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Author: GuardMe Security

Smart Home Cameras for Beginners to Home Security

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to know what’s happening at home, from anywhere you happen to be? It’s easy to do with a smart home security camera. Just take out your phone, open your home security app, and you can have an instantaneous view of the activity inside or outside your home. And, if there’s a security event going on – someone is at the door, for example – you’ll receive a smartphone notification that it’s happening.

Here’s what else defines a smart home security camera:

Versatile Viewability

Whatever you want to see, you can see it instantly and in real time. Check in on the kids from work, watch for animals in the yard at night, or check on the status of a package delivery. The built-in motion sensors record all the activity, and you can review these recorded clips anytime. And again, remember you can receive a smartphone alert for any security events you wish.

Even if you have notifications enabled, you don’t want to be overwhelmed with alerts every time the kids run through the house. This can be avoided when you take advantage of the advanced customization of the smart home security system.

Understanding Context

Even if you have notifications enabled, you don’t want to be overwhelmed with alerts every time the kids run through the house. This can be avoided when you take advantage of the advanced customization of the smart home security system, which allows you to opt out of video alerts if your security system is disarmed. That way, daily life can proceed as normal without the system getting in the way. It’s there to help your family feel secure, but on your own terms.

Lots of Varieties

Smart home security cameras are not one-size-fits-all, and that’s a great thing for homeowners. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and models, with options at several price points. Understandably, this can make choosing the right one for you a daunting task – and that’s where an experienced home security dealer can be especially helpful.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

For advice on choosing smart home cameras for home security, New Jersey homeowners can contact GuardMe to get started. GuardMe Security offers a no-obligation consultation to assess your vacation home and help decide the best way to protect your investment.

Advice for National Fire Prevention Week: Look, Listen, Learn

It’s National Fire Prevention Week, and that means it’s time to “look, listen and learn” how home fires start. The more you know about how fires originate, the more effective you can be at preventing them from starting in your home. Here are some facts about fires starting in the home:

Half of all house fires start in the kitchen. So, keep an eye on the oven and keep combustible items away from the stove.

Only 7% of all house fires start in the bedroom. Mattresses are the most flammable objects in the bedroom, so keep candles and other flames away from them.

About 6% of all house fires are caused in chimneys. The most common reason for it is that people neglect to have them serviced. If residue is building up in your chimney, it’s time to have it professionally cleaned.

How Home Security Can Help

Of course, your home security technology can also prevent house fires. As a homeowner, making sure your smoke detectors are operating properly is your responsibility. If they are more than 10 years old, it’s time to replace them. Of course, smoke detectors are the law – but they aren’t always enough in a time of fire emergency.

A fire alarm that integrates with your home security system is the smartest way to protect your home from the threat of fire. If the smoke detectors sense a fire starting, they will communicate with your security system so that the alarm sounds and help is called immediately. This is the proactive response today’s homeowners need for fire protection.

About GuardMe Security

National Fire Protection Week is a great occasion to brush up on fire safety in the home, but fire safety should last long after the week is over. To learn more about fire alarms for home in New Jersey any time of year, contact GuardMe. We will be glad to answer your questions.

Essential Fire Safety for Seniors Living at Home

Fire safety for seniors is a little different than it is for younger adults. Older individuals are not as mobile, and often not as alert either. According to the National Fire Protection Association, people over the age of 65 are twice as likely to be killed or injured in a fire.

Fire safety guidelines for older adults also focus on falls and how to prevent a fall that could stop a senior from getting out of their home safely during a fire.

Tips for Increasing Your Loved One’s Fire Safety

Whether your loved one lives with you or lives alone, there are some things you can do to help keep them safe, including:

  • Moving their Room to the Main Level – If the home is a two-story or multi-level home, move your elderly loved one to a room that is on the main floor. This will give them time to get up and exit the house safely without the risk of falling down the stairs.
  • Install and Check Smoke Detectors – Smoke detectors should be on every level of your home, especially near sleeping areas. Dust out and test the smoke detectors each month and change batteries once a year. Consider using smoke alarms with vibration and flashing lights for elderly individuals who cannot hear as well.
  • Electrical Safety – Homes that are more than 40 years old are at risk for electrical fire, because their wiring does not have the capacity to handle today’s devices. Have the electrical systems inspected at least every 10 years and practice electrical safety by never overloading sockets.
  • Cooking Safety – If your loved one is still cooking at home, make sure they are doing so safely. That includes keeping pot handles inward, cleaning up cooking surfaces and never wearing loose clothing near an open flame.

