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Author: GuardMe Security

Do You Really Need Alarm Monitoring?

In a word, yes. It’s one thing to have an alarm, but having it installed only means the audible alarm will sound if there’s an intrusion. For real protection, you need to have your alarm monitored by a professional central station. Read on to find out why there’s no substitution.

Anyone can be a victim.

Maybe you think a burglary, violent home invasion, or a devastating house fire could never happen to you. The numbers tell a different story. There are nearly 8 million property crimes a year, according to the FBI. Furthermore, property owners sustained more than $15 billion in losses as a result (not counting arson, which would add on even more losses). Likewise for fire: Government statistics show that U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 355,400 home structure fires per year, resulting in 2,560 civilian fire deaths. These are not victimless crimes, and they can happen to anyone.

If there’s an emergency, you will need help.

Even if you’re in law enforcement…even if you own a firearm…even if you’re skilled in self-defense. No matter who you are, everyone needs help in an emergency – and help is what only a monitored alarm system can send. Without a connection to a 24/7 central station, an alarm system is far less effective. While an unmonitored alarm will emit its sound in the event of a break-in, the help stops there. You need more than that.

In an emergency, you won’t have time.

If an intruder breaks into your home or a fire breaks out on your property, you may not have seconds to spare. There may not even be time to call 911, but a monitored alarm can do it for you.

If your motion sensors detect a break-in, a monitored alarm will contact the central station immediately. If there’s a fire, it does the same thing the moment the smoke is detected. The moment your monitored alarm sounds, that’s the moment the trained security agents at the central station are sending help. You don’t have time to call for it, but sending it is their full-time job.

These are the reasons you need a professionally monitored alarm, no matter who you are. For more information from a security provider that offers fully monitored alarm protection, call GuardMe Security today. We look forward to speaking with you.

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For information on smart home technology that integrates with your security system, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

How Home Alarm Monitoring Can Save Your Life

In 2017, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that about 20 out of every 1,000 homes were burglarized. Homeowners can become victims of a violent crime, fire, or other home catastrophes. So, a monitored home alarm system could be the difference between life and death. Here’s a look at how home alarm monitoring can potentially save your life.

Home Invasion and Burglary

Home invasions and burglaries are common property crimes that homeowners face. Contrary to popular belief, criminals do break into houses when the residents are home.

Sometimes investigators and reporters ask ex-criminals for tips to prevent break-ins, and one thing burglars hate to see is intelligent and effective home security systems. It’s imperative to take measures to protect your family from dangerous criminals’ intent on robbing you of your property and maybe even your life.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

They don’t call carbon monoxide “the silent killer” for nothing. Numerous sources such as old furnaces and charcoal or wood-burning stoves can release this colorless, odorless gas. Unless you have a carbon monoxide detector, it’s completely undetectable.

Similar to the smoke detectors installed in your home, a monitored carbon monoxide detector alerts emergency authorities and your family when carbon monoxide levels rise in your home. The quicker your family gets out of the house, the less severe the poisoning is.


Few things are more terrifying to families than house fires. No one thinks they’ll be the victim of a house fire until they are. The National Fire Protection Association reported that from 2012-2016 fire departments in the United States responded to approximately 355,400 house fires each year. Those fires caused 2,560 civilian deaths, 11,670 injuries to civilians, and $6.5 billion in property damage.

A monitored home fire alarm notifies you and the fire department if it senses heat or smoke. Since fire can spread rapidly, it’s critical that the fire department responds to your house as quickly as possible to extinguish the flames. Here mere seconds can save lives and prevent the fire from spreading to other residences.

Contact GuardMe Security Today

Monitored home alarms perform many tasks, but perhaps the most important is keeping your family safe. Home alarm systems deter would-be criminals when an intruder attempts to or invades your home. These systems also contact emergency services when there are medical and fire emergencies. Installing one in your home could save your life. GuardMe can help. Call us today.

DIY Home Security vs. Pro Installation: What’s the difference?

