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Author: GuardMe Security

Home Security Tips for New Home Owners

Now that the ink has dried and escrow has finally closed, we want to welcome you to the neighborhood. We have to admit that we are pretty partial to living and working in New Jersey. There are so many interesting elements to the area, and one of the best is that it really is a community. We look out for each other here, and pass along helpful advice whenever possible. As a new resident, we’d like to share some valuable information on how you can stay safe and secure in your new neighborhood.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

We know you have a lot of unpacking to do, but make getting out and introducing yourself one of the first things you do. Get to know the people in your neighborhood and ask them to keep an eye out for unusual activity.

Ask Good Questions

Find out everything you can to make living in your new neighborhood safe. For example, ask about the safest walking routes to the schools or other areas you might frequent. Ask about any locations that you should avoid or what times they should be avoided. Find out what crimes are most common in the area and what others do to avoid them.

Change The Locks

Changing the locks should be the first thing you do, even before you start moving your belongings into the new home.

Evaluate Your New Home’s Security Needs

Conduct a security evaluation for your new home. Look for any security challenges such as:

  • Forgotten areas of access
  • Areas of weakness such as doors, windows, and garage doors and entries
  • Overgrown landscaping
  • Lack of lighting
  • A need for fire and carbon monoxide detectors

Find ways to address those concerns by adding home security features like door and window sensors and improved lighting.

Security Needs Change

Security needs change throughout the day and week. And how we address those needs must change as well. Ask yourself questions such as how often and how long will the house be empty on a regular basis and in what ways could you improve security while you are away. For example, consider ways home security and home automation could help protect the home by making it appear occupied at all times.

GuardMe Security is a favored provider of monitored home alarms and commercial security systems. Contact us today. We’ve been family owned and operated for over 20 years.

Skybell, Where Were You Our Whole Lives?

One of the great things about home automation technology is that there is always some new advance that allows us to do something that we previously only dreamed was possible. One of our favorite examples of that is the development of the video doorbell, Skybell.

What Is Skybell?

Skybell is a wireless video camera, a two-way radio, and a wireless networking module that connects to your home wifi.It allows you to receive alerts that somone is there and to see who is at your door through an app on your smartphone.

Here is why we love it so much.

It is Night Vision Enabled

Night vision is one feature that few video doorbells offer and Skybell trumps them all. The night-vision capable camera can see who is at the door better than we can with our naked eye. It is motion sensor triggered so if anyone comes near your door you will know and be able to address the situation.

It Provides Remote Surveillance

When your doorbell rings, you can answer it from wherever you are. You are able to see who is at the door, but they cannot see you and so assume you are on the premises. This is especially helpful since burglars often use the doorbell to determine if anyone is home before try8ing to gain entry.

Live and Recorded Monitoring

Not only can you use the Skybell as an extra live feed video camera monitoring your home’s exterior, you can also record events in full HD and store the recording for later.

It is Motion Activated

Even if the person does not push the button, Skybell is motion activated and will send an alert to your phone.

GuardMe is a premier provider of monitored home alarms and commercial security systems serving over 80,000 customers. Whether at home or on the go, we at GuardMe feel Skybell is a perfect addition to any home security system. Click here for a special offer on our new doorbell camera.

Hot Home Security Topic: Reducing False Alarms

A lot has changed with fire alarm systems over the years, with systems getting increasingly sensitive, yet increasingly accurate. Fire alarm systems of the past suffered from “false alarm syndrome”  with systems being accidentally or unduly set off due to various circumstances. These occurrences led to “occupant conditioning” and residents began to ignore alarms. This pattern of response resulted in injury and even loss of life in some cases. Today, fire alarm systems are more reliable and accurate than ever, but we still need to do our part to proactively reduce false alarms.

