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Author: GuardMe Security

Alarm Panels: How Often Should the Password Be Changed?

These days, we need passwords or PIN numbers for everything from websites and bank accounts to home security codes. It can get difficult trying to remember so many different passwords, so many people are reluctant to change them very often, if at all.Some people change them frequently but struggle to keep track of all the changes. Keeping up with the password game can indeed be annoying, but it is something we all need to consider. In order to keep your security code safe, you must change it periodically. The question is, how often, and can you change it too frequently?

Stagnant Passwords Leads to Big Problems

A recent study commissioned by TeleSign showed that consumers are falling victim to poor password practices.

  • The most common and problematic security mistake is using one password across multiple accounts. This can cause a “domino effect,” allowing all accounts with the same password to be breached. 73% of password-protected accounts use duplicated passwords
  • Password fatigue is a real problem. More than half of consumers (54 percent) use five or fewer passwords across all password protected accounts, while 22 percent use just three or fewer.
  • Almost half (47 percent) of consumers rely on a password that hasn’t been changed for at least five years.
  • 40% of those surveyed have experienced some sort of security password breach.

Avoid Password Fatigue

Changing a password too often can lead to problems, too. Remembering one set of codes is hard enough, but memorizing new ones for multiple accounts can seem near impossible.Studies show that when consumers change passwords too frequently, it leads them to use oversimplified codes, PINS, and passwords or simple variations of the ones that they have already used. This makes it simple for criminals and hackers to gain access.

Change That Password

As tempting as it might be to keep the password you know so well, you really need to change it occasionally. If you do not, you might compromise your security. It is easy to forget who may have casual access to it, or know if anyone may have gotten it through other means.

We recommend changing your passcode around every six months at most and once a year at the very least. Here are a few tips for safer, more effective codes.

  • Do not choose dictionary words, proper nouns, or foreign words
  • Do not choose dictionary words spelled backward
  • Use both upper and lower case letters, numerals and other characters when possible
  • Use different passwords for different accounts
  • Do not choose passwords that vary only slightly from the previous password
  • The best passwords are easy to remember but difficult to guess

Remember, your password is the gateway to your security so remember to change it regularly. If you have any questions about your home security passcode, please give us a call. We value your security.

Contact GuardMe Security today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

A Home Safety Guide for Older Residents

Older residents are at high risk for injury inside their own home. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 1.4 million people who are 65 years or older are treated in the hospital or emergency room for injuries that occur at home. Falls are by far the most common injury older adults encounter, with fires being a close second.

Many of the causes of these injuries are preventable. Just by taking the time to walk around the house and identify potential hazards, you could save your life or the life of an aging loved one.

Tips for Keeping Seniors Safe at Home

Whether your older loved ones live with you or live alone, you can participate in their safety. Even if you cannot monitor them daily, there are ways to decrease the risk of injury.

  • Every level of the home, especially outside sleeping areas should have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed. These can be linked to a home security and fire alarm system for extra protection.
  • Establish an emergency escape plan with your elderly loved ones. If there is a caregiver present, make sure they understand and practice the escape plan too.
  • Install a working fire extinguisher in the kitchen and rooms where an open flame is present (such as a living room with a fireplace).
  • Do not leave space heaters on in a room that is not occupied. Never place a space heater near flammable materials such as bedding or curtains. Heaters should be at least three feet away from all flammables.
  • Use rails or banisters on stairwells, inside showers, and even on the sides of beds so your loved ones can easily pull themselves up.
  • Use no-skid tape on staircases, under rugs and only use non-slip mats in the bathroom to prevent falls.
  • Install a home security system to keep everyone safe. Unfortunately, burglars look for older individuals who live at home alone as potential targets.

GuardMe wants to help keep your family safe. From alarm systems to fire monitoring, we have the tools to help protect older residents living at home.

Call the GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online to learn more about our home security systems.

Home Security for Your Rental Property

You have picked the perfect rental in a safe neighborhood and close to the schools you want. But how much thought have you put into the security of that home? Rentals have had dozens of tenants before you and your loved ones moved in, and you do not know who those tenants were or whether or not they still have keys.