Everyone loves a good do-it-yourself home improvement project. But should home security be one of those endeavors? Definitely not. Installing a security system requires an elevated level of complexity compared to the average DIY home improvement project. Even when you opt for a modern, wireless home security system (which you should), it’s still unwise to attempt to install and integrate it yourself. Why?

Because you need a personalized security solution.

A DIY home security installation is a massive undertaking. It starts with a trip to your local retailer, where you see an overwhelming number of choices in front of you. And this is the easy part. Next, you get the attention of a salesperson – and because you’re likely at a warehouse or big box electronics store, you already know that person doesn’t know much about home security. How can you expect them to help you choose the right security system, much less give you reliable guidance on how to install it? Does this sound like the way you want to go?

Now, compare that with an installation from a professional home security integrator. They start with providing a complimentary consultation at your home, rather than on the sales floor. By visiting your property and seeing your home for themselves, they can give you a personalized home security recommendation you can be confident in.

Because you need a precise installation.

True, a wireless home security installation is less invasive on your home than a traditional system would be. However, it still requires skill and proficiency to execute. When you attempt a DIY home security installation, there’s a good chance you’re going to make a mess – and an even better chance you’ll miss a crucial step. When it comes to home security, you can’t afford to make any mistakes; they will undoubtedly cost you in the long run.

Again, let’s compare that with a professional home security installation. Your integrator completes the job quickly and accurately, and will test the system right in front of you before leaving. This is the simpler, more stress-free experience you deserve as a homeowner.

Because you need long-term support.

Your local retailer may also sell the devices to integrate with your security system: sensors, cameras, maybe even other smart devices. That might seem convenient, but what happens when something goes wrong with any of those devices? Even if your purchases are protected by a limited warranty, you’re not likely to have a lot of support from the manufacturer or the retailer where you bought the product.

But if you chose a professional security installation, you’ll have support anytime something goes wrong. And if you wisely choose to have your installer also provide your alarm monitoring services, you’ll have support for those too.

Buying your home security devices from a retailer and attempting a DIY home security project is not the smart way to go. A professional home security installation is. To learn more, call GuardMe Security. We will be glad to answer your questions.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on smart home technology that integrates with your security system, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

4 reasons to upgrade to home automation with your tax refund

After the pain and annoyance of doing taxes is over, for those getting a refund it means making a decision about what you will do with the money. There are some good reasons why home automation tops the list for tax refunds. For most people, a refund means taking on a home improvement project without taking on the issues of biting into weekly pay to get it done. Since the average tax refund is around $3,000, it provides a lot of room to do something that will add value, safety, security, and convenience quickly and painlessly.

Home Automation is Affordable

In the early years of home automation, it was largely viewed as an expensive luxury item and not something for the average homeowner. Today, that is a whole different story. The technologies have advanced so much and the industry so expanded that the components that make up home automation have become widely available, and therefore much more affordable.  Home automation completely affordable to nearly every budget, and more advanced than ever.  

It’s Not Just a Convenience

Home automation is also not just a convenience. Today, the trend is to automate and connect all parts of our lives. In fact, manufacturers of everyday products, appliances, and devices such as smart lights and smart cameras, expect that consumers will be integrating them into a smart home system and design them to meet those needs. If something can be more quickly and efficiently done, the expectation is that it can and should be and product makers are responding to the trend. Where before it was a novelty, today it is just part the everyday life of a busy American.

Home Automation Provides Savings

Another reason homeowners use tax refunds for home automation is that home automation pays them back in savings. Not only can you control the usage of lights and appliances or the temperature of your home from one smart app, the system can learn your usage patterns and adjust the lighting, smart thermostat, and smart appliances accordingly.

Better Security is a Plus, Too

Even if all your security system did was to sound an alarm, it would still be worth having. But why settle for that when a smart security system is easier to use and provides additional advantages that improve safety? Connected locks, smart cameras, video doorbells, and sensors can all work together to provide a network of safety and information sent to you via alerts when anything is out of the ordinary.

It is near impossible to calculate the added home and life value that a home automation system adds, but one thing is certain; it is a wise investment of a tax refund. Guardme Security provides customers with professionally designed custom home automation systems to fit their needs and their budget.