Reliability and Pro-activeness Go Hand In Hand

Nobody wants to “cry wolf” and when you have a monitored fire alarm system reducing false alarms is a top priority. False alarms can result in unnecessary dispatches of emergency responders and increase their response times to actual events and emergencies.Over the last two decades, fire alarm systems have become much more technologically complex and accurate which has reduced false alarms considerably. However, keeping the number of false alarms to a minimum requires proactiveness on all fronts. Here are some ways we can reduce false alarms together:

Choose Qualified Fire Alarm System Installers

Accuracy starts at the foundation. Choose properly trained and certified fire and security system experts will know best practices concerning the proper installation of your system, and how all the components work together. Proper installation will help you avoid the problems that often lead to false alarm situations.

Know How Your System Works

Get to know your fire alarm system well. Read all the literature provided and ask your system installer any questions you may have. The number one cause of false alarms is user error. In fact, 80% of all false alarms are due to user error.

Train All Users

If you have others, such as house sitters or service providers who will be using your system, be sure to train them on the proper usage of the system.

Keep the System Maintained

Regular inspections have been shown to reduce false alarms. Many things can contribute to changes in the effectiveness of your system such as home renovations or the addition of pets to the family.

Utilize All Capabilities

Choose a fully integrated system that ties your fire alarm system into your monitored home security system. If your system includes video surveillance cameras, you can log in and view your property to rule in or rule out any events.
Early warning of fire is essential to protect both life and property. Research shows that fires detected by monitored fire alarm systems tend to be smaller and at earlier stages than those fires detected by people. GuardMe Security is the first choice for security throughout the USA and has provided residential and commercial fire and life safety for over 20 years. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Smart Home Security and Home Automation Can Help Watch This Kids This Summer

When the kids are home alone this summer, it’s hard not to worry about their safety. Are they letting unapproved visitors in the house or leaving the doors and windows open increasing your utility bills? Smart home automation and security are the perfect tools to help you watch the children even if you’re at work.

Easy Access Without Hiding a Key

Gone are the days of hiding keys somewhere outside for the kids. Smart home security allows you to assign each family member a unique code to access the house at any time. Set up alerts on your smartphone, and the system will send you alerts to let you know who entered the house and when. It helps you keep track of the kids. You’ll look like a magician when you can tell them you know they were late even when you weren’t home.

It Helps Reduce Security Expenses

The kids are having too much fun to remember to shut doors and windows. All you can think of is how high your summer utility costs will be. The security system knows when a window or door is left open and triggers the smart thermostat to set back to the energy-saving mode. The smart thermostat doesn’t reset back to your ideal comfort setting until someone shuts the door or window. The system can even send you alerts so that you can tell the kids to correct the problem.

Secure the Outside of Your House

You can use security sensors outside the house as well as on the backyard gate. Whenever someone opens the gate, you’ll receive alerts on your smartphone whether you’re home or not. It also helps you keep tabs on the dog. With cameras in the backyard, you can view live feed to see what’s going on or use automatic lighting to illuminate the yard if someone opens the gate.

Smart home security performs more functions than simply keeping your family safe. Pair it with home automation, and you can create scenes for common actions such as locking up the house at night and setting the alarm. Together they streamline household processes and make chores easier.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on smart home security systems for your house, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

Simplify Your Summer Party With Smart Home Automation

Summer parties are a blast but prepping for them can bring you down. Smart security can save the day by automating some of your tasks and streamlining the party planning process.

Your Video Doorbell and Smart Locks Help You Greet Your Guests

As you’re running around the house making last-minute preparations, an early party guest can be inconvenient. However, your video doorbell makes it easy to see who’s at the door and talk to them using two-way voice. Verify it’s a friend and then simply open the door with the app on your smartphone as you continue your party tasks.

Automatic Lights Brighten You Party

When the sun sets, your security system can automatically turn on the outdoor and indoor lighting to brighten the party. Another essential automated feature of your smart home security system is the auto-setback on your thermostat. It automatically sets the temperature to ‘savings’ mode when the system detects open windows and doors. You don’t need to worry about wasting energy as your guests stroll in and out of your house.

