systems extremely reliable. They use unique radio signals and rarely encounter interference.
  6. Intruders Can Outsmart an Alarm A hard wired system cannot be easily disarmed by an intruder. Most quality systems today are so advanced, burglars would not know where to find the wiring or how to disarm it in the first place.
  7. My Neighborhood Watch Program Keeps Us Safe There is no such thing as a 24/7/365 neighborhood watch. Your home will have a time it is not being watched; therefore, it is still at risk.
  8. Insurance Can Replace My Stuff While insurance may replace what is lost, stolen or damaged, it cannot make you feel more secure or safe in your home after a burglary.
  9. I Use Expensive Lock Systems in My House Door chains and expensive padlocks can be easily bypassed or broken into by intruders.
  10. Authorities Cannot Respond In Time Anyway Police and other emergency responders can respond to an alarm signal in a matter of minutes.

About GuardMe Security

Not protecting your home with a security alarm can put you at risk for theft, damage from fire, etc. Do not give into the myths regarding home security. It is the most affordable and reliable solution for protecting your home and business.

Learn more about home security systems or schedule a no obligation consultation with GuardMe today. Call us at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online.

Essential Home Security Steps to Take After a Move

There are few things in life more exciting than moving into a new home. Often, it’s easy to overlook all the necessary precautions to protect your property and loved ones. Burglars are more than ready to take advantage of that fact. While you may be overwhelmed with the moving process, do not forget about your home and personal security.

Essential Home Security Steps to Take After a Move

There are three simple ways to protect your home and belongings during and after a move. These include:

  • Identifying the Points of Entry – Your new home has a lot to discover, including points of entry. Before you move any belongings in, change the locks on all main entry doors. Since you do not know who has a spare key to the home, this is your first essential level of protection. Ensure gates, garage doors and even basement entrances all have ample lock protection too.
  • Remember to Protect Your Identity – Identity thieves are always on the lookout for people relocating. They rely on the fact that you will not change your address, which means they can rifle through your old mailbox (and gain access to your credit card accounts, social security, etc.). Contact all companies, including utilities, credit card companies, financial institutions, schools, etc. to change your address prior to moving. Also, file a mail forward with the post office to capture any pieces of mail you may have forgotten.
  • Check Out the Space – No two homes are the same. Do a thorough walkthrough of your home to check out the layout, identify possible security risks, and locate ideal areas for security cameras and monitoring systems.

About GuardMe Security

A home security professional can help assess your new space and design a security system that meets the unique requirements of your home. Contact GuardMe Security today to schedule a consultation for your new home. Call (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online about securing your home.

Tips for Protecting Your Home While it is Under Renovation

A home under renovation can be a gold mine to potential burglars! It is not just your personal property that burglars are interested in. Renovation sites have construction materials and tools that are very attractive too.

While your home is being renovated, you have contractors and suppliers coming and going, which means your home is frequently unsecured. Is it being exposed to potential theft and vandalism? Even a minor renovation project such as, replacing a roof or adding a backyard patio, can increase your risk of exposure.

There are things you can do to protect your home, the job site and any materials or tools so that your project does not end up costing you more than the labor itself.

How to Protect Your Home During a Renovation 

By taking the proper steps, you can protect your home while it is being renovated – whether you are occupying the home or not. This includes:

  • Securing the Site and Valuable MaterialsLock your home before leaving it or instruct the foreman to lock up the site at the end of the day. Lock up building materials in a shed or use security sensors that will trigger if the materials are moved.
  • Use Video Monitoring Because construction sites have dozens of people coming and going, a traditional security system may not be enough. Instead, consider a video surveillance system. This will help you keep an eye on your property even if you are living off-site. If a theft does occur, you will have video evidence of the event and hopefully, you can help authorities catch the burglar.
  • Let Neighbors Know Discuss with your neighbors letting them know who is authorized to be on your property. Make them aware of the construction company’s name, their uniform, and what days they will be there working. That way, if your neighbor sees someone on a different day or notices unauthorized trespassers, they can notify you or the authorities immediately.

Contact your local security experts for more tips on how you can protect a home renovation site.

GuardMe Security offers no obligation consultations. We can come out to your home and recommend the right security products. Call us at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online and one of our security experts will contact you as soon as possible.