Spring Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Home Safe

No one really looks forward to spring cleaning, but it is that annual task that must be done. While you are scrubbing away the grime of the year, polishing the floors and dusting blinds, use this opportunity to make your home a safe haven too.

The following are the best ways you can make your home safer and they all can be done at the same time you clean.

Tackle High Traffic Areas 

The high traffic areas of your home – hallway, kitchen, foyer, etc. – are prime spots for household accidents. While you are cleaning these areas, consider making them a little safer by:

  • Taking care of hazards. Things like excess clutter, small tables that can be tripped over, or even a rug that moves when you walk on it are all safety hazards. If the areas are fully carpeted and you notice the carpet is loose, contact a professional to have it tightened as well to prevent any accidents.
  • Check out the lighting situation. High-traffic areas need adequate lighting to prevent slips, stumbles and falls – especially if you have young children or elderly adults in the house. Make sure these areas are well-lit, even at night.

Take Care of Personal Possessions

Spring is the perfect time to clean out family possessions that you no longer need and that simply cause clutter in the house. Excess toys, for example, can be a tripping hazard. Sporting equipment, when left around the house, can also promote trips and falls. Designate an area in the home where toys should be stored and set ground rules for picking them up. In the garage, create a space for sporting equipment and make sure they are put away after each practice or game.

Also, do not forget those small appliances you leave plugged in around the house – hair dryers, toothbrush charging stations or even curling irons to name a few. These items could overheat, spark and cause a fire in your home. Find a proper storage place for these items, away from water, and keep them unplugged when not in use.

Spring cleaning is a great time to assess the organization and safety of your home. It is also a great time to install other security items, like a home security system.

Call the experts at GuardMe Security today by dialing (800) 235-0644 to learn more about how you can keep your home safe. Got a question? Click here to ask one of our experts online.

Home Automation: 3 benefits of smart lighting

If you’ve ever wondered what a smart plug is, wonder no more. Read on to find out the benefits of smart lighting and what it can do to make your home more livable and safe.

Simple and app driven

The smart plug is simple, but it can become very useful for your home when connected to other devices. A smart plug is controlled by an app or your alarm keypad. You can plug in and control any equipment through using it. You can control it actively, or you can use automated settings to set up control it.

Connects your security system

You can connect it to your security system this way, for ease of control and access all around. If you use a lamp in a smart plug, it becomes a home security benefit, due to the fact that it can be hooked up to your security system.

Energy Savings

You can schedule your lamp. You can have it come on at certain times for safety, or in conjunction with a motion sensor. You can also set it to come on when you are on your way home. You can also use smart plugs in your kitchen. Program your living room lights to come on when you start your day, and automate when they shut off at the end of the day. You can even set up your small applicances this way, using your smartphone.

Smart plugs can automatically turn off the appliances that run all the time, thus saving you money. And if you use GuardMe Security, you can set them up to switch off when you turn your security system, which makes a lot of sense, really. So, as you can see, GuardMe Security can help not only with your home alarm system, but for saving on energy costs and automating your life as well.

When we opened our doors in 1997, we had one goal in mind: to design custom integrated home security systems based entirely on the vision and needs of each of our clients. Contact GuardMe today for a free in-home consultation.


Using Schedules and Scenes for Household Management

Today, family life is busy and bustling. Many homeowners are looking to technology to help them stay on top of it all; the popularity of Alexa, Google Home and Amazon Echo account for this. But can your security system contribute as well? If you’ve opted to incorporate smart home technology, then the answer is yes. Two of the best ways smart home technology can contribute to your household management are Schedules and Scenes.

How to Use Schedules

Using the Schedules function on your home security app, you can be sure the cameras come on only when you want them to. Don’t want the kids running in and out to trigger the cameras? With Schedules, you can program the system for that. You can even make sure the thermostat only goes up or down at the times you want it to, so you decide how much money you want to save on energy bills. Smart home technology is already empowering for homeowners, but the Schedules feature can help homeowners do even more.