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, rental properties are 85 percent more likely to encounter a home invasion. Therefore, you cannot rely on the property manager having changed the locks as your only level of security.

Tips for Improving Security at Your Rental Property

As a renter, you may not own the home. You do have your own furniture, personal belongings and of course, your loved ones live here. So, you need just as much protection as a homeowner. You can improve the security of your rental home by following these simple tips:

  • Do Not Flaunt – You have a great stereo system or even a brand new flat screen TV. While you are proud of your belongings, do not flaunt them to the world by putting them next to windows or even leaving a box by the garbage, letting the world know about your purchase. If you do not have a choice, leave blinds or curtains closed on windows – that way no one can see from outside  what there is to steal in your home.
  • Always Lock Up – Even if you are going down the street for a few minutes, you need to lock up. That includes windows, basement doors and even garage doors.
  • Know the Neighbors – Even if you are just renting for a short-term lease, you still need to know who you live by. Active communities are less likely to be robbed because neighbors look out for others, and report suspicious activity.
  • Make Your Place Look Occupied – Whether you are at work, shopping or out of town, make sure your rental home looks occupied. That means having lights turn on and off at certain hours, TV or music noise, etc. Burglars are less likely to target a property that looks occupied.
  • Be Insured – Renters’ insurance comes for a nominal fee when compared to the cost of replacing your stolen items. Do not rely on your landlord’s insurance policy to replace your personal belongings.
  • Get a Security System – If your rental does not have a security system, ask the property manager if you can have one installed. Even if they are not willing to take on the expense, paying for one yourself could be a good investment in not only your security, but also your peace of mind.

For a rental, you can install a home security system that monitors the property and even automates lights and comfort systems. GuardMe Security can provide you with a free in-home estimate for your apartment or rental home so that you can reduce the likelihood of becoming a burglary target.

Call experts at GuardMe today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online. 

DIY Home Security Should Not Be An Option

Thanks to the readily available information on the Internet, more homeowners are turning to do-it-yourself projects. While there are some instances where DIY can pay off, home security is never one of them. In fact, installing or creating your own home security system could actually put you and your loved ones at greater risk.

Why DIY Should Not Be An Option

From remodeling your kitchen to installing new light fixtures, you know how to do a lot of stuff yourself. Your home security system should not, however,  be on the DIY list. Even the DIY home security packages that you can buy online (a bundled deal consisting of sensors, keypads and cameras) do not offer complete protection.

If you are thinking of installing a home security system yourself, here are a few reasons to reconsider:

  • Bundles Do Not Include Professional Installation – A trained technician should be the one to install your home security system. Professionals know where intruders look for entry points and the optimal place to install your home sensors as well as camera systems. DIY projects are often riddled with guesswork which means you could leave your home vulnerable.
  • DIY Security Could Mean Frequent False Alarms – All it takes is a child, pet or a temperature change to trip your self-installed alarm system when it is not installed properly. Professionals can identify possible triggers and ensure your alarm is installed to limit them.
  • DIY Security May Not Come with Monitoring – One of the biggest benefits to a professional security system is the monitoring. DIY kits may not have a professional service monitoring your home 24/7/365. Without monitoring, there is no one to notify the police or other emergency personnel when an alarm is tripped. That could mean fire officials are not aware your home’s smoke detectors have gone off until the fire is out of control and a watchful neighbor makes the call!
  • Maintenance is Missing – DIY systems do not come with maintenance service which is crucial for keeping your home’s security system running smoothly. Professional services often include maintenance as part of the package or you can request it.

GuardMe Security offers a variety of home security packages that are affordable but never sacrifice your safety. We offer free in-home estimates and our technicians can show you how much you truly save with a professional system.

Call GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online. 

Personal Safety Tips While Living Alone

Many people choose to live alone or their personal circumstances force them to do so. Whether it is because you want to be closer to work, enjoy the independence or the average roommate drives you crazy, there are many perks to being solo. The one problem of living by yourself is safety, because as the saying goes, there’s safety in numbers. Living alone, however, can be very safe with a little planning and care. By implementing just a few personal safety tips, you can enjoy the freedom without any worry.

All it takes is practicing a little caution to protect yourself. Instead of waiting until danger presents itself, implement these tips as soon as possible to start protecting yourself today.

