Home Security for Your Rental Property


You have picked the perfect rental in a safe neighborhood and close to the schools you want. But how much thought have you put into the security of that home? Rentals have had dozens of tenants before you and your loved ones moved in, and you do not know who those tenants were or whether or not they still have keys.

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, rental properties are 85 percent more likely to encounter a home invasion. Therefore, you cannot rely on the property manager having changed the locks as your only level of security.

Tips for Improving Security at Your Rental Property

As a renter, you may not own the home. You do have your own furniture, personal belongings and of course, your loved ones live here. So, you need just as much protection as a homeowner. You can improve the security of your rental home by following these simple tips:

  • Do Not Flaunt – You have a great stereo system or even a brand new flat screen TV. While you are proud of your belongings, do not flaunt them to the world by putting them next to windows or even leaving a box by the garbage, letting the world know about your purchase. If you do not have a choice, leave blinds or curtains closed on windows – that way no one can see from outside  what there is to steal in your home.
  • Always Lock Up – Even if you are going down the street for a few minutes, you need to lock up. That includes windows, basement doors and even garage doors.
  • Know the Neighbors – Even if you are just renting for a short-term lease, you still need to know who you live by. Active communities are less likely to be robbed because neighbors look out for others, and report suspicious activity.
  • Make Your Place Look Occupied – Whether you are at work, shopping or out of town, make sure your rental home looks occupied. That means having lights turn on and off at certain hours, TV or music noise, etc. Burglars are less likely to target a property that looks occupied.
  • Be Insured – Renters’ insurance comes for a nominal fee when compared to the cost of replacing your stolen items. Do not rely on your landlord’s insurance policy to replace your personal belongings.
  • Get a Security System – If your rental does not have a security system, ask the property manager if you can have one installed. Even if they are not willing to take on the expense, paying for one yourself could be a good investment in not only your security, but also your peace of mind.

For a rental, you can install a home security system that monitors the property and even automates lights and comfort systems. GuardMe Security can provide you with a free in-home estimate for your apartment or rental home so that you can reduce the likelihood of becoming a burglary target.

Call experts at GuardMe today at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online.