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Author: GuardMe Security

Do You Really Know What is Going On?

After a long and exhausting day, you finally drift off to sleep. All of the sudden you hear a distant thud. Or did you? You were just in the middle of a dream, so maybe it was just part of your dream. But you really should find out, even as tired as you are.

Fortunately, with smart security and your home camera system, you do not even need to get out of bed to find out what is going on. All you need to do is check your phone’s security app and view live video or a video clip of any event.

Who is Around the Front Door?

You hear a rustling around the front door but nobody actually knocks. It could be a burglar, you think, or possibly a delivery person. You can’t know for sure unless you look to see who or what is on the other side of the door. One way is to open the door, which could make yourself vulnerable to any intruder. You might check the peephole, but the distorted image isn’t much help. With a video surveillance system and a video doorbell, you can check the camera to see who or what caused the noise.

The Kids are Creating a Ruckus

The kids are old enough to play alone in the backyard but that is no guarantee that they will do it without fighting or getting into other trouble. In fact, it is pretty much a sure thing that the Nurf war will erupt into an actual war. While you are busy taking care of other duties, you can monitor the kids with smart video monitoring by watching on your phone, tablet, computer or even streaming to your tv. Now you’ll always know “whodunit” –and have verifiable proof.

There Has Been Some Burglaries in the Neighborhood

You go outside to find the neighbor talking to law enforcement. Theirs was the third home on the street to be burglarized in the last three months and police suspect it could be the same person. Since your home is protected with home security, the police hope that your camera caught a glimpse of them. As it turns out, one of the cameras did capture them in the act in clear, crisp HD video.

What Happens When You Aren’t Home?

If you are waiting on a package or on visitors to arrive at your home but need to step away for a few minutes, it is difficult to know whether the visitor came while you were gone or if they are just late. Smart security cameras solve the problem by sending you alerts of activity.

Home security technologies from GuardMe are for far more than just protecting your property. They also keep you informed of what is going on inside and out, every hour of every day.

What to Do When There Has Been a Burglary in the Neighborhood

You wake up to find that your neighbor’s house has just been burglarized and now a million thoughts are running through your head. What if it had been your home? What if the kids were home? How did the burglars go unnoticed in such a small, tight community? What if they come back? Most importantly—what can you do to make your home and community more secure?

Though it is unnerving, it is smart to be concerned for community safety after a neighborhood crime like burglary. There is an increased likelihood of a second crime for many reasons, including the burglar’s now familiarity with the neighborhood. The steps you take now can protect your home. Here are 8 steps to take after a burglary in the neighborhood.

Gather More Information

Find out as much as you can about the crime. Knowing things like how the burglar gained entrance can help you evaluate your own security. Details such as what was taken can give you an indication as to whether it was one or more intruders.

Conduct a Security Evaluation

Evaluate your entire property for security weaknesses and find ways to address the problems. It is particularly important to address perimeter barriers, door and window security, and video surveillance.

Get a Security System

Burglars report that they are much less likely to burglarize a home that has visible home security measures.

Install Motion Activated Lights

Burglars want to do what they do without being seen or caught. Effective lighting is a strong and smart deterrent.

Join a Neighborhood Watch

If your neighborhood has a neighborhood watch program, join it. If it does not have one, start one. Joining together to proactively watch for crime increases your safety.

Talk to Neighbors About Home Security

Your home security system not only increases your security, but the security of the entire neighborhood. Even better, the more people within the neighborhood that have visible home security systems, the less attractive it becomes to criminals.

Develop Better Security Habits

Make better security habits a priority. For example, always lock doors and windows and set the home security alarm system and never advertise belongings.

Take Pictures of Your Valuables

If you have not already, take a pictorial inventory of your valuables for insurance purposes.

Important Security Tips

  • Criminals use the front door as their primary form of entry. Practice front door security by adding a video doorbell system and additional outdoor security cameras. Consider installing high security doors and smart locks.
  • Use home automation and alerts to warn you of any problems.
  • Use home automation to always appear home by setting scenes for lighting and entertainment.
  • Opt in to home security monitoring.

