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Author: GuardMe Security

Smart Home Technologies Home Buyers Want Most

If you have a home on the market right now and have home automation, you are in a really great place. Seasonality plays an important role in the housing market. Activities swell during the spring and summer months, and drop some in fall and winter. In addition to seasonality giving you a seller’s edge, having home automation boosts the attractiveness of your home considerably according to real estate experts at Inman. Today’s buyers don’t want just any home; They want smart homes.  

Home Buyers Are Willing to Pay More for Smart Homes

Real estate industry surveys and statistics show that buyers are not only more interested in a home with smart technologies, they are also willing to pay more for homes with the right technologies. The smart home technologies home buyers want most range from safety features to convenience. Here are the top 7.

Smart Security

While granite counter tops were the must-have feature for years, smart security is what tips the scale for home buyers today. Home sellers are ahead of the game if their home has smart security features such as smart locks, video doorbells, smart cameras and motion sensors.

Smart Thermostats

Energy conservation helps also tops the list of desirable home features. The desire to create a smaller footprint, conserve energy, as well as utility savings drives homebuyers to homes with smart thermostats. These smart devices improve energy efficiency and offer buyers significant cost savings.

Smart Garage Doors

Serving as both a convenience and a safety feature, homebuyers see smart garage doors as a huge plus. The ability to close the door if forgotten, or to use as a way to let in service providers or neighbors in an emergency is an advantage not lost on those looking for their next home.

Smart Security Cameras

No matter where you live, security is a huge concern and any feature that improves it makes your home far more attractive. Since 60% of burglars polled said they would avoid a home with security cameras and the presence of a home security system, these solutions are a very positive selling point.

Leak Detection and Other Environmental Sensors

Environmental sensors are an early warning system that helps prevent disasters caused by burst or leaking pipes, overheating machinery, gas leaks, carbon monoxide, and more. They are very desirable to today’s homebuyer because they provide added peace of mind and protect against many unseen dangers.

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is also important to buyers– and for good reason. While the ability to turn lights off and on from anywhere is convenient and practical, it also adds a lot to security the property. Never having to walk into a dark house or having the ability to make the home look occupied at all times, is something homebuyers want, and expect.

GuardMe Security understands the security issues you face. Family and locally owned- we’ve been serving New Jersey for over 20 years.

Guard Your Home Against Unlawful Entry with Smart Home Security

Most people think that the majority of break-ins involve forcible entry, but according to the FBI out of 1,401,840 burglaries in 2017, 36.2 percent were unlawful entries. Unfortunately, these incidents are due to homeowners forgetting to secure their windows and doors before they leave home.

It’s easy to forget to check all of your doors and windows before you leave. If you’re in a hurry that’s often the last thing on your mind. It’s also time-consuming to check every single door and window to make sure one of the kids hasn’t left one open or unlocked.

You probably shrug it off and think that it would be pure luck if burglars stumbled upon your home and entered through an unlocked window. Then you come home to a ransacked house. Luckily, there is a solution that helps secure your house and save you time in the process.

That solution is a smart home security system. Smart home security systems are the perfect security solution for several reasons.

Smart Home Security Reminds You

You can program your security system to send you reminders through the security app on your phone. Also, if a window or door is not locked, your security system notifies you through the smartphone app.

Voice activation allows you to program “scenes” or vocal commands to the security system that instruct it to “lock the windows and doors” or “arm the system.” For the busy homeowner, these reminders are a great back up to human error.

Arm or Check the System with One Touch

With smart home security, it’s easy to check the status of your garage door, windows, and exterior doors without checking each one. Put a sensor on every window to monitor them 24/7. Adding sensors and smart locks to all of your windows and doors allows you to check the security status of your home by simply checking the app on your phone.

Increase Efficiency and Decrease Wasted Time

Create a customized “Lock up House” scene to automatically lock all of the doors and windows and arm the security system. All you need to do is press the scene button, and then your smart home system takes care of the rest. No more needless running around to lock everything up before you leave since your security system takes care of it all for you. You’ll never have to fret when you’re away from home because you know that your house is safe and secure from unlawful entry.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on remote monitoring for your elderly loved one, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

The Ultimate Upgrade for Man Caves

Between Father’s Day, graduations and the summer gatherings that come after them, June is the perfect month to upgrade the man cave room of the home. There’s good news for men who want to do this: It can all be done with one simple upgrade to your home’s security system.

