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Author: GuardMe Security

Home Security Tips Every New Parent Should Know

Bringing home a new baby is a moment filled with joy and so much anticipation about the future. We work for months getting the nursery just so, with the right crib and bedding and all the right colors. It is natural to want things to be “just right” for our newest bundle of joy, including securing the safety of our home. When we welcome a baby into our home, everything changes forever about how we approach home security needs.

Danger Does not Stop to Celebrate

It is easy for new parents to get so wrapped up in the joy of having a new child in their life that they forget the rest of the world may not be stopping to enjoy the moment, especially burglars. According to the most recent FBI statistics, a home is broken into every 18.2 seconds somewhere in the United States. Unfortunately, homes with little ones do not get a free pass. Burglaries can and do happen while families are at home, even families with babies. The thought is scary, but the threat is real.

What Should Parents Do?

After baby-proofing the home with electrical socket guards and removing all safety hazards, there is still a lot you can do to protect your child’s safety. Before you do anything else, check out these important safety tips for new parents.

Get Expert Help to Re-evaluate Security Needs

One of the most helpful ways is to think of your home security system as a baby security system to get a new perspective about your home security needs. Talk to a home security specialist about your current life and find out how your security can be enhanced. The home security industry is advancing quickly as innovative new technologies are integrated. The chances are high that there is some new product or feature that can help keep your new child safe, and give you peace of mind.

Sensors are a Must

As parents, we’d like to have our eyes on our children every moment of every day but we do have to sleep eventually. By integrating motion sensors and glass break sensors into your security system you can rest easy (at least between diaper changes and feedings) knowing that nothing can come close to your family without warning.

Indoor and Outdoor Video Surveillance

Having a video surveillance system is another important security feature. It helps to know what is going on outside your home so you can detect any unusual activity before it becomes a problem. Additionally, visible outdoor cameras serve as a strong deterrence to criminals who much prefer to target homes without security. Indoor video cameras can be used as a way to check on the baby from your phone at any time. This is one way to combat the growing problem of baby monitor hacking.

Have Your System Monitored

As a parent, having the right support is a must. That’s why it is so important to have your home security system professionally monitored. In the event of an emergency, help can be called immediately even if you can’t call yourself.

GuardMe Security is happy to celebrate your family with unparalleled products, service, and support. Your family’s safety is our top priority.

How Your Home Security System Can Provide Peace of Mind to You and Your Babysitter

Home security systems are making it much safer to leave children home with babysitter. As much as we would like to spend every moment with our children there will be times when having a babysitter is a necessity. Leaving your children with a sitter, no matter how qualified, can be a difficult and unsettling process. Safety concerns abound because no one knows your children or their safety concerns like you do, as their parent. Fortunately, technology makes the process a lot easier.

Home security systems help parent make sure they leave nothing to chance and equip sitters with critical safety tools to be used should an emergency arises. Here are some important ways installing a home security system is a great idea for busy parents.

Protection for Your Children and the Babysitter

Knowing that your children and the babysitter are safely within the home provides immeasurable peace of mind to you, but to the sitter as well. After all, the baby sitter may not be familiar with your home or the area. Having a security system can help put a sitter at ease and able to devote more time to engaging the children.

Instant Check-In

Stories of neglectful babysitters hit the headlines with painful regularity. Every parent wants to keep a watchful eye on their children and home security systems allow them to do that. With video surveillance systems, parents can view the camera feed remotely for instant check in whenever they like, providing reassurance that the kids are okay.

Keep dangerous Areas Off-Limits

Instead of wondering whether sensitive or dangerous areas are fully secure while away, security system features like motion sensors can help you be absolutely certain. Motion sensors can provide important alerts should dangerous areas be accessed.

Know Who is at the Door

Opening the door to unknown persons can open the door to danger. Sitters can view security camera feeds to see who is at the door and decide if the person is known and safe before opening.

Don’t Use THIS Security Alarm Code

What if we told you that an intruder had a 10% chance of getting your security alarm code right? Would that shock you? It should! Here’s why.  In an analysis of 3.4 million 4-digit codes, by far the most popular security code was 1234.

You’ve Got to be Kidding. We’re Not.

Nobody really uses  1234 as a code, right? Wrong. The 1234 code accounted for an astounding 10% of the codes. That means an intruder could try that code on 100 homes and get into 10 of them, easily and undetected. That is reason enough not to use that code for anything, especially your security alarm code.