Neighborhood crime is concerning and unnerving. The best thing to do when there has been a crime in the neighborhood is to take action immediately to improve your safety. Since 1997, GuardMe Security has been helping residents do just that.

4 Benefits of a Wireless Camera System

It is hard to believe just how wireless our society has become. Knowing that a huge segment of today’s society has never used or seen a rotary phone, and some have never had anything but a cell phone. It seems like everything has gone wireless, including home security systems. While sometimes it is hard to see new things take the forefront, wireless home security camera systems have some tremendous advantages that will make you want to cut the wires.

The biggest advantage of wireless security camera systems is that they are, of course, wire-free. So, that may be obvious, but what does it mean in a practical sense?

More Installation Options

Wired systems depend on being physically connected. This means that they can encounter physical barriers that make it difficult or impossible to install in certain areas. Wireless camera systems do not have this problem and can be placed anywhere within the system area.

Faster Installation

Wireless camera installation is much simpler than for wired cameras, which can require making holes in the wall and managing all of the lines or wires. Easier and faster installation means very little mess and disruption to your day.

Get Instant Alerts

With traditional wired surveillance systems, you have to wait to review the recorded tape to see if anything went wrong. With wireless security cameras, you can get an alert the moment motion triggers them. The alert goes directly to your smartphone, tablet, or desktop so you can instantly evaluate the situation and decide if it needs your attention or that of law enforcement. It is also far easier to find the recorded event and can go right to it, rather than have to view hours of unrelated and uneventful images. It is also useful in daily, practical living, too! Instant alerts let you see video of kids arriving safely home from school.

View Live Video Feeds

Another advantage to wireless security camera technology is the ability to view live feed, any time and from anywhere. From your smart device, you can tap into individual cameras to view live feed so you can ensure teens or seniors are safe, or monitor caregivers. Any time you like, you can check in on pets or check the status of the home for added peace of mind. You can also check outdoor camera feeds to monitor anyone lurking around the property or check on any suspicious activity.

That means you can check in on the home, valuables, family, or pets any time right from your phone to make sure everything is okay.

Since 1997, GuardMe Security has been at the forefront of equipping homes and businesses with security that matters.

It’s Not Just in The Movies. Burglars Do Return to the Scene of the Crime

“Burglars always return to the scene of the crime”. We’ve all heard it before, and probably dismissed it. Returning to a home that has already been burgled seems like a ridiculous waste of time, not to mention dangerous. Why would any burglar return? It does not happen in every instance, but it does in fact happen frequently. Understanding why can help prevent it from happening to you.

You and Your Neighbors are at Increased Risk

If you have been recently burglarized, both you and your neighbors are at increased risk of being burglarized in the near future, crime retorts show. Most often the second crime is committed by the same person or persons as the first, but not always. In some cases, the second crime is committed by another criminal who also found your home or your neighbor’s home an attractive and easy mark for the same reasons.

You’ve Restocked

Burglars know that you will most likely replace stolen items once insurance has a chance to pay the claim, usually within 6 to 8 weeks. Now all of those popular items such as televisions and other valuable electronics are all new, making them even more attractive.

They Know Your Home

Another reason a burglar would return to your home is that they already invested time in getting to know the layout and learning more about you. The first time they took what they could; the second time they know what else there is to take and exactly where to find it. In the burglar’s mind, going back saves time.

They Know Your Security Measures

If you get burglarized, it is likely that you do not have a home security system. Burglars are up to 60% more likely to avoid a home with visible security. Once they make entry, they know all they need to know about your security measures—or lack of them.

They Have a Reason to Go Back

Sometimes a burglar returns to the scene of the crime because they want a specific item they may have seen the first time. It may be an item that required more work, or is something for which they now have a buyer.

You Will Be Caught Off Guard

Who really thinks a burglar will come back once they have taken what they want? After a crime, you are busy just getting things back on track. What burglars take, such as computers, can impact your ability to work. They may have taken irreplaceable family heirlooms which has left you heartbroken and vulnerable. Crime takes an emotional toll and criminals know a good time to strike again is while you are off kilter. It’s an ugly tactic, but crime is merciless.

