Home Automation Tips for New Moms


Being a new mom, or being a veteran mom with a newborn can be a real challenge. Having a baby is a joyous occasion, but it is also a time filled with sleep deprivation and pressures of adjusting all of the rest of life to accommodate and adapt to this new life. For sure, it can be overwhelming.
No matter how rocky things are going in the moment, rest assured there are helps that can help manage even the toughest days. Some of the best help can come from an unlikely source, home automation.
Home automation can provide incredible help, as well as peace of mind for the new parent. Here are just a few of the many ways you can get life back under control.

Smart Doorbell

Smart doorbells are a boon to new parents. No sooner do you get the baby to sleep than they are awakened by the doorbell, and commence with another three-hour marathon cry. Or you have your hands full feeding or changing baby but there is someone at the door. Yeah, we know. Perfect. Rather than letting the doorbell wake the baby yet again, or trying to figure out what to do first- doorbell or diaper—you can use smart technology to manage it all. Just set the doorbell to silent during naptime and view and talk to the visitor via your smart phone or tablet to decide whether it is something than needs addressing then or later.

Avoid the Doorbell with Smarter Front Door Locks

Naturally, when you have a new baby everyone in the family wants to come over and visit—a lot. This can create its own sort of chaos every time you need to stop and let people in or try to sync schedules so you are home to open the door for their arrival. Without passing out a dozen keys, what should you do? Employ the help of your smart lock. Smart locks allow you to create unique codes for your guests so they can unlock the door without a key, and without disturbing the parental precision it takes to manage life with a newborn.

A Smart Thermostat

Newborns can’t regulate temperature, which can be a real worry for parents. When they get to warm or too cold they become uncomfortable and can’t sleep. The best way to solve this (and provide yourself some peace of mind) is to use a remote temperature sensor in the baby’s room which can allow you to keep the room at the perfect temperature.

The Ability to Check

Check what? Oh, you know—everything. As a new parent, it is pretty hard to relax and not worry about the details of life that keep the baby safe. Is the door locked? Is the baby asleep? Can anyone get through the window? Who is at the door? Is the alarm enabled? With your app, you can do it all from your smart phone and then just relax and enjoy the baby.

Guardme Security opened its doors with one goal in mind; to provide custom home security systems designed based entirely on the needs of the client. Our affordable technology connects all of the key devices in your home with your smart phone and tablet. For more information about home automation and home and life security technologies, please call us today.