Don’t Use These Codes Either

Burglars know that it is difficult to remember so many different codes. After all, we have codes and passwords for everything from debit cards to social media. Because of this, savvy criminals know that you will likely use something easy to remember. Worse, it may be something pretty easy to figure out.

Codes starting with the number 19 ranked fifth in the data. That means there are many people out there using their birthdate or anniversary as their security code. That may be easy to remember, but it is also pretty easy to figure out. Today, most people have personal information such as birthdays and anniversaries posted publicly on social media. It does not take a rocket scientist to check the mailbox for a name, look up a social media profile and figure out possible likely codes.

How to Choose a Great Security Alarm Code

We totally sympathize with security code fatigue. It gets difficult to remember so many sets of codes. But it is still important to choose the most secure code possible. To do that, remember these important points:

  • The best codes for anything are completely random. It may be difficult to remember, but it is even more difficult to guess.
  • Do not use the last four numbers of your Social Security number
  • Do not use part of your phone number
  • Never use repeating numbers, like 4040, or 1212
  • Do not use the same number repeated, such as 1111, 2222, ect.
  • Never use sequential numbers either forward or backward, like 4567, 6789, or 6543
  • Do not use your street address
  • Do not use a pin you use elsewhere

Lastly, never write down your code and change it periodically. Sure, it will take memorizing a new code but it is worth the effort to keep your code secure. GuardMe Security is a single source provider for any security system, structured cabling, or automation project for your home or business. Contact Us today.


How Safe are Your Valuables?

We’d all like to think that we are pretty smart about keeping our valuables safe in the home. The truth is, most of us get complacent and probably take more risks than we realize. We make common mistakes like leaving cash, costly electronics, and other small valuables in open and accessible locations or leaving our garage door open for extended periods of time. Burglary is a crime of opportunity and thieves count on us slipping up in predictable ways so they can strike quickly and get as many valuables as possible.

Before you become a victim, check out these tips for keeping your property safe.

Think Like a Thief

Take a quick assessment of your home from the vantage point of a thief. Ask yourself questions such as:

  • Are there things that obscure windows and doors and provide cover for intruders to enter?
  • What valuables are visible from the street, yard, or open front door?
  • What valuables are in plain sight in the home on a regular basis?

Once you have identified your risks, take steps to change them.

Never Leave Your Valuables in Plain Sight

Some valuables, like our electronics, become so regularly used that we leave them out on counters where everyone has access to them. Make it a practice to keep tablets and other electronics tucked away and charging in less obvious places. Never leave high ticket items like jewelry on top of dressers. For small valuables, consider a large floor safe that cannot be easily taken in a burglary. Hiding your possessions in everyday objects like books can provide a hindrance to burglars, but remember, most have seen every trick in the book and know to look in books, toilet tanks, and freezers.

Install a Home Security System

According to the FBI, 60% of all burglaries involve forced entry. A security system is a strong deterrent, especially when a burglar is trying to force themselves in past things like door and window sensors, motion detectors, and security cameras. A home security system is the most effective deterrent available.

Can Others tell When You are Away?

Even if you are only going to be away a short time, consider making the home look occupied. Home automation can be a big help in making it seem like someone is physically present which makes your home a less attractive target.

Whether it is jewellry, artwork, or electronics, takes the steps necessary to protect the things that are important to you. If you have any questions about home security, please give Guardme a call. We’ve been in your neighborhood since 1997. Remember too, if you want more tips on home security be sure to like us on Facebook.

5 Tips to Improve Your Home’s Security

Every home security system should include layers of protection that start with changing common practices and implementing simple changes that complement the home security system. Even the most comprehensive security alarm systems are less effective if residents fail to put supportive practices in place.

Here are some fast, simple, and affordable ways to improve your home’s overall security.

Change the Locks

Change the locks when you move into a new home, or if you lose your keys. Even if you know who lived in the home prior to you, you do not know who has the key. And if your keys are lost with other identifying information it would be easy to use that information to gain entry. One option is to use automation and zwave enabled locks which you can lock and unlock remotely with a smartphone app. This will ensure that you never need to give out a key to service professionals or others.

Install a Home Security System

Typically, burglars are looking for a fast, easy hit and will avoid any home with home security systems in place. Monitored alarm systems also alert residents and authorities of possible dangers to help keep you, your family, and your property safe.