How can a security system upgrade benefit your man cave? Here are some great possibilities.

Improved Security for Your Valuables

What’s an upscale man cave without a few heirlooms? Maybe it’s that liquor bottle passed down through the generations, or a framed baseball card collection. Whatever it is, placing an extra sensor on them can give them the protection you want. When you have a smart home component to your security system, you’ll receive a text alert to your phone when someone gets too close.

Smart Locks for Easier Entertaining

When everyone comes over for the big grad party or Father’s Day gathering, how great would it be to let everyone in without having to go to do the door? That’s another convenience a smart home upgrade offers. Guests will still ring the bell, but hosts can see who it is using their phones, and speak to them through the doorbell’s camera speaker. With a tap of the app, the guests will be let in when you unlock the smart lock. You can do it all without having to leave your spot, whether it’s the BBQ station or the couch.

Total Automation From Your Phone

Automation is the hottest home upgrade, and your man cave can benefit from it too. Imagine being able to set the scene for a party – turning down the lights, turning up the air conditioning, and disarming the security system for guests – all with one tap on your phone. That’s one more thing that makes smart home automation the ultimate upgrade for the man cave. Your guests will be seriously impressed when you show them how the “scene” function on your system works – and when it comes to throwing a party, isn’t impressing people one of the most important goals?

To learn more about this ultimate upgrade for man caves & smart home automation, contact us today.

About GuardMe Security

A local company that offers excellent monitoring, affordability and convenient installation is often better than a national security company that looks at you as just another customer. GuardMe Security offers residential home security solutions that can be customized to your budget and security needs.

Simple Home Security Tips For The Summer

When the temperature climbs, the conditions are perfect for summer fun. After all, who doesn’t love a nice afternoon on the couch with a warm breeze coming in through the open window? But the laid back attitude of summer can cause some unforeseen problems. Vacations, backyard barbecues, block parties, and warm days can all lull residents into a false sense of security that leaves them vulnerable to crime.

Criminals love the summer because they know that residents are gone from home frequently and are less vigilant about safety practices. Protecting your family and home is a serious matter, even during summer. Here are our top tips for staying safe.

Lock Your Doors

Even if you are just going to the store for a few minutes, or in the back doing yard work, be sure to lock your doors. A criminal could use your distraction to walk in and grab easily accessible valuables.

Close the Garage Door

The summer months find many residents working on home improvements. While working around the home and yard, it is easy to leave the garage open and provide easy access to your car, power tools and other belongings. Even if you will be gone for just a moment, close that door and deter crime.

Never Leave Windows Open

As tempting as it may be to let that breeze come through the home, never leave the windows open when you leave the house. A better choice to to use home automation to keep the house at the perfect temperature.

Don’t Invite Crime

Avoid leaving toys out in the front yard. Not only does it invite them to get stolen, it also signals that you have children and likely a lot of highly accessible electronics on hand, something easily taken from your home.

Take Extra Precautions if You go on Vacation

Homes are especially vulnerable when residents are away on vacation. If you are going to be one for an extended period of time, make an extra effort to burglar-proof your home.

  • Keep shrubs and trees trimmed back
  • Have a yard maintenance company keep the yard looking fresh
  • Remove window air conditioners from the window
  • Use home automation to look and sound home
  • Keep quiet about your plans on social media
  • If you have a trusted neighbor, have them watch the home

One of the best ways to protect your home is by having a home security system installed. GuardMe is a premier provider of monitored home alarms and commercial security systems serving New Jersey. We are pleased to serve you.

Is DIY Home Security Worth Your While?

When evaluating options in home security, residents are often faced with the choice of DIY home security versus professionally installed and monitored home security systems.  It might seem like an easy apple to apple decision on the surface, but in reality, it is much more complex.

Home Security Projects

With the growing popularity of DIY and project driven sites like Pinterest, almost everything has a DIY option, and home security is no exception. We all like the idea of a great project, but do-it-yourself home security is a lot different than getting your hands dirty or putting in some elbow grease to restore a table. An inadequate job can jeopardize your safety and that of your family. The connectivity, compatibility, right equipment and capabilities as well as right placement all play a vital role in the effectiveness of a home security system.

What You Need to Know

Home security and video surveillance is not a plug and play venture. It is a science that requires a lot of different facets of knowledge.