  • Get a Dog – You may live alone but having a furry friend offers two great benefits: first, you have a companion and second, you have protection. Noisy pets are deterrents to potential intruders.
  • Meet the Neighbors – The people in your immediate neighborhood do not have to be best friends, but you should at least know who they are. Not only can they pick up your mail while you are out of town, but they can check-in on your property and be your first line of defense if something or someone suspicious is on your property.
  • Do Not Advertise You Live Alone – Make it seem like you live with someone else. Consider adding a second name to the mailbox or use a home automation system to keep lights on while you are away or even turn the TV on during the day. If you are active on social media, do not advertise the fact that you live alone, and especially, be careful not to announce when you are away from home.
  • Motion Sensing Lights – Motion sensing lights around the perimeter of your home are a deterrent to intruders. If anyone comes within reach of your property, these lights will illuminate the area and often encourage unwelcome guests to leave.
  • Install a Home Security System – While it may be an upfront investment, a home security system offers you peace of mind. It can notify you of potential intrusions, give you life-saving alerts in the event of a fire, and may even lower your homeowner’s insurance premium.
  • Be Careful About Keys – If you lose your keys, change the locks right away. Be extra cautious about friends, family or even companions you share keys with. The less people who have access to your home, the better.

With the right home security system and essential precautions, living alone can be as rewarding as you want it to be. Contact GuardMe Security to learn more about how you can protect yourself at home or to receive a free estimate for your home’s automation and security systems.

Call the GuardMe Security team today at (800) 235-0644

Increase the Value of Your Home and Get Top Dollar

You do not have to be selling your home to want to increase its value. As your biggest investment, you should always be on the lookout for ways to increase your home’s value. There are certain projects and upgrades you can do on your house, ranging from minimal cost to a significant upfront investment.

The Best Ways to Increase the Value of Your Home

Depending on your budget, you may have a few options available to you for increasing your home’s value, including:

  • Focusing on Curb Appeal – First impressions matter, especially when it comes to home value. Look at your house from across the street and assess what can be improved. From keeping it well-manicured to adding a few bushes or even fertilizing the lawn to keep it lush and green, small improvements to the exterior will go a long way.
  • Flooring – The quality and appearance of your flooring can make or break your home’s value. If you have worn out carpeting and you are not selling, consider replacing it. If you are selling it, clean up the carpet as much as you can, but do not waste your money replacing it; the new homeowners might do that on their own choosing what they like. They may even decide to replace carpet with hardwood or some other type of flooring.
  • Update the Kitchen – Kitchen updates often yield the highest return on the investment. Because the kitchen is the center of your home, focus your updates here first. From updating appliances to giving your cabinets a new coat of paint, there are plenty of ways to spruce up this focal room in your home.
  • Add a Security System – Home security systems alone do not increase value, but they increase overall appeal and neighborhood desirability. Your home security system gives you and the future homeowners great peace of mind. In addition, if you install a home automation system, you can increase your value.

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe can help you find the right security and automation solutions for your home. Whether you are keen to do this for yourself or while you are selling, let our experts find the right system to suit your needs.

Call GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online to learn more about our home security solutions.

How A Light Bulb Can Ruin Your Life

Can a light bulb start a fire? Absolutely! Any kind of light bulbs, from fluorescent to incandescent to halogen, can cause fires if they are not used correctly. Here are the specific features on common household light bulbs that can potentially lead to fire.

Bottle Wiring

If a light bulb is used too often, then its bottle wiring (the wires you see inside the bulb) can turn brittle because of the excess heat. This is especially possible when the wattage that is being demanded of the bulb exceeds the wattage of the bulb itself. Of course, those brittle wiring conditions can lead to the bulb catching fire. To prevent this, do your best to not run any light bulb more than it needs to be run. For pet heat lamps, there are special light bulbs that can handle the wattage; invest in those bulbs, because they will be able to keep up with the demand.

Enclosed Fixtures

When a light bulb is located inside a glass lighting fixture, it is at risk of catching fire. The main reason for this is that the heat is not able to dissipate as well; the enclosure traps some of the heat, and it can build up to the point of the bulb overheating and catching fire. To minimize the risk, choose a bulb that matches the wattage specification on your lighting fixture (this should be printed on the box, or even on the fixture itself).