Use “Mockupancy”

No burglar wants to hit a home while people are home because it increases their chances of getting caught about 100%. If you are not home, use your home automation system to simulate your presence. With the television going on and off in one room, music in another, and lights going on and off in various rooms, you’ll send most burglars heading for the hills.

Conceal Wiring Outside

If your home security system is wired, be sure the wiring is concealed and protected, or switch to wireless technologies.

Enable Your System

One of the top mistakes home security system owners make is not enabling the system. Make it part of your routine to have your system on.

GuardMe Security specializes in custom integrated home security systems based on individual client needs. Whether you need, fire, security, or access control and monitoring, we have you covered. Contact us today!

Home Security and Video Surveillance Go Hand In Hand

Home security systems consist of a network of elements that in some cases, may work independently of one another. But just because they can work independently, does not mean they should. This is especially true of using security cameras as your sole source of security. Video surveillance is a powerful tool in protecting your home, family, and property but its power lies in its ability to enhance other elements in your security system.

How Home Security Cameras Work

Security cameras provide a video feed which users view through a dedicated monitor, mobile smart phone screen. The images provide an overview of the areas covered by the security cameras. Some systems provide a live feed, while others provide recorded feedback. In residential use, these cameras provide a serious deterrent to thieves as well as provide a way to identify anyone perpetrating a crime.

Is Using Video Surveillance Alone Good Home Security?

Some residents use video surveillance alone as their total security package, thinking it is a cost-efficient security option instead of a professionally monitored security system. While it is a cost-efficient security measure, it is only part of the equation. Home video cameras provide excellent oversight, but that is where the advantage ends unless it matched with other security measures. Here is why:

  • Video surveillance cannot stop a crime in progress
  • Video surveillance cannot alert police, property owners, or neighbors in the event of crime or other emergency
  • Video surveillance systems must be monitored to be effective, and most homeowners cannot monitor their systems around the clock

Home Security and Video Surveillance Go Hand In Hand

There is no question that a home security system provides unparalleled advantage in home protection and crime prevention. When a  professionally monitored video surveillance system is added to that system, those advantages are magnified. In the event of a break-in for example, the intruder triggers and alarm which alerts the monitoring center who then immediately contacts authorities and the property owner. Video surveillance can provide valuable information in identifying the criminal as well as the intruder’s location on the property.

Home security is a strong deterrence against crime. While no method of protection is impenetrable, a recent University of North Carolina study showed that 60% of criminals would move on to another target if they suspect a home is protected by a home security system. That is significant. If you are ready to investigate what home security can do for you, give us a call.  From full system inspections to general maintenance plans and 24/7 video monitoring, GuardMe Security provides service, support and professional guidance for every home video surveillance system that we install.

Is a Home Security System Worth the Money? Absolutely.

Often times people think of a security system as a luxury item, or place it down the list of priorities believing that crime happens elsewhere. The fact is, crime happens everywhere and security systems are tools no person can afford to live without.

Placing Value on Safety

We value many things in our lives and do not think twice about regularly sending money on things like entertainment. Why then do we have to stop to consider whether or not our safety is worth a small investment? For many people, contemplating the possibilities of being a victim of crime or devastating fire is something to be avoided. Certainly NJ residents do not want to believe that their home could burglarized, but the possibility is real and it is often after we become a victim that we see the real value of home security.

Home Security Systems Deter Crime

While no system can guarantee that your home will not be burglarized, studies show that home security systems act as a strong deterrent. According to the FBI, a burglary happens every 13 seconds in the US, and homes protected by some form of home security system are up to 300% less likely to become a target of crime.

Home Security Systems Can Save Money

The average loss to victims of burglary is $2,000. Damage due to fire averages more than $30,000 per incident. Home security systems help reduce the cost of damage and loss by getting help to the scene sooner.

Home insurance companies also appreciate when residents have a home security system installed and often offer significant discounts.

Peace of Mind is Priceless

Adding any level of security to your home is added peace of mind knowing that your family and home is secure. While we cannot totally prevent tragedy from happening, we can do all we can to lessen the probability of its occurrence. Installing a home security system is one way to add extra security and an immeasurable sense of peace of mind.

It’s Completely Affordable

One of the things that surprises most people is that home security systems are so affordable. Today’s technologies make high-tech security options extremely budget friendly. In fact, most home security options can be had for less than most phone and cable bills!

