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Author: GuardMe Security

Home Fire Alarm Systems: Family Safety Tips

Owning a home or residing in an apartment requires significant attention paid to the safety and security of the home, and one of the most powerful aspects to consider is fire safety and awareness. A recent study by the National Fire Protection Association suggests that 7 people lose their life each day in the United States due to fires in the home, and this unfortunate statistic illustrates how critical it is to make sure that a home’s fire safety devices are intelligently designed.

Amazingly, the study also revealed that homes sustain over $7 billion in damages each year with thousands of deaths blamed on common issues such as kitchen fires and faulty equipment in the home and a lack of proper smoke detectors and home fire alarm systems. Activities like smoking in the home also increase the likelihood of a home fire, and awareness during such actions is necessary to ensure family safety.

Shockingly, only 6% of the homes that sustained fire damage in the National Fire Protection Association’s study were equipped with fire sprinklers, and a number of deaths from fire happened in homes where smoke detectors weren’t working. Properly maintaining security equipment plays a huge role in preventing future fires.

Some of the most significant ways that a family can keep their home safe from the threat of fire include the following:

1. Create an emergency plan

Each home is different, but every family requires a solid escape plan just in case a fire does indeed occur. A plan needs to be created and practiced a few times, especially if there are kids in the house who need to know what’s going on during a fire.

2. Consider sprinkler installation

Most homes do not have sprinklers installed, but modern sprinkler systems may actually save a house and help to stop a fire in its tracks before it can become a danger to the home. Today’s best home security systems include sprinkler installation. 

3. Smoke on the porch

For anyone who smokes on a regular basis, it’s best to engage in that activity outside the home, and to resist sitting in front of the television with an ash tray since falling asleep with a live cigarette could lead to fire.

4. Monitor kitchen appliances

A residence may house several old appliances that might not always work in a completely efficient manner, and with some devices the risk of fire from sparks and malfunction increases over time. Older devices should be serviced or replaced when they pose too great a fire risk.

5. Yearly inspections of equipment and devices

Each year, a home needs to be inspected for the safety of its smoke detectors and the condition of various appliances in the home that could lead to fires if not properly maintained. Security equipment needs a yearly checkup to maintain full safety levels.

A well-rounded fire security plan from GuardMe Security will enhance the level of safety enjoyed by a family in their home, and it’s important to revisit such security designs on a regular basis. GuardMe provides advanced options for installation and continued monitoring of a home’s condition, which might mean the difference between catching a fire before it’s too late and seeing an entire home be consumed by fire.

What Will The Best Home Security Companies in NJ Do For You?

Have you recently moved into a new home or apartment in New Jersey? Would you like to upgrade an outdated home alarm to a more sophisticated and secure home security system? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are probably looking for a home security provider in NJ.

What you need goes far beyond the basics of protecting your property with a simple alarm. These days, modern home security systems are fully developed with features that are capable of preventing burglaries, warding off intruders, and recording the wrongdoings of those that break into your property in order to prosecute them more easily.

There are a number of things that companies can and should do for their clients. The following are some things only the best home security companies will do for their new and existing clients:

  1. Work with you to identify areas of risk and which features need to be installed to ward off that threat. For example, if you have a door leading into the garage that is in a well hidden area, installing a strong lock on that door as well as a sensor to detect when it is opened is a good start. Installing a motion-sensor that activates light and a camera when motion is detected is even better.
  2. Customize your system to fit your needs and lifestyle. For example, if you employ people to clean the house it would be nice to let that housekeeper in without having to hand them a key that they could use to rob the place when you are away on vacation. Remote control of door locks means that you can verify the housekeeper is at the door and unlock it to let her or him in.
  3. Spend the time to train you to use their system and help them set alarms and triggers that make sense for your security concerns. For example, if you are away on vacation but have left teenagers at home, activating a surveillance camera once in a while can help reassure you that the teenagers haven’t thrown a party involving booze or drugs in your absence.

At GuardMe our technicians work to design and install a home security system specifically for your needs and to protect your home and family in New Jersey.

Finding the best home security companies isn’t hard if you start with a call to the expert team at GuardMe: (800) 235-0644. Or click here to ask a question and learn more about a state of the art alarm system for your NJ home.