How to Use Scenes

The Schedules feature isn’t the only way to customize your smart home technology. There’s also the Scenes feature, which helps you manage your entire network of smart home devices using simple, one-tap commands on your smart home app. Just open it up and select from the four pre-set scenes that are already built in: Home, Away, Sleep and Wake Up. You get to decide what these scenes will do in the system: set the alarm to armed status, adjust the thermostat higher or lower, or even turn lights on or off. If your shades are part of the network, they can do it too.

Smart home technology is already empowering for homeowners, but the Schedules feature can help homeowners do even more.

Even More Customization

And, the Scenes function is even more customizable. With custom scenes like “Movie,” “Kids Bedtime” and more, you can get even more granular with what your system will do at certain times of day. And Alexa, Google Home and Echo? They’re connectable, so you can use voice commands to make this show run smoothly.

Schedules and Scenes are the perfect household management features for smart home technology. To learn how to use them, contact GuardMe Security. We would love to tell you more.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on smart home technology that integrates with your security system, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

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Are Wireless Keypads Better for an Alarm System?

Wireless keypads on an alarm system – are they better than keypads on traditional systems? And if so, why? Keep reading and all will be revealed. There are three big reasons why wireless keypads are superior to hardwired alarm systems.

1. They’re less invasive on your home.

A traditional home security system required keypads to be hardwired to the home’s infrastructure, which meant an invasive installation comprised of drilling holes and risky electrical work. Naturally, cost corollaries were involved as well. With wireless keypads, installation is easier, more affordable, and less invasive.

2. They’re detached from old technology.

Hardwired keypads were forcibly attached to your old technology: a landline telephone, the electrical wiring, maybe internet broadband. There was a lot riding on these components all working properly; if the phone line was cut or the power went out, the system was unlikely to work – and your home was immediately vulnerable. Wireless systems, including the wireless keypad, are detached from outdated technology. That’s a good thing.

3. They’re easier to troubleshoot.

If there was a problem requiring diagnosis and repair, a hardwired security system needed to be checked out in person by the installer. This could mean a service call fee, a long wait, and any number of other inconveniences. But with a wireless system, everything can be troubleshooted remotely – often, repairing the problem can happen remotely as well. It’s easier on the homeowner, takes less time, and enhances the ownership experience.

If you’re still attached to an old security system, these are some great reasons to go wireless from the keypad up. For questions on a wireless home security upgrade, call GuardMe Security. We’ll be glad to address them.

Contact GuardMe Today

For information on upgrading glass break detectors and other home security equipment, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

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Mobile Apps for Home Security Management

If you still own an alarm system with clunky buttons, loud beeps and endless codes to memorize, then everything you know about home security is wrong. Today’s systems are much better managed with mobile apps, and homeowners are better off for it. Here’s why.

Apps are easy.

A well-made mobile app is easy to use and performs numerous functions. In the case of a home security app, it enables you to lock and unlock the keyless entry on your doors, arm and disarm your security system as needed, and even check on your live, real-time camera footage – all from the convenience of your smartphone. If you have a busy life with lots of responsibilities, this can be a major convenience.

Logins are a pain.

Everyone loves the convenience of doing personal business online, but nobody likes the painful ritual of logging into websites. We forget passwords, we change usernames, and we don’t have time for resets and captchas. But with a mobile app to manage your home security, logins are not part of the routine; all it takes is a simple tap on the app, and you’ve got an instant window into your home security: alarm, cameras and keyless entry locks. It’s all right in front of you.

In the case of a home security app, it enables you to lock and unlock the keyless entry on your doors, arm and disarm your security system as needed, and even check on your live, real-time camera footage – all from the convenience of your smartphone.

Security needs vary.

A homeowner’s security needs will vary over time, and there should be an easy way to adapt the system to those needs. Leaving town? You’ll need to add an alarm code for your house sitter, and deactivate the code when you return home. Somebody moving out? A code may need to be changed to remove that person’s access. With a traditional home security system, it’s harder to accommodate those varying needs – but a mobile app for home security management, it’s easy.

These are some of the ways a mobile app makes managing home security easy. To learn more, call GuardMe Security. We will be glad to answer your questions.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For information on upgrading glass break detectors and other home security equipment, contact GuardMe to request a no-obligation consultation.

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