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Author: GuardMe Security

Why are Smart Security Cameras So Popular?

There is no question that smart home technology is revolutionizing how we live our lives. In fact, experts believe that by 2022, and individual home will have an average of 500 smart devices. So, what smart device is the cart topper? A recent statistic gives us a clue: In 2015, 61% of smart home revenue came from security cameras. Why is the smart security camera the most popular smart home device?

You Can See What Matters, Instantly

There is never a need to wonder what is going on at home or if your valuables are safe when smart cameras provide instant alerts with smart clip capture. Smart cameras also make it easy to check in on the kids or pets and see them in real time and be sure they are safe in the event of an alarm.

You Can Set Custom Alerts

Smart security cameras are connected to the security system and because of this you can gain even greater insights with custom triggers. You can choose to receive alerts for the triggers that matter to you most, such as when a car pulls into the driveway, a package delivery, when the front door is opened or an alarm event.

You Can Protect Your Family with Push Notification

Imagine being sound asleep and there is an intruder near the front door, just feet away from your children. It would be terrifying if not for your security tools. When your camera detects motion, it can send a push notification to your phone. This allows you to react quickly by turning on the siren and call the police in a matter of seconds. Even better, you can receive push notifications no matter where you are so you can protect your family even if you are miles away.

Smart Cameras Capture Pre-alarm and Post-alarm Footage Automatically

In the event of an alarm event, smart cameras automatically capture both pre-alarm and post-alarm footage. Together with alerts gained from the security sensors placed within the home, you have a complete picture of any unusual activity, along with video proof.

Smart Cameras are Affordable

In addition to a slew of other advantages, smart cameras are affordable. Thanks to the widespread availability of the components that comprise smart camera technology, the cameras are incredibly affordable.

If you have any questions about this or other smart home technology, give GuardMe Security a call. Guardme has been family owned and operated for over 20 years.

Ambient Assisted Living: Independence Made Possible With Home Automation

Many families include aging adults whose needs are increasing, yet still have the need and desire for independence and autonomy. Personal care of loved ones is a huge concern and families struggle with wanting to provide the best and safest care and oversight possible while still preserving freedom and dignity. Increasingly, home automation and home security technologies are making the way in the delivery of care by providing enabling technologies for something called Ambient Assisted Living.

It’s Technology Reaching Out and Reaching In

If you have not heard of Ambient Assisted Living, let us explain. It’s the employment of technologies and systems that allow extended independent living while enhancing care and quality of life. This process was traditionally in nursing homes and hospitals and involved anything that enhanced care and enabled patients to do more on their own where it was possible. Now, home automation and security systems are being used as ambient assisted living systems, or AALS, which are used as extensions of care. This allows many individuals to continue to live in their own homes, sometimes indefinitely.

Smart Home Technology and Ambient Assisted Living

Smart home technology is a broad term. When used, it generally includes both home security and home automation technologies. When used for Ambient Assisted Living applications, the ultimate goal is to increase accessibility, security, comfort, safety, and social interactions while providing loved ones with more tools to ensure the best possible care.

Living Well with Smart Home Technologies

Until not so long ago, smart home technologies were associated with science fiction. Today, with rapid technological development and widespread adoption, the technologies are being used in support of ambient assisted living. Here are some of the ways it is being used.

  • Increased Socialization. As we age, leaving the home becomes increasingly difficult and sometimes impossible. Yet our need for social interaction does not decrease. Studies show that social engagement has a positive impact on both physical and mental health. It helps fight depression, lowers blood pressure, improves memory, encourages physical activity and much more. Home automation helps keep seniors connect to loved ones, simplifies the use of many technologies that enhance communication and the delivery of information that keeps them connected to world events. Maintaining social awareness is related to having a social presence which gives us a feeling of purpose.
  • Home automation is personally adaptive. Depending on the level of need or desire, home automation technologies are adaptable to a wide range of needs that help the senior, and their loved ones who are helping provide care and support. For example, many tasks such as turning on and off lights, locking doors, and turning off or on appliances can be done through home automation, eliminating the tasks to help those with physical limitations or memory concerns. Technologies can be integrated so lighting can signal a visitor at the door for those who are hearing impaired.
  • It facilitates better care. For caregivers, security sensors can send alerts of doors open at unexpected times, letting them know to check security cameras. A lack of activity could also indicate an immediate need, even if the senior did not use a personal safety device. This personalized and context-driven application helps ensure the early detection of problems which triggers earlier emergency or medical interventions.