Avoid becoming a victim of crime. Review the security measures you have in place and find out more about how home security and home automation can provide valuable layers of protection. Since 1997, GuardMe Security has been working to help the community equip themselves with the most effective tools available to deter crime and provide security.

Home Security Features: How Important are Water Sensors?

Home security and automation systems are more advanced than ever, and come with a host options and features. More, and more advanced features are awesome, but it can be hard to know which ones you need and what values they add. Water sensors are so unobtrusive that it can cause people to wonder is they are a really necessary part of a home security system. Let us assure you, these little devices are worth far more than their weight in gold when it comes to protecting your home from water damage.

Water Always Spells Trouble

At first thought, water and leak sensors seem like something you could possibly do without, but doing so could add up to big trouble. Just think of the force of water on nature and how little it takes to create damage in a very short time. The same is true in your home. In the home, a small leak can lead to extensive property damage in the flooring and walls and even lead to serious health hazards such as the growth of mold long before you even notice.

Not All Water Problems are Immediately Apparent

When most of us think of common household water problems we think of overflowing toilets or a burst pipe gushing from under the kitchen sink—things that are certain to get our attention if we are home. We are not always home however, and not all leaks are so forceful or dramatic that we notice them right away. Most leaks start small and out of sight and cause tremendous damage, such as rot and mold, over time.

Water Damage is Costly

Water damage is one of the three largest and most common claims filed with insurance companies, right up there with fire and burglary! Why? Because the effects of water are far more extensive and damaging than most people realize. Not only will it damage within the flooring and walls, it can also damage electrical systems, heating and A/C systems, as well as furniture and personal possessions. The cost of damage adds up quickly.

Water Sensors Can Help Prevent Bigger Problems

A small leak all on its own is problem enough, but it can also be a sign of bigger hidden or future trouble. Water sensors help detect problems in the earliest stages so you can fix it and look for additional problems before they become costly.

Water Sensors and Home Security Systems

Water sensors are part of environmental protection features offered within home security systems. They are small, unobtrusive devices placed where water leaks are most likely to occur, such as behind toilets, under sinks, and near water using appliances like dishwashers, clothes washers, and water heaters. When the sensors come in contact with water it triggers an alarm output. This triggers a notification sent to your phone so you are informed immediately. If you have a monitored home security system, the alert goes to the monitoring station who can prompt emergency response.

Water sensors provide the earliest possible warning of leaks so that you can respond quickly to prevent damage. GuardMe Security offers the most cutting-edge technologies available and backs them with 24/7 monitoring.

5 Quick Questions to Determine If You Need Home Security and Automation

The decision to get a home security and home automation system is not always easy. For some, it is because having a home security system is a convenience and therefore a luxury. Home security does indeed add convenience and an element of luxury, but it is not an “extra” or frivolous buy.
An Easy Way to Determine if You Need Home Security and Automation
There are many important reasons to consider getting home security. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help make your decision clear.

Are You Concerned About Crime?

You cannot predict crime and no neighborhood is crime-free. Being concerned about crime is smart because it can prompt you to be proactive and take preventative steps. Studies show that as many as 60% of burglars choose to avoid homes with home security systems. If you have concerns about crimes such as theft, home invasion, or vandalism, having a home security system is one of the best measures you can take.

Do You Receive Packages on Your Doorstep?

Online shopping is a huge convenience—that is, if the package does not get stolen from your doorstep. With the rise in online shopping, package theft has become big business for thieves. If you have a video doorbell, you can get an alert when someone is at or near the door so you know the package has arrived. Since the doorbell also has 2-way communication, you can talk to the delivery person and ask them to place the package in a safe place. You can even unlock the smart lock and let them slip it inside the door or garage and then lock up when they leave.

Are You Energy Conscious?