Will Your Home Security System Grow With Your Family?

As your family changes throughout your lifetime, you’ll have different home security needs. When you are two busy working adults with only a few assets, you may need a relatively simple home security system – just enough to protect what you have and yourselves.

Over the years, however, you’ll have different concerns and your home security system should be flexible enough to grow with you to cover those concerns.

  • If your kids leave for school when you are already at work, can your home security system adapt to that change? If you choose the right home security company, adding features is easy. Perhaps you didn’t need remote access to lock and unlock the front door when it was just the two of you, but when your middle-schooler loses her key, it’s a nice feature to have.
  • As you remodel and add assets to your home, you’ll want the right home security system to protect those. When your home and the items inside it are more valuable, a little extra protection – perhaps in the form of surveillance cameras and glass break detection sensors is what you need.
  • As your parents age and want to remain independent in their home, a home security system can give you the peace of mind that they are safe. You can even keep an eye on them with a security camera to be certain they are doing well. If they slip and fall, they can press the button on their remote and you as well as the monitoring service will be alerted.
  • As you move toward an empty nest and travel without the kids, you may still want to keep an eye on things from afar. Having a home security system that grows with you means knowing what’s going on without having to be present all the time. You can protect your family from harm, even without being around.

A GuardMe Security integrated home security system protects your home and your loved ones from the risk of break-ins, burglary, and more. You can add features as you need them and update the security you have to meet your family’s needs

To discuss the latest home security features and understand how a home security system protects you, call the expert team at GuardMe Security: (800) 235-0644. Or click here to ask a question – we’ll help you understand how your home security system can grow with you.

Comparing Home Security System Costs

As technology improves year over year, the cost of a home security system gets more and more affordable. In the past, before wireless security systems, the cost of installation meant paying for the repairs after installers tore out parts of the wall for wiring and space for bulky cameras, video recorders, monitors, and motion-sensing devices. Years ago, a home security system was expensive.

The latest features in home security system are a far cry from the monitors, blinking lights, and keypads that have changed over to slick, low-cost, and low-profile equipment that homeowners control with just a few clicks.

Homeowners can now:

  • Lock and unlock their doors from miles away
  • Visually check on pets, kids, teens, and seniors
  • Arm and disarm the system from work
  • Control the temperature and lights from their smartphone
  • Receive text alerts when someone comes home
  • And much more

Baby boomers and empty nesters are finding the technology features very useful and easy to use. The cost is relatively low compared to the features you enjoy. Wireless cameras are small and very affordable, yet the peace of mind is priceless. The reliability of home security systems and the reduction in false alarms means not having to pay fees to emergency responders – another fact that keeps the overall cost of the systems very low.

Integrated home security systems from GuardMe Security can be extremely affordable. Without the high installation costs, you can start enjoying the benefits of your home security system much sooner. Monitoring service fees have come down a long way from their previous highs and this fact makes your home security system more cost-effective. Your homeowners’ insurance plan also gives discounts to homeowners who install a home security system – often it is enough to negate the cost of installation.

To learn more about the savings you can enjoy with a home security system, call the expert team at GuardMe Security: (800) 235-0644. Or click here to ask a question about the installation and monitoring costs to compare home security systems.

6 Reasons to Install Home Security Cameras Outside Your Home

While it might seem like the actions of Big Brother, installing home security cameras outside your home (as well as inside) is the ideal way to keep an eye on what goes on outside your home. You can see who is entering your home (and when), and know that you can back up your suspicions with real proof.

Home security cameras are now available in wireless forms, so they take little time to install. They also come with infrared capabilities, so you can see in the dark.