Our loved ones want to stay in their homes and enjoy an independent life as long as possible. Today, it can be achieved safely and conveniently using home automation and home security technologies. Guardme Security is family owned and operated and care for every customer as if they were members of our own family. If you have any questions about home automation and ambient assisted living, please give us a call today.

3 Things You Should Know About Burglary Prevention

The good news is that the incidents of burglaries dropped 7.8 percent last year according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting program.
The bad news is that there were still over 1,500 burglaries, or one every 15 seconds. That is still a significant number of robberies, and all of them provide important data on how burglaries happen. Here are three critical things you should know to help lower your chances of becoming a burglary statistic.

1 Burglars Look for Unsecured Entrances First

It seems like a no brainer—lock your windows and doors. But we often forget this and burglars know it. In fact, one in three residential burglaries are simple “unlawful entries” versus “breaking and entering”. This means that the burglar entered the home through an unsecured window or door.

2 Burglars Wait Until You Go to Work to Strike

The first priority of the burglar is to get your stuff. The second is to do it without getting caught. Because of this, they tend to work the same hours as you do. It surprises most people that most burglaries happen in broad daylight.

3 Burglars Evaluate Your Home’s Security

Just having a security system serves as a deterrence. In a study of convicted burglars, 83 percent said they checked for security systems before burglarizing a home. Over 60 percent said they would avoid homes with security systems and 87 percent said they would always or sometimes retreat if a security system was discovered in the course of a burglary.

One Important Solution

Smart home security is one solution that solves a multitude of burglary prevention issues. If you forget to lock your door, your system can send you an alert to remind you to tap the smart lock, close the garage door, or arm the security system. And when you leave, you can make it difficult or impossible to tell whether the house is till occupied or not by answering the door through the video doorbell and simulating activity in the house. You can also tap into security camera footage if you suspect unusual activity.

GuardMe Security provides interactive, smart security systems that not only protect your home, but also let you get more out of life. Call GuardMe Security today to find out more about how a home security system can help protect your home 24/7 –and provide you with the peace of mind you deserve.

What is it Like to Experience a Break-In?

Experiencing a break-in, whether you are physically present during the break-in or witness the aftermath, can be traumatic. Regardless of whether anything was stolen or not, having your privacy invaded is disconcerting. Your home no longer feels safe. What if the burglars got away with “too little” and decide to come back for more? Did they find personal information they will use to cause you further distress? You are never sure what might be next.

Emotional Insecurity After a Break-In—What Can You Do?

Break-ins do not occur in poor neighborhoods; in fact, suburban neighborhoods with low crime rates can still experience a break-in. While it is true that most break-ins occur while homeowners are away, a robber may attempt to break into a home if they think the homeowners are not there, even when they really are.

If you have recently experienced a break-in, you will go through a rush of emotions. While that is inevitable, there are steps you can take to regain your peace of mind.

