Gear Up for School. Our Best Internet Safety Rules


For some, the school year has already begun and for others that first day is soon to come. With school in session, kids are spending much more time on the internet, doing their homework, communicating with friends, and of course playing their favorite games.

The internet is immensely useful, but it is also dangerous. While your kids are online, hackers are working to steal personal information. There are also those looking to victimize children lurking in game rooms and all over social media. And every day children experience online bullying.

Be Proactive

Keeping children safe means being proactive. Stay involved and connected with your child’s use of the internet. Have them use the computer in a communal part of the home, such as the family room instead of in their room with the door shut. Install internet safety programs that restrict usage and provide parental alerts. Limit computer usage to when you are present and awake. If you suspect problems, start asking questions. Always check browser history.

Develop House Rules

To keep the internet safe for your family, establish house rules. It is even a good idea to have them posted near the computer as a reminder. Here are some of the top rules to include.

  • Never provide any of your passwords to anyone.
  • Never chat or email with people you do not know.
  • Never give out personal information such as your name, address, or name of your school.
  • Do not be tricked into providing information that can lead to personal information and locations, such as providing the name of places you go or places you once lived.
  • Never make plans or agree to meet anyone in person that you have only met online.
  • Always let parents know immediately if something does not seem right.
  • Always tell parents immediately if someone sends and inappropriate message or picture, or makes you feel threatened or afraid.
  • Never provide photos of yourself or family members without checking with a parent.
  • Never send out any pictures or messages that will make someone feel threatened, angry, sad, scared, or could be considered mean spirited.
  • Never argue with friends or others over the internet.
  • Tell parents immediately about any incidents of bullying.
  • Don’t download or install anything on your device until you have it ok’d with your parents.
  • Never keep secret email or social media accounts.
  • Never purchase anything without parental consent.

Internet security is a lot like home and personal security. You just can’t expect to be safe without the right the right tools and practices in place. Since 1997, your safety has been at the forefront of our service. If you have any questions about how you can improve your home security, call GuardMe today.

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