Infrastructure Wiring

When a light bulb is running constantly, and it is connected to a fixture that is powered by the wires inside your walls and ceilings, that is a big fire risk. Often, the bottle wiring of a common light bulb cannot handle the high wattage that is coming through the infrastructure wiring. To reduce the risk of fire, do not leave any overhead lights inside the home on overnight. If you are going out of town, do not leave the indoor lights on the entire time (instead, invest in home automation so you can control your lights with your smartphone!).

How can a light bulb start a fire? As you can see, there are several possibilities. Minimize your risk of fire by following these tips for light bulb safety.

Shady Neighbor? See Something…Say Something.

It seems like many people are apprehensive about contacting the authorities when they suspect something illegal is going on in their neighborhoods. This is unfortunate, because people who fail to report illegal activity may actually be putting themselves at risk. Here are some possible consequences of “minding your own business” too much, specifically when you believe your neighbor is committing an ongoing crime.

Protect Your Family From Mistaken Identity

One of the most common scenarios that happen to neighbors of criminals is becoming a mistaken target. For example, if a neighbor is selling illegal drugs or running a prostitution operation out of the home, unsavory characters are bound to come around – and sometimes, those people may knock on the wrong door. So if you are in that situation, and a prospective customer of your neighbor – or worse, someone who has a grudge against them – has never been to their house before, they could mistakenly go to your home instead. Naturally, this could put your family at great risk.

Better To Be Proactive, Now.

Even if they don’t act the first time you meet them, now they have seen you, your home and maybe your children. They may have a fear that you wrote down their license plate and reported them instead of your neighbor, and that fear may cause them to seek retaliation. There are many different possible scenarios. It’s much better to tackle the problem at the root, and that problem is your neighbor who is conducting illegal activity.

Involve The Authorities

You can report him or her anonymously by calling your local police department or Crimestoppers hotline. Later, your neighbor may mention something to you about a visit from the police and ask you if you called them. If that happens, it’s okay to tell them you didn’t. Remember, the bottom line here is ensuring your family’s safety.

Many of us were raised to mind our own business, and that’s good advice in most situations. But when it comes to your family’s security, there are situations where exceptions to the rule can apply. Sometimes, minding your own business comes at a price.

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe is a leading provider of home security systems that can protect your family, and monitor your home 24/7 for intrusion. Contact us today for a free consultation.

What Happens to My Home Security System During a Power Outage?

A power outage is a hassle for you and a golden opportunity for burglars. These outages give burglars a chance to take advantage of homes they would otherwise avoid when the power is on. Not all security systems are vulnerable to power outages and depending on the type you have, your home may remain secure regardless if the lights are out.

Does a Security System Work without Power?

If your home’s alarm system came with a battery backup, it will continue to protect your home. These backup systems can last as long as 24-hours without AC power. Once power is restored, the battery system recharges itself.

You should be able to monitor how much battery life your alarm system has from the control panel. Even though a system has a 24-hour battery life, it may last longer, but it is only guaranteed to provide you with 24-hour protection.

It is best to have an additional 24-hour battery on hand; that way if the outage lasts longer than a full day, you can still protect your home.

The Type of System Matters Too

Batteries are not enough to protect you during a power outage. The type of system you use and how it is monitored also matters.

  • Landline Monitoring – These continue to operate and communicate during power outages.
  • Cellular Monitoring – This is the very reliable and will still operate without power.
  • Broadband Monitoring – This is the most vulnerable because the Internet often goes out along with the power, leaving your system unable to communicate with your monitoring service.

Prepare for a Power Outage

Having an extra battery is important, but if your home has a generator, you can hardwire your security system to that as well. Also, make sure your house has plenty of flashlights. Sometimes, just illuminating the home during a power outage to let burglars know it is occupied will prevent them from taking advantage.

GuardMe Security offers reliable home security systems that can continue to monitor even if the power is out. If you are worried about your system during a power outage, our team can customize your system to give you maximum protection without AC power.

Call GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644. Ask us a question online and a team member will contact you as soon as possible.