  • Alleviate Your Fears by Installing a Home Security System – The home that you once thought was safe and secure has betrayed you and you may fear that it will happen again. Your home didn’t betray you—it just wasn’t set up to protect you! The first thing to do is to install a robust home security system with alarm monitoring.
  • Review Your Visitors – You may find yourself doubting everyone you meet. The next door-to-door salesman you may suspect as a potential robber or the next service professional you may fear will break-in after they see your valuables. Perhaps even the cleaning lady you hired only a few months ago. With video surveillance or a security camera, you can see who visits your home to make sure you trust the right people.
  • Talk to Your Loved Ones – It is not uncommon for break-in victims to feel as though they have been violated. Someone entered your home, walked through your personal space and took items that had deep meaning for you and your loved ones. Make it a point to talk to each family member and determine exactly what was stolen from your home. Then help your loved ones get over the loss by talking about the happy memories and perhaps trying to find replacements for what they lost. You will never be able to replace the sentimental value, but if it was an item that also had a functional value, replacement may help to some extent. For example, if a walking stick with a gold-plated handle was stolen, it isn’t just the monetary value or sentiment you need to replace; your parent needs the stick to get around the house.
  • Eliminate the Anxiety with Integrated Security – Most homeowners that have experienced a break-in will suffer from mild cases of anxiety. After all, they have to cope with the stress and emotions associated with that break-in, file insurance paperwork, deal with police reports, and more. Have your home security service provider come in to carefully assess your system requirements. That way, you know that the new system you install is not an off-the-shelf solution that may or may not work for your home. You can be sure that the customized installation has the capability to keep you and your loved ones safe along with the possessions and valuables in your home.

Home security systems can help prevent you and your loved ones from having to experience a break-in or the whirlwind of emotions that come from the aftermath. GuardMe Security can help make your home feel safe and secure. Our state-of-the-art technology can monitor your home while you are there and also when you are away.

Call GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online to learn more about how you can secure your home. 

A Beginner’s Guide to Smart Home Tech: Energy Control

After improved home security, saving energy is the second most popular reason for installing smart home technology. That makes a lot of sense since it is one of the most powerful and helpful tools in energy conservation available today. But smart home technologies can seem complex and intimidating if you are new to them, and many people new to them have many questions especially as it relates to heating and cooling.

Where it all Begins. Smart Thermostats

The right smart thermostat can save you hundreds of dollars in energy costs each year, and more when coupled with other smart home technologies. But what exactly is a smart thermostat? Let us break it down.

Smart vs Programmable

First, don’t confuse a smart thermostat with a programmable thermostat. Though you may sometimes see the term used interchangeably and the two have some things in common, there are differences. A programmable thermostat has settings you can use throughout the day. A smart thermostat allows you to control and monitor your thermostat automatically and remotely and respond to certain cues to help reduce your energy consumption and lower your energy costs.

It’s All in the Components

There are three important components that make smart thermostats intelligent.

  1.       Innovative controls. Smart thermostats are far easier to operate than standard programmable thermostats and able to be controlled from more than one interface.
  2.       Sensors. In addition to temperature sensors, smart thermostats are usually equipped with additional sensors such as motion sensors or remote temperature sensors for other rooms.
  3.       Automation. Smart thermostats turn information gained from the sensors into automatic actions. This is what allows the thermostat to respond to and learn your activity patterns or react in real time to make things comfortable according to your preferences.

Smart Thermostat Tips for Buyers

  •         Ask about the thermostat’s sensors. The more sensors, the more it is able to read and respond to your activity and needs.
  •         Ask about what powers the platform. A whole-home platform integrates the thermostat into a complete home ecosystem connected to other devices.
  •         Installation is tricky. It is best to have knowledge of heating and cooling systems as well as electrical wiring to avoid damaging your HVAC system. Most times it is best left to the professionals.

While complex in nature and technology, smart technologies are easy to use and integrate into your life. If you have questions about smart home technologies and want to learn more, feel free to call GuardMe Security today. We have been serving the community with custom integrated home security systems since 1997.

Why Guys Love Home Automation

The average guy works over 8 hours a day at work and with that work comes a lot of stress and anxiety. It’s a competitive and stressful world out there, and it takes no hostages. That’s why making the most of every minute of time off matters.
Everyone needs time and space to detox from the day at work. That’s why it feels so good to come home; a place completely separate from the stress of the world. And that is why guys should love home automation it has the power to make your home an ideal haven and a lot more fun. Let us prove our point with a few examples.

Sink in Your Chair and Just Enjoy

Sit down, kick off your shoes and let the stress melt away. Now, instead of trying to find the “right” remote for the television, cable, gaming, or stereo systems, you can turn on what you need from one place—like your phone or tablet. Next, make the room just right, lighting, temperature, sound… all of it. With a touch of the button, the stress starts to fade away.