Smart Home Security Provides an Extra Set of Eyes

It’s hard to keep up with the children when your party’s going strong.  There’s so much catching up to do with friends and family, but someone always has to watch the kids out of the corner of their eye.

With smartphone alerts and contact sensors your home security system becomes the eyes in the back of your head. Contact sensors send alerts to your smartphone when the kids stray of course to off-limit spaces. You’ll know where they’ve been because your security system is always watching.

Home Automation Works on Other Devices

Home automation isn’t only available for your smartphone. You can download the app to tablets and even your Apple watch. Wow the crowd by shutting the garage door for the night with your Apple tablet or watch.

Home automation simplifies your life and makes hosting parties easy.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on smart home security systems for your house, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

3 Essential Outdoor Security Products to Make You Summer Safer

Summer is the time for late-night parties and cookouts as well as long vacations. Property crimes such as larceny and burglary spike significantly during the summer. Absentee homeowners and open doors and windows contribute to this increase in criminal activity. Outdoor security equipment connected to your smart home security system protects your home even when you’re away.

1.     Smart Security Cameras

Outdoor security cameras let you see what’s happening outside your home whether you’re on vacation or inside the house. The technology has advanced greatly, and now these cameras can differentiate between vehicles, people, and animals, thus reducing false alarms. Customize your alerts so that you only monitor what’s important to you.

Outdoor security cameras let would-be criminals know that someone’s always watching your house. Most burglars won’t attempt to break into homes with security systems.

2.     Brighten Dark Areas with Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is an outdoor security essential. When your security system detects suspicious activity outside, it triggers your outside lights to turn on.

This process is helpful in several ways. First, if there is an intruder in your yard, the automatic lighting shines right on them.  Then the outside cameras capture an excellent image of the person. It also brightens your entire yard eliminating dark places where criminals like to hide.

You can also create a schedule for your security system that automatically turns the outside lights on when you’re gone. Lights on in the evening are a signal that someone is home.

3.     Video Doorbell

A video doorbell is one of the best deterrents for the front of your house. Motion triggered alerts, two-way vocal communication, and live video allow you to identify visitors and speak to them no matter where you are. If you’re expecting guests or a package, just verify who’s at your door. Then unlock it for visitors or direct the delivery person where to leave the package.

A complete smart home security system is one of the best investments in your home that you can make. It protects your property and family 24/7.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on smart home security systems for your house, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

How a Smart Security System Simplifies Your Summer Home Renovation

Are stressed out about your home renovation because you have to keep leaving work to open the door for a contractor? Or maybe your worried about the security of your house during the renovation process. We have a comprehensive solution for you to ease your stress: smart home security.

Video Feeds and Alerts Keep You Informed

Now you can check if your plumber actually stayed four hours like he said he did. Activity alerts will notify you when some one is late or if they don’t show up at all. There’s a complete history of activity for you home on your security dashboard in case you need to refer back to it.

Two-way voice communication, visual alerts, and live video allow you to convey important information without a phone call. If you haven’t moved in and hooked up internet yet, image sensors with cellular connections are available.

Smart Locks Allow You to Unlock Doors Remotely

Most projects require continued support from contractors. Smart home security has you covered there as well. Install smart locks and connect them to your security system so that you can open the door remotely with your smartphone.

Tell the electrician to ring the video doorbell when he arrives, and you can verify through video feed who it is before unlocking the door. Even more convenient, you can make a four-digit security code that lets contractors in during certain hours. Delete it from the system when the contractor finished their work or set it to auto-expire.

Lock Up with One Touch

Thieves like vacant properties and break in to steal tools and supplies. Add professional home security monitoring to that someone guards your home all of the time. The security system immediately notifies the monitoring station if there’s a break in and sends you alerts if it detects suspicious activity.