Saving energy is important for the environment and our budget. Each day, we waste an untold amount of energy leaving lights and electronics on or running heating and air conditioning unnecessarily. Home automation solves the problem by responding to your usage patterns and scenes settings.

Do You Have Children?

If you have children, you know how quickly they can get into trouble and find ways to make even safe activities unsafe! Whether home or away, you can monitor their activities so that they stay safe and you have peace of mind.

Have You Lost or Forgotten Your Keys?

If you have every spent those frantic moments looking for the keys to the house so you can leave and hopefully make it to work on time, smart locks are not just a sanity saver—they could be a job saver, too. And if you have ever lost your keys outside of the home, you know the fear and uncertainty that brings. Smart locks do not require a physical key and so can never be lost. You can also provide different codes to each member of the family and temporary codes for guests!

GuardMe Security starts out two steps ahead of other life and property protection companies—designing, installing, and servicing virtually any type of system. Outstanding customer service and user-friendly systems make GuardMe Security customers the core of the business.

Home Security Tips: Securing a Child’s Room or Playroom

Every parent knows the importance of childproofing a home to keep little ones safe from danger. However, even with a parent’s best effort, children seem to find danger and accidents happen. In fact, thousands of kids are injured seriously enough to require medical attention each day, and some even sadly result in fatalities.

A parent can’t stand over their child every moment of the day, so how can they add much-needed safety in the areas they spend so much time, such as in their room or playroom? Here’s how to make those spaces safe and increase your awareness.


Video Surveillance with Mobile Access

Even when your child is playing nicely in the room, you still want to keep an eye on them while you are in another room completing your daily agenda. With video surveillance, you can be two places at once getting things done and keep tabs on the children.  By installing a video surveillance camera in your child’s room and play area, you can keep a live feed playing on your smartphone or tablet so you are always watching.

Use Sensors

Windows, whether at ground level or on a second level, pose a huge danger to children. Not only can someone get it, children can use them to get out. Use window sensors to know if a window opens or if glass breaks. Also use sensors to keep kids out of areas that could pose a threat, such as the closet, or to be alerted if they unexpectedly leave the room.

Set up Alerts

Use your home security system app to set up notifications that inform you of the status of security issues, such as open and unlocked doors, open windows or garage door. It only takes a moment for a child to slip out of the home and into danger.  Alerts can also help provide the earliest possible warning to dangers such as smoke, fire, or the invisible and odorless but deadly gas, carbon monoxide.  Alerts are especially helpful if you have a busy child or household.

Discrete Cameras

Small, inconspicuous, or hidden video surveillance cameras are a help to ensure the safety of your child under all circumstances, even while being supervised someone else. The advances in video surveillance technologies have created widespread availability and options in small cameras that can connect to your security system. By viewing live feed from our phone, you can act on any problems immediately.

About GuardME

GuardMe Security is a single source electronic security provider, serving clients with high-quality equipment and exceptional service.

Using Home Automation Preset is Your Key to Simplicity

One of the best reasons to have home automation is to have a home that works for you. That’s the beauty of smart technologies– it provides tremendous flexibility in setting the stage for life to happen just the way you need, and want. One of the ways that happens is by setting the stage using home automation preset tools. Using preset settings or scenes you can preset things like lighting, temperature, and electronics to meet the needs of particular situations. Check out some of these useful preset suggestions.

Welcome Home

Isn’t it nice to be welcomed home after a long day to a home’s embrace? This preset does just that. Try these tips.

  • Use geo-fencing to have the system respond to your presence and prepare the home as you draw near.
  • Turn-off the home security system.
  • Turn on the interior lights.
  • Turn on the porch or walkway lights.
  • Open the garage door.
  • Adjust the temperature using temperature sensors.
  • Unlock the smart locks.


Getting enough and quality sleep impacts everything from productivity to physical and mental health. Why not use your home to help facilitate better sleep patterns? Here’s how.

  • Turn off main lighting.
  • Turn off televisions and electronics.
  • Adjust the temperature using temperature sensors.
  • Closes the smart garage door.
  • Lock the doors using smart locks.
  • Use motion sensored lighting to activate lighting when needed.
  • Activate the video surveillance system.
  • Activate the home security alarm system.