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe Security can help keep your loved one safe. Our state-of-the-art fire alarms reduce the threat of fire and create an all-points fire protection for the home. With smoke and heat detectors that constantly monitor the home, fires are caught quicker and your elderly loved ones are given an immediate alert so they can reach safety.

Call GuardMe Security experts today at (800) 235-0644 to learn more about our fire alarm systems.

Garage Door Security: An Overlooked Risk

You have gone to great lengths to protect the safety and security of your home, but what about your garage? Even if your garage is not attached to your home, there could be serious dangers lurking that put your home’s safety at risk. So, this year, while you are assessing the security of your home, do not ignore the pitfalls of your garage.

Garages are one of the biggest security vulnerabilities in residential properties and they are appealing to potential burglars, because they rely on the fact that homeowners do not protect them. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to correct these dangers and secure your garage.

Clutter is a danger to your own safety.

From falling objects in haphazardly placed storage to chemical spills, and more, there could be various risk factors. If your garage looks like it is overflowing or you find yourself squeezing in between rows of junk, it is time for a cleanout. Pick up the clutter, put seasonal items away until they are needed, and donate or sell the items you no longer need.

  • Fire Hazards – Your garage is teeming with fire hazards that you do not even know about. There are dozens of combustible materials stored in your garage right now – fertilizers, paint thinners, leftover fireworks, and even gasoline to name a few. Locate all of these potential hazards chemicals and read their labels for proper storage. Ensure your garage has a fire extinguisher rated for chemical applications (a Class B/C is best for garage applications). You can also extend your home’s fire alarm system to cover your garage – hopefully notifying authorities long before the fire reaches your home.
  • Security Breaches – Your garage offers easy access to burglars. Leaving the door from your garage to your home unlocked makes it easier for a burglar to enter your home. Lock all doors, including the door that comes from the garage into your house. Consider installing motion-sensing lights around the perimeter which will deter anyone from trying to sneak in. You can also extend your home’s automation and security systems so that you are able to automatically lock doors, shut garage doors and secure the area.

Garages are one of the biggest security vulnerabilities in residential properties and they are appealing to potential burglars, because they rely on the fact that homeowners do not protect them.

Your garage does not have to be a danger zone. Just by taking extra precautions, protecting your family against lurking dangers and securing the space, you can make it as efficient and safe as the rest of your home. GuardMe Security can offer additional tips and suggest what home security solutions you can add to your home. With free estimates and no obligation, getting on the right track with safety has never been easier.

Call the GuardMe Security Team Today

To learn more about protecting your vacation home, contact your local home security service. GuardMe Security offers a no-obligation consultation to assess your vacation home and help decide the best way to protect your investment.

Your Dog or a Security System: Which One is More Dependable?

Everyone loves your dog: your family, your neighbors, the kids’ friends. Everyone, that is, except for the burglar who tries to break into your home.

So, does that mean your “Beware of Dog” sticker – or better yet, the visual of dogs in your yard – is enough to keep criminals away? Not necessarily. Here are some reasons why.

Your dog’s senses aren’t foolproof.

Dogs have incredibly sharp senses of hearing, smell and touch – and, some of them have great instincts to boot. Nonetheless, they still fall short compared to human senses. While some breeds have a great capacity for detecting danger, others come from breeds known for their “not so bright” intellects. These are the dogs that will bark at everyone from the mailman who comes every day, to some of your most frequently visiting friends. If that describes your dog, then his senses simply can’t be relied on.

Compare that to a professionally installed and monitored home security system, which is designed to detect home intrusion accurately and consistently. The system is connected to the central station, where it is being monitored 24/7 so that help will be on its way the moment an intruder is detected.

Your dog isn’t connected to the central station.  