Disarming and arming your alarm is simple. Create a scene command for your phone and it tells the system to lock up and set the alarm at the end of the workday.

smart home simplifies your life. It protects your house and property even when you’re not there.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on smart home security systems for your house, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

Why More Millennials Want Smart Home Security

Millennials are the largest generation in history and are expected to surpass the Baby Boomers in numbers this year. They grew up on and embraced technology, so it’s not surprising that millennials want smart homes that provide them the freedom to manage their household from almost anywhere in the world. Smart homes also protect their largest investment; their home.

Smart Home Security Systems Provide Everything Homeowners Need for Security and Efficiency

One of the best aspects  of smart home security is that homeowners can bundle a variety of features that:

  • Identify potential criminal activity. By using security cameras, glass break detection, and motion sensors, the security system can detect possible burglary attempts. These components all work together to monitor all suspicious activity outside your home and sends alerts to the app on your smartphone when the system detects a possible threat.
  • Welcome trusted family and friends with a temporary security code. Providing your guests their own temporary security code takes away the hassle of dealing with a key. It gives them the freedom to leave the house and get back in without scheduling their outings with everyone else. The homeowners control the activation and deactivation with one touch through the smartphone app.
  • Smart home security helps homeowners get into their house safely and quickly when they come home in the dark. Before smart home security, you had to remember to turn the front porch light on before you left for the evening and then fumble around with a key to get in only to enter into a dark house.
  • With smart locks that work with the security system, keyless entry makes entering the house at night simple. Disarm the alarm in your driveway, turn on the lights inside, and unlock the door to enter your home safely. It reduces the amount of time spent unlocking the door giving criminals waiting in the dark the perfect opportunity to strike.

Smart home security systems allow you to run your house efficiently while away or at home. These systems are perfect for the millennial homeowner who welcomes technology and wants to feel secure in their residence.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on smart home security systems for your house, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

Why Smart Home Security = a Stress-Free Summer

School is out, and the kids are home, enjoying some much needed R&R. You, on the other hand, are thinking about what you need to do to keep them safe and occupied over the break, and still get all of your work done. Is it impossible? Not if you have home automation.

Don’t Worry, You’re Not Alone

When the kids are home, the activity and danger levels go up, as do our anxiety levels as parents. Don’t worry, it’s natural. We all have those lingering worries about things like what exactly are they doing in the backyard, did they shut the door, or keeping them out of an unattended pool. The fears are real, and justified. The good news is, they can also be alleviated.

Complete Control and Peace of Mind

Being concerned about your family’s safety is completely understandable. While the percentage of things like injury, accidental death, fire, break-in or other events might be low overall, if it happens to you, it’s 100%. We do not have to live expecting a serious event, but we can live in a way that seriously reduces the likelihood of one. Home automation gives you both complete control and peace of mind.

Home Automation Saves Summer Break

Things get a little chaotic during summer vacation (even if you don’t have kids!). Who knows where they old saying “the lazy days of summer” came from, but unless it means an increased likelihood of forgetting something important as you rush around from activity to activity, summer for most of us is anything but lazy.

Being concerned about your family’s safety is completely understandable. While the percentage of things like injury, accidental death, fire, break-in or other events might be low overall, if it happens to you, it’s 100%.

Fortunately, home automation can take up some serious slack. With your home automation power, you can:

  • Control your  smart thermostat
  • Monitor energy usage
  • Watch the kids play outside with the smart cameras and smart app
  • Know if the doors open unexpectedly
  • Keep kids out of pools or water features with door and gate sensors
  • Make certain places off limits
  • Keep intruders out
  • Monitor the home when you are away
  • Check in on pets if you’re gone for the day
  • Lock smart locks those times when you forget…
  • Know exactly who is at the door by checking the video doorbell.
  • Check in on the kids if you have to leave for a bit
  • Know who gets home, or comes over– like that steady stream of your kids classmates.
  • Make sure you really did turn off the tater tots in the oven
  • Go away on vacation knowing that 24/7 monitoring has your home covered

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe Security has corporate headquarters in Old Bridge, New Jersey but serves residential and commercial clients coast to coast. Since 1997, GuardMe has been serving customers with custom integrated home security systems based on the individual needs of each client.