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Author: GuardMe Security

Smart Home Security Saves You Stress Over the Holidays

The holidays bring joy and fun with your family and friends, but they also bring stress and worry. There are package thieves to worry about as well as cold weather and vacations. But smart home security has your back with intelligent ways to manage your home for the holidays. Here are some of the ways that your security system can help protect your family and home over the holidays.

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Practical Home Security Tips For The Holidays

Enjoying the season of giving is what the winter holidays are all about. However, because thieves know that homes during the holidays are filled with gifts, it should also be a time of vigilance. Take these precautions to ensure that your home is protected from a holiday break-in this winter.

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Kitchen Tips to Make Your Thanksgiving is Memorable for the Right Reasons

When most people think of Thanksgiving, they picture grandma’s infamous stuffing and your mom’s incredible turkey and gravy. It’s for happy memories and not tragedy and loss. The United States Fire Administration reported that 77 percent of all residential fires on Thanksgiving day originated from the cooking fires. Also, the number of residential fires on Thanksgiving is more than double the fires on any other day. Here are some tips to keep your family and your house safe.

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The Coolest Gift For Your Home Security System

Are you running a year or two behind on the smart speaker phenomenon? If so, you’re in luck: They’re still popular, and more dynamic than ever. If your family plans to get its first Alexa, Google Home or Amazon Echo this holiday season, you’ll soon learn that as a smart home security system owner, you’ll be able to do more with your smart speaker device than anyone else you know. For example, you’ll be able to:

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3 Smart Things Your Video Doorbell Can Do To Protect Your Home and Family

The video doorbell becomes more popular every year because it takes home security to the next level, taking the power away from porch pirates and thieves. Strategy Analytics predicts that people all over the world will spend almost $8 million on smart home cameras in 2019, and that includes video doorbells. By 2023, global camera sales could surge to over 111 million units per year. Here are some of the nifty things the video doorbell can do to enhance home security.

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