Speaking of the central station, your lovable pet isn’t connected to it. He’s adorable and loyal, but he lacks a cellular connection (well, doesn’t he?). Your security system does have this connection, and it powers the system’s ability to get an operator on the phone with you immediately, with help already being sent, the moment the alarm is activated.

Your dog can be falsely convinced of someone’s innocence.

Unlike a security system, your pet can be convinced by a criminal. How? Usually, it’s as simple as a piece of meat. And believe it or not, experienced home intruders come prepared.

Unlike your pet, your security system has a built-in feature that will even connect to the monitoring center if a criminal attempts to smash the alarm panel. Your pet may be easily influenced, but your security system is not.

Questions? Contact GuardMe to learn more about home security in New Jersey.

Weather Alert Protection from Smart Home Security

Ah, autumn on the East Coast – it lasts for only a little while, and then harsher weather will be upon us. Maybe you’re used to it, but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous. Harsh weather can do real damage, and homeowners need real tools to protect their families and property from it.

How We Can Help

Luckily, we have something that can help: smart home security systems. New Jersey homeowners who choose to protect their homes with these upgraded security systems have access to real-time weather alerts, with the assurance that the data is accurate because it comes directly from the National Weather Service. It doesn’t get more accurate than that! Here’s how it works.

They Alert Us, We Alert You

As soon as we receive National Weather Service information regarding rain, snow, lightning, a tornado or even a wildfire approaching your area, we immediately send a signal to your home security system. You, along with your neighbors who also have smart home security protection, will know about the weather threat in time to move your family inside the house and away from the danger. You’ll also receive an alert when the conditions have passed, so you can breathe a sigh of relief before everyone else!

But what if you’re away from the home? Smart home security can still help you protect your pets and property. By knowing that inclement weather or other environmental conditions are approaching, you can ask someone you trust to go to the house and retrieve your pets, or turn off your power or water main if the situation calls for it.

Speaking of Protecting the Home

Speaking of protecting your property, smart home security can also help you spare your home from the costly flood damage risks of bursting pipes in the winter. This is done via flood sensors and temperature threshold alerts in the system. When you receive an alert regarding water detection of low temperature, you can do what you need to do to address the issue.

To learn more about smart home technology that solves real challenges homeowners face, contact GuardMe today. We will be happy to meet you for a free home security consultation.

Home Automation and the 5 Stages of Parenting

You may not have considered home automation in relation to help parenting, but you should. Parenting is one of the most monumental things we can ever do. After all, it is no small thing to have the care of another in our hands. That’s why it is so important to have all the right tools in place to help navigate the unique challenges that come with the various stages of raising children—and one of the most effective tools is home automation.
Here are some valuable ways smart home technologies can help you parent and provide some peace of mind in the process.

1. Infancy: Comfort

Having a baby in the home is a time of wonder, but it is also a time of adjusting to new needs and new concerns—like living and working while completely sleep deprived. Babies are sensitive to light, sound or temperature and wake with the slightest change. The key to better sleep is to keep those things constant. A smart thermostat and remote temperature sensors keep the room at a perfect temperature so baby is always comfortable. Window, door, and motion sensors also give you peace of mind knowing all is well.

2. Toddler: Activity

Once your little one is on the go, you need more than the eyes in the back of your head to keep track of them. Their life is fueled by curiosity and anything within reach is fair game. While you do not want to quench that curiosity, you do want to ensure their safety and be aware of their location by installing contact sensors around the home. Now, there is no backyard or early morning escapes and eliminates using danger zones as a playground.

3. School Age: Never a Moment to Spare

During the school years, there is hardly a moment to spare. If you are not running around taking children school, it is to a multitude of extracurricular activities on top of your already busy schedule. In our haste, it is very easy to forget to do things like lock doors, arm the security system, or turn off appliances. It does not take much to turn a small mistake into a catastrophic event. Thanks to home automation, it does not have to.

4. Teen Years: Managed Independence

Teens want and need some independence, but parents also need to keep the home safe and monitor that independence without sacrificing their dignity. Home automation provides the tools that can provide the oversight you want without taking away that independence. Tools like smart locks let you know when they get home (or leave) and video doorbells can let you know with whom.

