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Author: GuardMe Security

Good News for NJ Residents

The recent crime rates and statistics for the state have been released by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, and there is good news. According to this crime trend report, forcible entry, unlawful entry and attempted forcible entry rates in New Jersey have seen a dramatic decrease for 2015, 46 percent less than in 2014! This is excellent news for New Jersey residents and the more proactive local communities are, the lower these rates can go for 2016 and beyond.

How to Lower Crime Rates Even Further in Your NJ Neighborhood

Improving your home’s safety is the best way to drive these crime rates further downward for the state. Making your home unattractive to intruders can help reduce the frequency and intensity of burglaries and break-ins in your neighborhood.

  • Change the Locks – Inferior quality locks are easy to pick, even for an inexperienced burglar. Also, if you have just moved into a new home, change the locks so that you can ensure you are the only person with a key.
  • Install a Home Security System – If you do not have one, installing a home security system can protect your home and deter burglaries in your neighborhood. Seeing that a home is protected often prevents an intruder from even attempting to burglarize the property and the sound of an alarm will send the burglar running.
  • Conceal Wires – Burglars will look for wires around the house that allow them to disable your current security system. If you have phone lines or other wires, conceal them or discuss installing a wireless system with the professionals at GuardMe Security.
  • Make Your Home Look Occupied – Whether you are actually home or not, giving the appearance of an occupied home can deter burglars. Most crimes occur when homeowners are away, so having lights and noises coming from the house can deter criminals. If you are away often, consider speaking to GuardMe Security about installing a home automation system so you can schedule lights, TV, heating and air conditioning, etc. to turn on and off from your smartphone.

Keeping crime to a minimum in your neighborhood and the state does not have to be complicated if residents work together and are collectively vigilant in their communities. If all homeowners are proactive and do what they can to increase their home’s security, they can help deter these crimes so that the future brings even lower crime rates.


Do You Have a Family Fire Escape Plan?

In the event there is a fire in your home, it is important to have a plan in place. Every second counts and not having a fire escape plan for yourself and your loved ones could result in disaster. No one expects to have a fire in their home, but when one strikes, have peace of mind in knowing you and your family are prepared for the emergency.

Tips for Establishing Your Fire Escape Plan

Creating a plan will depend on how many people are in your home and the overall layout of your residence. Some tips to get you started on the planning process include:

  • Identify Two Ways to Escape Every Room in the House – Identify the two main ways to escape every single room in your house. This is in the event one is blocked or too dangerous to exit from. Make sure family members know of these routes.
  • Think About What You Need – Do you need glasses to see? A cane to walk? Things you would need to react fast in an emergency should always be nearby, which may mean placing them next to you at night while you sleep.
  • Map Your Home – Map out your home. Mark every door and window that can be used as an exit point. Draw out the map and have it somewhere everyone in the house can see.
  • Establish a Meeting Place – Designate a meeting place outside your home that is far enough away from danger, but easy for all family members to access. This spot should also be easy for emergency personnel to see you so that they know you are safe.
  • Write Down Numbers – All emergency telephone numbers should be written down near the household phone. This includes the local police, fire department and other emergency contacts.

Consider Adding a Residential Fire Alarm Too

The threat of fire always exists, even in the safest homes. To help protect you and your loved ones, consider adding a secondary layer of protection by installing fire alarms. A fire alarm can connect to your home’s smoke detectors and not only alert you in the event of a fire, but alert emergency personnel immediately. Heat detectors can also be placed in areas where smoke alarms may not be present, such as in your garage, attic or even the furnace room.


Protecting Your Home from Package Thieves

Package theft is a growing problem in the United States, especially as more Americans take advantage of online shopping. Unfortunately, while consumers anxiously wait for their packages to arrive, so do package thieves. These individuals monitor neighborhoods for packages sitting unattended on doorsteps. They may even trail local delivery companies and pick up packages as they are delivered.