  • Equipment capabilities. There is a wide range of options in home security equipment and components. And each have a different set of features and capabilities, and made for a specific purpose. For example, cameras are very specific to serve certain purposes, such as for small spaces or dark areas. Even a great security camera in the wrong place can’t do the job well.
  • Proper placement. Placement of cameras and sensors is critical to the working of your system. When placing your equipment, you must have a complete knowledge of the component and how it works in order to place the equipment properly.
  • It is important to research the all security system components and understand compatibility issues. They must work well together and be able to connect to the network.

Professional Monitoring

One of the key aspects of home security is professional home security monitoring. In DIY home security, professional monitoring is not always an option, and if it is you need to be aware of the service offerings to ensure it is what you expect and that it will meet your needs. It is also important to ensure that your components are compatible with their network. In professionally designed, installed, and monitored systems, those things are already insured.

About GuardMe Security

While taking a DIY route is a possibility, it likely would not result in the same capacities of a professionally installed and monitored home security system. Guardme is a single source electronic security provider, serving clients with high-quality equipment and exceptional service.


Smart Home Solutions Help Seniors Live Independently

Thanks to technology advancements over the last decade, our seniors can continue to live at home safely without the fear of being sent to live in a nursing home. Remote monitoring and smart home automation work together to provide the perfect solution for managing senior wellness at home. This security solution is proactive instead of reactive, alerting caregivers if the system detects a change in patterns or a risk.

Remote Monitoring

Caregivers have peace of mind with remote monitoring because someone is always watching their loved one. Tasks such as managing medications, ensuring their safety at home, supervising medical appointments as well as managing finances, shopping for groceries, and monitoring family members can be overwhelming for people trying care for loved ones without being obtrusive.

There are numerous monitoring devices available today to protect your loved ones from medical or safety emergencies. These devices alert caregivers of any changes or risks using a smartphone app. For urgent situations a 24/7 monitoring center contacts emergency services while notifying someone on a list of keyholders.

Medical Alert Devices

The emergency pendant has been on the market for decades and alerts a monitoring center when your family member pushes the emergency button. The alarm center checks with the senior while alerting people on a list of family members of the incident. If they can’t reach anyone on the list or the situation is an emergency, the alarm center notifies emergency services. This technology has advanced to alert authorities if the person falls without requiring them to press a button.

Home Motion Sensors

These sensors notify caregivers of unusual activity in the home. Front door sensors and cameras alert if they detect significant movement and sensors placed on the bed detect if your loved one gets up after they’ve gone to bed for the night. Sensors can even be placed on medicine cabinets to track activity or let someone know if the senior left a stove on.

There are GPS-enabled inserts for shoes that help monitor the movement of older people suffering from dementia or Alzheimers, whether they are in a vehicle or on foot. The sensors alert caregivers when a monitored family member has traveled beyond a pre-set perimeter.

Home Automation

These monitoring devices are just a few examples of the technology available today. You can combine them with home automation to ensure that your loved one is always safe and secure at night. The alarm system performs these actions by scheduling a scene that locks the house and turns off the lights at a specific time.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on remote monitoring for your elderly loved one, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

Smart Security Matters: Would You Let a Burglar Walk Into Your Home?

When we think of a burglary, we usually think of the scenarios we see on television or in the movies. You know the ones; the burglar breaks open a window or kicks in a front door and then ransacks the house looking for valuables. The problem with that plot is that it doesn’t follow a large number of real-life burglaries. The real story is less cinematic, but a lot more disturbing. Much of the time burglars do not have to break in, they just walk in.

Human Failure is the Root of the Problem

In 2014 there were 1,420,000 burglaries reported in the United States, or one nearly every 14 seconds. Of those, 504,000 of them were unlawful entry where the burglar did not have to break in, but gained entry through an open or unlocked window or door as a result of simple human error.

Pro Tip: Even if you do not have time to check every door and window if they have a contact sensor, you can still know their status by checking them through the security app on your phone.

Common Mistakes Can Lead to Huge Loss

It is easy to get caught up in life and forget to lock the doors or windows when we leave the house. This is especially true when more than one person is going in and out throughout the day. But one mistake is all it takes for an opportunistic burglar to walk in and take your valuables. The average burglary results in $2,250 in losses.

Smart Security Solves the Problem

We like smart security because it’s convenient, but love it because it solves the security failures that lead to loss. Here’s how smart, connected devices and automated smart security can keep your home from being one of 35.2 percent unlawful entry burglaries.