Great Start Mornings

Getting the morning off to a great start sets the tone for the entire day, so why not use preset to get the day started right? Here are some great ways to make that happen.

  • Have the temperature adjust to encourage getting out of bed.
  • Use the lighting to simulate a sunrise.
  • Have enabled appliances, such as coffee pots, get the day started.
  • Use home automation preset options to turn on music or have the television turn on so you can catch the news.


If you have a baby at home, you know just how sensitive they are to lights, temperature and noise. Using a baby setting is probably a parent’s best tool in a happy, well rested baby.

  • Turn off lighting for naptime.
  • Keep the temperature perfect for baby, not too warm or cold.
  • Turn on an enabled whitenoise device.
  • Turn on smart cameras
  • Turn on motion sensors

Visitor Mode

Keep things safe and comfortable for your guests.

  • Turn on walkway lighting.
  • Light up the porch.
  • Have music set to party playlist.

Relaxation Mode

We all need down time…

  • Smart lighting preset dims lights.
  • Use the preset setting to have other lights and appliance turn off.
  • Have the music or television turn on.

Away Settings

Getting off to work or school is always a flurry of activity where lots can get forgotten in the shuffle. Use away scenes to keep everything in check.

  • Turn off lights
  • Turn off appliances
  • Adjust temperature with the smart thermostat.
  • Have the smart garage door close as you leave.
  • Arm the smart security system.

About GuardMe Security

Using preset scenes simplifies the flow of your day. It is a simple act that can empower your day and help fuel your life. Based in NJ, Guardme Security can help you take control of your days with interactive smart security that fits your needs and your life.


Video Monitoring: Top Features You Need In Smart Security

One of the biggest advantages of smart security is having complete access 24/7. That is especially true of video surveillance systems. Today, owners use video surveillance systems for much more than capturing would-be criminal acts. Because of smart technologies, these systems have become an integrated life tool for family oversight, time management, property management and a host of other practical applications. This is why having the right features matters so much.

Video monitoring allows you to see exactly what’s going on and capture important moments or critical events with reliable recording. Here are some things to look for in a best-in-class video solution.

Don’t Live Without Live Streaming Video

A great video surveillance system and monitoring service provides access to live feeds so you can always see what’s going on on your property. Here are key features you  should consider when evaluating live streaming video.

  • Smartphone access. Find out if the system can be accessed via your smartphone or other smart device.
  • HD Quality.  Higher quality images can make a huge difference if there is a security event that requires being able to clearly identify a criminal.
  • Low-light capability. Look for a system with great low-light capabilities. A component such as a video doorbell with low-light capabilities ensures you can identify people or suspicious activity even under less than optimal lighting conditions.
  • Ability to control PTZ cameras. If you want or have a pan, tilt, zoom camera find out if it is accessible and able to be controlled remotely from a smartphone, tablet, and web so that you can gain different views of the location.
  • View multiple locations. If you own multiple properties or have a need to keep an eye multiple sites at one location the ability to view those simultaneously is an asset.
  • Integrating existing video. Look for a system that integrates existing cameras.

Smart Triggers and Video Alerts

Smart video monitoring does much more than traditional, stand-alone monitoring. Here are a few of the important features you’ll need.

  • Smart capture. In the event of an alarm, you want a system that automatically captures pre and post-alarm video footage.
  • Ability to set custom triggers. No activity is the same, so it helps to be able to set custom triggers that send alerts if the activity meets your criteria, such as a door opening between certain hours or if a car pulls into the driveway.

Location Based Response

How you use a smart security system varies according to your location. That’s the power of geo-based responses. With this, your system responds to triggers based on your location, such as sending an open door alert if you are away, or have outdoor cameras active when you are home or not, while limiting indoor cameras when the home is occupied.

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe Security is New Jersey’s premier provider of interactive smart security systems, providing  local, personal service. Contact us today for a free home security consultation.