Most homeowners are convinced of the need for a few home security cameras inside the home, but here’s why you will want to install them outside your home as well:

  1. Keep tabs on contractors, gardeners, and dog sitters. Having visual proof of what’s going on at your home is a deterrent for your regular visitors. If you suspect misbehavior of any kind, you’ll be grateful for the video footage.
  2. Know who is at the door. Criminals often ring the doorbell to see if anyone is home before they go around the back and break in. So seeing who is at the door makes a lot of sense – especially if you are not at home and your child is alone.
  3. Back up insurance claims. When you have to make a claim with your insur- ance company, video is a great way to show some hoodlums hauling your stuff out of the garage and into their truck.
  4. Discourage potential criminals. Criminals prefer to prey on easy marks and they don’t want to get caught. Having home security cameras outside your home – within view – gives them something to think about.
  5. Monitor your kids and other people’s kids. Whether they are engaging in wrongdoing or not, it’s a wonderful way to make sure things are going well when the kids are playing outside.
  6. Minimize potential disasters. If your elderly father likes to putter in the lawn, but you want to be sure he gets help when he needs it, you can keep an eye on him when he is outside the home. If he falls, you can send help quickly.

To learn more about installing home security cameras outside your home, call the experts at GuardMe Security: (800) 235-0644. Or click here to find out how security cameras outside your home can add extra protection. 

Home Security: Common Burglary Myths Debunked

There are a lot of myths out there regarding burglaries. Unfortunately, movies and video games give homeowners a false impression about when burglaries occur or how houses are even targeted. It is important that you separate fact from fiction when assessing your home security system so that you can better protect yourself and your loved ones.

Burglary Myths and the Real Facts

These are the most common break-in myths and fictions and their corresponding truths:

  • Myth 1: When Break-Ins Happen – In movies, break-ins typically occur in the middle of the night. In reality, a large majority of break-ins happen during the day. Also, most movies portray break-ins to happen while you are home, but in reality, most burglars wait until you are gone.
  • Myth 2: How Burglars Get In – While burglars do use windows, the majority come through doors, especially if the door is left open or unlocked. When it comes to windows, burglars will break the glass, which is why it is important to have glass break sensors as part of your home security system.
  • Myth 3: What is Stolen – Burglars are not always breaking into high-end homes and stealing collectibles. In fact, the most common items stolen from a home are electronics and more recently, documents that have personal information.
  • Myth 4: Who They Are – Most homeowners will assume that a burglar is a complete stranger, but a large majority of robberies are done by someone the homeowner knows. This person has been inside the home, seen what there is to steal and knows the homeowner’s schedule.

If you want to protect your loved ones and your valuables, install a home security system by GuardMe Security. Our experts can help identify your home’s weaknesses and even offer multiple layers of security with cameras and glass break sensors to ensure your home is the most secure one on the block.

Call GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online about our home security products.

Kids Home Alone? Introduce Your Children to Home Security

Whether they are at home alone after school for a few hours or while you are out running errands, it is imperative your children know about home security. The efficiency of your home’s security system relies on those who use it; and that includes your children. If your kids are old enough to be left home alone, use these tips for introducing them to home security and personal safety.

How to Introduce Kids to Home Security 

  • Make Sure They Are Ready – It is one thing for your child to operate your home security system while you are there, but it is another when you are away. Make sure your child is ready to use the system on their own. Most kids are left at home alone starting around age 12 or 13, but just because your children are old enough does not mean they are mature enough to handle the task. Your children should be able to interact with the home security system (arming it and disarming it) and be able to take care of themselves while they are at home alone.
  • Have a Training Session – Schedule time to train your child on the home security system. Make it exciting and avoid drawing out the process for too long. Let your child know the purpose of the home security system (protecting your home and family), but keep the conversation positive and do not frighten or intimidate them.
  • Test It Out – After you have trained your child on how to use the system, test it out. For a couple of days, have them be in charge of arming and disarming the system (under your supervision) to make sure they remember how to use it.

Children can remain at home safely with a home security system. However, not all security systems are created the same. If you are thinking about leaving your kids at home alone, consider updating your current home alarm to one that is kid-friendly and easy to use. A home security professional can help you pick out the right alarm system for the entire family.

Learn more about teaching your children to use your home security system by contacting GuardMe. Call today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online.

Introducing Our New Integration With Skybell

Smartphone technology has changed our daily lives for the better. There are so many great killer apps that we use on a day to day basis that help us out a ton. While there has been a ton of innovation when it comes to mobile apps, one area that hasn’t had too much development is the realm of mobile home security applications, but now that has changed. Introducing Skybell, a device that will let you easily use your phone as a home security viewing screen.