Tips for Preventing Package Theft

If you are ordering frequently online or expecting a package, there are ways to thwart these thieves from stealing your merchandise as it sits on your porch. Next time you are waiting for a package, use these tips:

  • Monitor – Get a tracking number from the company sending your package and monitoring the delivery activity closely. Know what day the package is expected to arrive and be on the lookout for that package. Some companies offer text and email delivery notifications, telling you that the package has been dropped off and where it was left.
  • Request a Signature – To ensure the package is delivered to someone in your home, request a signature. If you will not be home, request that the package is left at a shipping center for your pickup.
  • Install Security Cameras – While security cameras may not always deter package thieves, they will catch them in the act. Have one camera focused on your doorstep so that you can get a picture of the package thief. Then, make sure to have another camera pointed at your driveway or the street so that you can catch the getaway vehicle’s make, model and hopefully, the license plate.
  • Have It Delivered to a Neighbor – If you work during the day, but have a trustworthy neighbor at home throughout the day, see if you can have your packages delivered to their house instead of yours.
  • Insure Packages – When you are sending a package, insure it so that if it is lost or stolen, you are not losing the cost of the merchandise.
  • Leave Delivery Instructions – Most companies will accept delivery instructions for packages. You can request that they leave the package in an inconspicuous place; such as behind a bush by your front porch.

When home security cameras are easily visible, package thieves are less likely to steal from your doorstep. GuardMe Security can install home security cameras and link them to your home security system so that you not only protect valuables sitting on your porch, but also protect your entire home.


Home Alone Safety Tips for Kids

School is about to start, which means the kids may have a few hours where they are home alone after school and before you get home from work. If your children are 12 years or older, they can be home alone, but you may still be wary. There are ways you can prepare them for the task and enjoy peace of mind knowing they will be safe.

Help Your Children Stay Home Alone

Whether your child is home alone for an hour or five, there are steps you can take to keep your child safe. Start teaching your children the importance of safety long before the school year starts and do a few trial runs of them being home alone so they can get a feel for it.

  • Create an Emergency Plan – Your children should know what to do in the event of an emergency while they are home alone. They should know how to respond to a smoke alarm, who to call and where to go. Establish a family emergency plan for the kids and post it somewhere in the house to remind them.
  • Check In Frequently – Have your children check-in the moment they get home from school and possibly a few times while they are home alone.
  • Arm the Security System – Have your children arm your security system the moment they get home and have strict instructions for disarming it. Let children know that they are not allowed to disarm the alarm for any reason.
  • Keep the Door Shut – Children staying home alone should never be allowed to answer the door or play outside when their parents are not home. Be clear that children must stay indoors and keep the doors shut, regardless of who is knocking at the door.
  • Keep them Busy – Sometimes the best way to keep children safe is keeping them busy. While a little downtime after school is fine, make sure they have a routine while home alone; such as doing homework, practicing an instrument, or even completing daily chores.

One way to add peace of mind is by installing a home security system complete with security cameras. With a live monitoring feed, you can check-in on the kids while they are home alone. You can also set it up so you receive notifications the moment they enter the home and any time the alarm is disarmed. GuardMe Security wants to help you keep your children safe while they are home alone this school season. Let our security experts come by to offer you a free in-home estimate to secure your property and add peace of mind.


Shorter Days, Longer Nights – So Does that Mean More Thieves in Your Neighborhood?

Daylight Savings takes place this weekend. And, that means shorter days and longer, darker nights. While it makes bedtime a little easier, it also makes it more tempting for burglars to break-in. Consult your local home security company to have your home assessed and make sure your existing system is protecting your home with the change in seasons.

Tips for Protecting Your Home

Fall means it gets darker earlier. In fact, it could be dark before you even get home from work. Which means burglars have more time to look for prospective houses and break-in. There are things you can do, however, to protect your home. These include:

  • Installing an Exterior Security System – Having a home security system that monitors the perimeter of your property will help deter burglars and notify you the second your perimeter is breached.
  • Adding Motion Sensor Lights – Sometimes all it takes is a motion-sensing light to deter burglars. Place these near entry points, such as your garage, front door, back door and even your second floor. As someone enters the detection zone, the light will turn on and brighten up the area.
  • Add Surveillance Cameras – Surveillance cameras can catch potential thieves during the day as well as at night. When you have motion lights attached to your security cameras, you can capture the potential thief on tape to turn over to authorities.

You should have your home assessed by a home security company before the nights start getting longer. GuardMe Security offers a no-obligation consultation. We can assess your home and advise you on what security precautions will protect your home and loved ones. If you have an existing system, we can recommend upgrades so that you get the most out of your home security.

Give us a call today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question on our website and a GuardMe Security expert will be in touch shortly.