Home Date Night

Not every date has to be a night on the town. How about ordering dinner in and cue up your home theater system, and dim the lights for some great alone time.

Game Night

Another reason guys should love home automation is that it makes having friends over to enjoy the game even more enjoyable. No more doorbell game interruptions; you can just see who is there through the video doorbell and decide if it needs your attention. The channel is set, lighting is perfect, and the sound makes you feel as if you are there in person. He only drawback is that nobody will want to leave.

If You Must Work from Home, Make it Worthwhile

Just like home automation can provide an exciting environment for game day, it can also set the stage for ultimate productivity for those times when you do have to work from home. Better productivity means more time for other pursuits.

Improved Family Time

With the time we spend with family rare and precious, it is important to make the most of it. With home automation, you can monitor and manage the entire house without taking time away from playing ball with the kids or rocking the baby. Now, only the most important (as in life threatening) things can drag you away.
If you want to make your home an ideal retreat, Call GuardMe today. GuardMe has been providing innovative, interactive home security and automation technologies since 1997.

Are You Really Ready for a Smart Home?

If you have not already jumped into the smart home revolution, you may be holding out because you want to be sure you are really ready. It may be that with a jam-packed schedule, you have not had time to dive in and investigate whether or not home automation technologies can actually meet any of your needs. Don’t worry. It is always good to do your research before buying in to any technology, and even better to make sure that the technology is right for you and your household, great or not.

Professionally designed and integrated home automation technologies are not for everyone, but nearly everyone can benefit from them in a multitude of ways. If you want to determine if home automation fits your lifestyle, ask yourself these important questions.

  1. Does my life get bogged down with tasks that could be simplified?
  2. Am I always sure that I locked the doors?
  3. Does it drive me crazy when I can’t be sure if I turned off an appliance before leaving for the day?
  4. Are my electricity bills higher than they could be?
  5. Is my entertainment system more difficult to use than I like?
  6. Do I have multiple remote controls to manage several systems?
  7. Does my home have more than one thermostat?
  8. Would I benefit from being able to keep better tabs on the kids?
  9. Would making my home look occupied even when I am away be helpful?
  10. Would being able to access my home security system (such as checking video surveillance), even when I am not home be an advantage?
  11. Would being able to control things like lighting, heating and cooling systems, appliances, and security from anywhere at any time provide additional convenience and peace of mind.
  12. Does home automation provide additional safety through lighting, appliance, and security control?
  13. Would setting home automation scenes increase productivity and organization?
  14. Do I provide care to someone who would benefit from a more controlled atmosphere?
  15. Do I provide care for someone that needs additional oversight but also to retain dignity and independence?
  16. Would I like my home to be more welcoming?
  17. Do I travel frequently?
  18. Are there many people going and coming from the home?
  19. Have I had a burglary?
  20. Am I comfortable using mobile devices and apps?

Home automation can seem intimidating at first blush, but the truth is – home automation technologies simplify, not complicate your life. If you answered yes to even a portion of the questions, chances are good that you are ready for home automation technologies.

GuardMe Security is a single-source provider of interactive, smart security systems for homes and businesses. Contact us today for a complementary on site consultation.

6 Ways to Have Smarter and Safer Home In 2017

The beginning of the year is a great time to evaluate many different facets of your life and make changes to make improvements, whether it is lifestyle changes like eating healthier or making life simpler or safer in some way. We’d like to jump in and offer some easy ways to upgrade your life with smart safety improvements.

Make a Natural Disaster Kit

Sure, we hope we never have to experience things like storms, earthquakes, fires, or floods but those things do happen and they can happen to us. If you do not have one already, upgrade your life with a disaster preparedness kit. Be sure that your kit is enough to care for you and your family with food and supplies for at least 72 hours. You can find some disaster kit recommendations at the Red Cross, and CDC websites. If you have pets, check out the ASPCA for disaster preparedness kits for pets.

