Effectiveness of Smoke Alarms: Are You Getting the Most From Yours?


You have smoke alarms installed, but if you do not properly maintain them, they will not do your home any good. Smoke alarms are your home’s first line of defense against fire, but in order to get the most out of them, you need to ensure they are in operation.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Home’s Smoke Alarms

  • Install Them Properly – Smoke alarms need to be installed strategically. You should have one outside each bedroom and on every level of the home.
  • Test Frequently – Smoke alarms should be tested once a month to make sure they are still in operation. You can do so by pressing the red test button on the device.
  • Replace Batteries – If the test does not work, replace the batteries right away. You should also replace the batteries at least once a year. Only place brand new batteries into the smoke alarm.
  • Interconnected Devices – Today you can install interconnected smoke alarms, which means if one sounds, all of them sound. This is extremely beneficial, especially if the smoke detector is going off on a separate floor where you may not hear it.
  • Connect Smoke Alarms to Fire Alarm Systems – A fire alarm system can be connected to your home’s smoke alarms for all-point coverage. Not only will you be notified of a fire (whether you are in or out of the home), but fire officials will be notified the moment your fire alarm system is triggered. This will ensure faster response and possibly a better chance of saving your home and possessions.

About GuardMe Security

Fire alarm systems are more affordable than homeowners realize. Plus, when you connect them to your home’s smoke alarms, you could receive significant homeowner’s insurance discounts. GuardMe Security offers free consultations and can help you pick the right fire alarm system based on the needs of your home.

Get a free consultation on fire alarms by calling GuardMe Security at (800) 235-0644 or feel free to ask a question online.