5. Young Adulthood: College Years

The nest is never really empty, but when kids are off to college you can leave home easily to go visit or travel knowing that your home is secure. Home automation can let you manage the home from afar and make it look like you are always home which reduces the risk of break-ins.

About GuardMe Security

GuardMe Security helps you take more control of your life with state-of-the-art home security and home automation systems. For more information about home automation tools, give GuardMe Security a call today.

Gear Up for School. Our Best Internet Safety Rules

For some, the school year has already begun and for others that first day is soon to come. With school in session, kids are spending much more time on the internet, doing their homework, communicating with friends, and of course playing their favorite games.

The internet is immensely useful, but it is also dangerous. While your kids are online, hackers are working to steal personal information. There are also those looking to victimize children lurking in game rooms and all over social media. And every day children experience online bullying.

Be Proactive

Keeping children safe means being proactive. Stay involved and connected with your child’s use of the internet. Have them use the computer in a communal part of the home, such as the family room instead of in their room with the door shut. Install internet safety programs that restrict usage and provide parental alerts. Limit computer usage to when you are present and awake. If you suspect problems, start asking questions. Always check browser history.

Develop House Rules

To keep the internet safe for your family, establish house rules. It is even a good idea to have them posted near the computer as a reminder. Here are some of the top rules to include.

  • Never provide any of your passwords to anyone.
  • Never chat or email with people you do not know.
  • Never give out personal information such as your name, address, or name of your school.
  • Do not be tricked into providing information that can lead to personal information and locations, such as providing the name of places you go or places you once lived.
  • Never make plans or agree to meet anyone in person that you have only met online.
  • Always let parents know immediately if something does not seem right.
  • Always tell parents immediately if someone sends and inappropriate message or picture, or makes you feel threatened or afraid.
  • Never provide photos of yourself or family members without checking with a parent.
  • Never send out any pictures or messages that will make someone feel threatened, angry, sad, scared, or could be considered mean spirited.
  • Never argue with friends or others over the internet.
  • Tell parents immediately about any incidents of bullying.
  • Don’t download or install anything on your device until you have it ok’d with your parents.
  • Never keep secret email or social media accounts.
  • Never purchase anything without parental consent.

Internet security is a lot like home and personal security. You just can’t expect to be safe without the right the right tools and practices in place. Since 1997, your safety has been at the forefront of our service. If you have any questions about how you can improve your home security, call GuardMe today.

About GuardMe Security


Have You Reviewed Your Home Safety Checklist?

Each year, many Americans are displaced due to fire, injured because of unsafe environments and hundreds are at risk. By implementing the right safety protocols in your home, you can protect yourself, your loved ones and even your visitors. It is important each year to review the home safety checklist provided by FEMA as well to ensure your home is up-to-date with the latest safety recommendations.

What is the Home Safety Checklist?

The home safety checklist goes over safety essentials, from candle to fire to electrical safety. Each of these areas then has a set of recommendations that homeowners should implement to make their home safer and reduce risks. There are numerous home safety checklists available online, including those provided by the Red Cross and local safety organizations.

What Should be Reviewed Annually?

The entire checklist (ideally) should be reviewed each year to make sure your home is following the latest safety recommendations, but some things that you must check annually include:

  • Smoke Detectors – All smoke detector batteries should be replaced each year and the unit tested monthly to ensure it is in working order. If smoke alarms are more than 10 years old, they should also be replaced. Make sure you have a smoke alarm on every level of your home and inside each sleeping area.
  • Carbon Monoxide – If you have not done so, installing carbon monoxide alarms on each level of your home is important. If your detectors are more than seven years old, consider replacing them.
  • Home Escape Plan – Each year, your household escape plan should be reassessed. You should make sure exit points are still relevant and also any new additions to the family have been included in the plan.
  • Heating – Your furnace and chimney should be inspected and cleaned annually. Space heaters inside your home should never be used with extension cords and you should inspect the units each year before use to make sure they are operational and safe.

Protect Your Home With Residential Fire and Smoke Alarm Systems

You can increase the safety of your home by installing a fire system that is paired with smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. These systems can detect the first signs of carbon monoxide, and also monitor for smoke and heat in areas less used, such as the attic or furnace room.