Switch to Smart Locks

It is a small but revolutionary change. In order of percent of burglaries, the primary point of entry of the front door, so reinforcing the front door with great locks is, well, smart. Smart locks solve a lot of problems, like the kids forgetting the keys or not knowing when the kids get home. Not to mention solving the age-old question of whether or not you really locked the door when you left for the day. With individual user codes and remote access, you never have to wonder.

Do a General Home Inspection

This small act can save you a lot of money and improve your safety by catching small fixes early. Check for things that often get ignored until something catastrophic or expensive happens such as the roof, pipes, heating and cooling system, or roofing.

Get a Smart Smoke Detector

Dead batteries cause 24% of smoke detector failures. A smart smoke detector automatically tests battery levels and when part of a monitored home security system, offers a host of other advantages.

Invest in a Home Automation and Home Security System

Did you know that homes without security systems are 300% more likely to be broken in to? A home automation system used in conjunction with home security offers a powerful suite of tools to keep your family safe.

Install Perimeter Security

Make sure your home is not a magnate for crime. Take steps to improve your security by adding outside lights, installing fencing, and using outside security cameras.

Now those are some changes we can all resolve to keep! If you have any questions about home and life security and home automation, please Give GuardMe a call.

Burglar Deterrents: Do This, Not That

It is estimated that a home burglary happens every 15 seconds somewhere in the United States. That means, in the span of one short commercial break on television, two homes were burglarized and two family’s lives changed forever. One of the big reasons so many burglaries take place is that nobody every expects that they could become a target. It is something that happens to the house down the street, or in another town. Because of this underlying belief, many homeowners make mistakes in how they approach burglary deterrents.

If you want to fortify your home with layers of deterrents that will make even the most skilled burglars think twice, consider our Do This Not That list of Burglar Deterrents.

Do This. Burglary Deterrents That Work

Visible Door and Window Locks

Burglars enter homes through doors and windows so visible, sturdy locks is an important factor in keeping them out. Having upgraded locks tells them that you likely have other home security features in place.

Lock Your Doors

This may seem obvious, but a surprising number of burglars report walking in through an unlocked door. Lock the doors when you leave, but also while you are home. If you, like most people, leave in a rush each day and can never be sure the doors are locked, then use home automation and security features that allow you to check the status of the locks and lock them remotely if necessary.

Get a Home Security Check

Many local police departments offer home security checks. Call and ask if they will come and walk around the inside and outside of the property and make suggestions for improving your safety.

Install a Home Security System

Opt in to the most comprehensive security system you can afford. The more elements you incorporate, you add layers of barriers to the burglar. Motion and glass break sensors can send an early and immediate warning to the central station for swift response. Security cameras are also a huge deterrence as burglars, of course, do not want to get caught.

Motion Activated Lights

Keep all parts of your property illuminated, and for dork shadowed places, use motion activated floodlights.

Not That: Deterrents that Just Don’t Work

Alarm Company Signs

There is something to be said for not using alarm company signs. Burglars are experts at what they do and can spot fake signs from a million miles away. Even using real alarm signs could pose a problem as it gives them information about your alarm company, and thus potentially something about your system.

Leaving the Lights On

Anything static, whether it is lights off for an extended time or lights on, is a beacon that tells burglars you are not home and your house is open for business.

Pausing Mail and Newspaper Delivery

While it is good not to have papers piling up at your door, it can be just as obvious if there is no activity at all.

Hiding Valuables

While hiding valuables may provide some deterrence, professional thieves are savvy and know just about every trick in the book. So, if you hide your valuables, get creative.

Getting a Big Dog

We love man’s best friend. Really, we do. But using a dog as a main burglar deterrent just isn’t as effective as people think. Dogs can be distracted, or worse, harmed in the course of a burglary. It certainly is beneficial to have a barking dog give you warning and give a thief some pause, it is best to have additional safety measures in place.

Guard Your home from intrusion, fire, and environmental hazards with cutting edge technologies. For professionally installed and monitored systems, call GuardMe today.