  • You gain knowledge. Even if you do not have time to check every door and window if they have a contact sensor, you can still know their status by checking them through the security app on your phone.
  • Get alerts while you are close enough to solve the problem. By using geo-location technology your smart security system can alert you if a door or window is open once you reach a predetermined distance from your home. That means you can still turn around before you get too far.
  • The smart locks can respond automatically. Even on the busiest days you can lock all your smart locks with one push of a button on your smart security app. For even more efficiency, you can use geo-location technology to create a trigger so that when you leave the house the smart garage door closes and the smart locks lock without a thought.

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe Security designs, installs and services virtually all types of electronic safety and security systems, including fire, security and alarm to access control, video security and central station monitoring.

Local Alarm Companies vs. the Big Brands: Alarm Monitoring Pros and Cons

Local alarm and big brand alarm companies all have the same goal no matter where they’re located: to protect your family and home or business and employees. While both have the same goals, there are some pros and cons to each choice.

Pros and Cons of Big Brand Alarm Companies

We constantly see commercials on tv for the big brand alarm companies. For this reason, many people decide that these companies are the best to entrust with the security of their business or home. One of the primary benefits of choosing a well-known brand is the recognition associated with their name.

However, once you get to the local level, the big brand company’s reputation may not be the same with its local dealers. Make sure you research reviews for the specific dealer in your area to get an accurate picture of their reliability and reputation. Many people find that these reviews focus on subcontracted services and inflexible contracts that make people feel trapped.

Pros and Cons of Local Alarm Companies

One of the most significant benefits of local alarm companies is that they are usually personally invested in the community and their customers. This investment in the customers’ and community’s security and happiness is because they share the common bond of the area that they live and reside in.

Many times, this connection is reflected in the design of their equipment and high company standards that can match the big brands. Contrary to the major alarm company, the local company has a working relationship with local law enforcement as well. Now, the big brand company can also achieve strong connections through their local dealers because they find themselves invested in their community and customers.

The downside of a local alarm company is that they don’t have the reputation that larger alarm companies have. Some may not have the ability to monitor your alarm if the local alarm company is really small.

There’s a certain security attached to the knowledge that a large alarm company with an excellent reputation and superior alarm monitoring is protecting your home or business. However, the personal investment in their customers and communities makes local alarm companies an alluring option. Whatever choice you make, be sure to do your research and investigate the reviews of each of your alarm options.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For more information on alarm monitoring, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

Smart Savings with Smart Thermostats & Home Security

Whether it’s the cold winter or hot summer, many people see their energy bill skyrocket during these harsh seasons. Home automation provides the perfect solution for saving money when you install a smart thermostat.

How Does a Smart Thermostat Work?

Ordinary thermostats allow you to adjust the temperature in your home. Smart home thermostats learn from your home’s activity and adjust the temperature settings accordingly so that your system works efficiently.

The intelligent thermostat connects to your Wi-Fi to change these settings for optimal performance. Once it learns your habits and temperature preferences, it establishes a schedule and automatically adjusts to settings that save energy when you’re away from home or asleep.

The smart home thermostat integrates with your security system and the two work together to keep you safe and save energy. The contact sensors that alert the security system that an intruder is breaching an opening also provide information to the thermostat when a window is left open. The thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature to minimize energy waste. You’ll also receive an alert on your smartphone. The heating and cooling system remains in energy saving mode until someone closes the door or window.

Geo-Fencing with Your Home Alarm System

Another great feature of the smart home thermostat is geo-fencing. Geo-fencing sets invisible boundaries, and once you cross them, your thermostat adjusts the temperature settings. If you leave to go on vacation or just go to work, the system sets the thermostat back to save energy. On your way home, the temperature adjusts again to your preferred settings. You’ll come home to a comfortable house.

Smart Thermostats Save Even When You Forget

You set your alarm and then jump into bed to get a good night’s sleep. Then you realize that you forgot to set the thermostat back. Never fear, your smart thermostat works with your security system and automatically adjusts the temperature when you set your alarm at night.

Just arming your security system can prompt your home automation to close the blinds and turn off the lights as well as adjust the thermostat settings. It also allows you to create scenes that you can label such as ‘Nighttime’ that will trigger the system to do all of these tasks at once.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

Over time you’ll see significant energy savings thanks to your smart home thermostat. For information on smart home technology that integrates with your security system, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.