Safety is something we value even more once it has been threatened but we do not have to wait for something bad to happen to implement cost-saving home security strategies. If you have questions, give us a call. GuardMe is a premier provider of monitored home alarms and commercial security systems. GuardMe security systems monitor over 80,000 residential, commercial, industrial and new construction projects with the latest high quality security equipment available today.

How Does Interactive Security Aid In Home Security?

Okay. So we’ve been told that we here at GuardMe Security can get a little geeked out on security products and slip into security “geekspeak”. We can’t help it, though.  There really is an overwhelming amount of technology involved in professionally designed home security systems and it is very easy to get lost in the multitude of terms. That’s why we wanted to take a moment and share about one of our favorite topics, interactive home security.

Interactive Home Security Basics

Simply put, interactive security is a system of integrated security features that can be accessed and controlled from anywhere on smart devices. Interactive security features can also be customized to help you do things such as receiving customized alerts, arm or disarm, view sensor and alarm history, and check visitor activity, from anywhere, anytime you desire. In some cases the systems include products such as ZWave locks and alarm sensors. Other times residents choose to use a full suite of home automation technologies to aid in their home security. The levels of interactive security, and layers of security, depend on the desire of the resident and what products meet their needs.

How Does Interactive Security Aid In Home Security?

Isn’t it enough to have an advanced alarm system that alerts the authorities should there be a problem? Of course any added security adds to our peace of mind, but interactive security multiplies the possibilities exponentially. For example, having a security system is great but we all know how easy it is to forget to activate it when we leave. With interactive security you can not only check from any location to be sure you armed the alarm system, but turn it on if you didn’t! Interactive security can allow you to turn off and on lights and other enabled appliance and devices remotely so you can appear home at a moment’s notice, deterring any illegal activity.  The ability to turn off and on appliances and lights also aids in safety, fire prevention, and energy efficiency.

Now you see why we are so enthusiastic about this technology. Interactive security places your security needs right at your fingertips, every moment of every day. We think our customers deserve that kind of protection.

If you want to talk some more security “geekspeak”, feel free to give us a call. You have our cell numbers and we are always available. And that is how it has been for over twenty years and will be for years to come.

GuardMe Security is the first choice for security for public buildings, office buildings, warehouses, homes, schools, hotels and hospitals. Our customers have included local and national names that you know and trust. Contact us today for a free home security quote.


Home Security & Google Maps: Better NOT Together?

Google maps are getting better and more detailed than ever before. Using the street view feature, anyone can type in any address to get a full view of your property. Anyone—including criminals. If you have a home security system you might wonder if you should even be concerned about this and take the time to obscure the view of your property online. Our answer is, yes. Here’s why.

While the pictures shown on Google Maps are not in real time, they are current enough to gather information about things not likely to change over a short period of time. Take a look yourself and see if you can gain any intel from that the picture shows. Criminals are using technology, including Google Maps, like never before and are skilled at using it to determine how or if they should target your home.

Here is the kind of information a criminal might gather from a Google Maps street view:

  • Location of doors and windows
  • Location of gates, or weak places in the perimeter
  • A view of video surveillance cameras
  • Location of trees and shrubs for hiding places
  • Location of utility boxes
  • Signs of dogs
  • Types of vehicles
  • Where the house is in relation to a way of escape
  • Determine the best point of entry based on the view from neighbor’s property
  • Determine the likely value of things inside the house based on what is visible outside

Giving away information about your property is never smart, even when you have a home security system in place.

Obscure the View of Your Property on Google Maps

Since it is impossible to remove your property from Google Maps the next best thing is the option to obscure or blur the picture. Here are the steps to do that:

  1.  Enter your address on Google Maps
  2. Click on the Street View by clicking the little yellow person in the corner of the image window on the left side of the screen
  3. Make sure that the image of your home (or whatever you want blurred) is shown and frame it in the window
  4. Click on the “Report a Problem” link in the bottom left corner of the image in the Street View pane on the right side of the screen
  5. Complete the form and click the “Submit” button
  6. Check back in a few days to see if it is completed.

At GuardMe Security, we take your safety and that of your family seriously. We care about your neighborhood because it is our neighborhood too. We have lived and worked here for over 20 years and plan to do all we can to help you feel safe at home. Contact us today for free home security analysis.
