Tips for Protecting Your Home While it is Under Renovation


A home under renovation can be a gold mine to potential burglars! It is not just your personal property that burglars are interested in. Renovation sites have construction materials and tools that are very attractive too.

While your home is being renovated, you have contractors and suppliers coming and going, which means your home is frequently unsecured. Is it being exposed to potential theft and vandalism? Even a minor renovation project such as, replacing a roof or adding a backyard patio, can increase your risk of exposure.

There are things you can do to protect your home, the job site and any materials or tools so that your project does not end up costing you more than the labor itself.

How to Protect Your Home During a Renovation 

By taking the proper steps, you can protect your home while it is being renovated – whether you are occupying the home or not. This includes:

  • Securing the Site and Valuable MaterialsLock your home before leaving it or instruct the foreman to lock up the site at the end of the day. Lock up building materials in a shed or use security sensors that will trigger if the materials are moved.
  • Use Video Monitoring Because construction sites have dozens of people coming and going, a traditional security system may not be enough. Instead, consider a video surveillance system. This will help you keep an eye on your property even if you are living off-site. If a theft does occur, you will have video evidence of the event and hopefully, you can help authorities catch the burglar.
  • Let Neighbors Know Discuss with your neighbors letting them know who is authorized to be on your property. Make them aware of the construction company’s name, their uniform, and what days they will be there working. That way, if your neighbor sees someone on a different day or notices unauthorized trespassers, they can notify you or the authorities immediately.

Contact your local security experts for more tips on how you can protect a home renovation site.

GuardMe Security offers no obligation consultations. We can come out to your home and recommend the right security products. Call us at (800) 235-0644 or ask a question online and one of our security experts will contact you as soon as possible.