It’s a combination of a doorbell, and a security camera that will provide you with a live feed of who’s at your door. What’s even greater about it is that it will allow you to speak to anyone trying to get in. If you have someone trying to drop off a package at your place and you’re busy, you can let them know. There are endless applications that this device has. Let’s take a closer look and see some of the best benefits.

The Doorbell

When you think of home security systems, you’ll generally be thinking about a passive camera feed or something that will trigger a security firm to send police officers to your home if someone tries to break in. While this app covers those security measures, it also provides you with an instant update whenever someone simply rings your doorbell.

The Video Feed

Security cameras are great, but they’re not something you can spend watching all day. You’ll be able to take advantage of Skybell’s video feed wherever and whenever you want by watching it on your mobile device.

The Two Way Communication

One of the best things about Skybell is the ability to talk with anyone at your door wherever you are. Even if you’re out of the house, you can still communicate with anyone who’s trying to give you a buzz. They easily communicate back, as well.

The Motion Sensor

Skybell is great for visitors but also has security features baked right in. It provides its users with a great motion sensor that can let you know whenever someone crosses its path, even if they don’t ring the doorbell.

The Smart Phone Compatibility

When you think of doorbells or security systems or intercoms, none of these things are new. What is new is how Skybell has integrated them all into one easy to use and fleshed out system. You have one device that will cover your doorbell needs, your ability to speak with any guests, and your security needs as well. Also, since it’s a mobile app, you can easily utilize it wherever you are in the world.

The Integration

Having a sense of security is great but it can often be quite a hassle when you have multiple security devices made by different companies and you just want them to work together easily. Luckily, Skybell integrates easily with the rest of your products, which means connecting all your systems together won’t require any headache on your part. Just contact GuardMe Security today set schedule a consultation and seamless installation with the rest of your home automation system.


3 Reasons to Add a Doorbell Camera for Home Security

In the past, a person at the front door meant you had to run up to the peephole and verify who it was. These tiny lenses are difficult to see through and don’t work for nighttime use, however. You want your home to be as safe as possible, and that goal can be achieved with a doorbell camera.

GuardMe Security is pleased to announce that SkyBell, a subtle doorbell camera installed on your front porch can now be integrated seamlessly with your existing home automation system – giving you a perfect view of visitors at your front door.

Consider some of the best reasons to add a doorbell camera to your home and enhance everyday security.

You’re Always Home

Criminals will often test your property to see if anyone is home. They might call your landline or even knock on the door. When you have a doorbell camera, you’re always home. As soon as the button is pressed, the audio-and-video technology is transmitted to your mobile device. You answer the doorbell with a hello that’s audible to the person outside. The person assumes that you’re inside the home as you continue the conversation. In reality, you might be at work or running errands. Give the person an excuse to not answer the door, such as being in the bathroom, and finish the conversation. Because the person thinks you’re home, they might look for another target that’s easier to gauge.

Video and Snapshot Capabilities

You may live in a safe neighborhood, but many criminals single out nice areas because of lucrative items. Fancy cars, electronics and other items may attract criminals to your home. Your doorbell camera isn’t just a live-monitoring device though. It’s possible to record video and snap photos of people on your doorstep. If a person is behaving in an unusual manner, you can snap a photo and send it to the police. Any issues that arise with that person will be fully documented by your system. This fact alone is enough to deter some criminals from your home. The doorbell camera is obvious as they press the button.

Motion Sensing and Night Vision

You don’t have to worry about activating video on your own because these cameras have a motion-sensor function. When motion is sensed near the door, the camera is automatically activated. You’re notified through your mobile device as well. The button doesn’t have to be pushed in order for you to know that someone is on your property. This detection is also possible at night. You’ll be able to see clear video and make crisp photos of people at your door during the night.

Using the peephole and guessing who is at the door can be a thing of the past. The images on our doorbell cameras are just as good as daytime visuals. Simply keep your doorbell’s lens clean, and you’ll always know who is at your door 24 hours a day. Most doorbell cameras are wireless so their installation is relatively simple. However, programming the system and integrating it into your existing system can be easily done by one of our friendly, qualified technicians.

Contact GuardMe Security today. Our team can upgrade your system as soon as possible. Keep your property and family safe with a doorbell camera installed by qualified professionals.
