Who Uses Video Doorbells, Anyway?


Video doorbells have not been around that long but already we can’t even remember what we did without them. Who would have thought such a small device could change the way we do things so much?

What Makes Them So Different?

Traditional doorbells are wired to a bell that sounds when pushed. Video doorbells are smart doorbells and do that and more. The devices are additionally equipped with 2-way communication, video camera, and motion sensors and can be integrated into your home security and home automation system. If someone comes near the door, you’ll know even if they do not ring the bell because of the motion sensors. Both triggering the sensors and pushing the doorbell will cause an alert to be sent to your phone. From the phone, you can answer the door without stopping what you are doing, whether you are busy in your home office or at a meeting overseas, without giving away whether you are actually home or not.
How Do People use Them in The Real World?

Smart Security Lovers

Some people have their security seriously dialed in, and know that their video doorbell is not just another smart gadget. They use it to screen visitors without having to get near the door, and as an extra security camera monitoring activity around the front door.

Former Hiders

Before video doorbells, there was always this awkwardness when a sales person came to the door. You know they know you are home and you feel obliged to answer the door. What are the choices? Answer or hide. With smart doorbells, you can answer the door and then quickly get back to work without having to spend five minutes under the table.

Never Worry About Deliveries

Online commerce is a way of life today but the savings can be swooped away by porch pirates looking to grab your goods. With video doorbells, you’ll get an alert when movement triggers the sensor and will know to keep an eye out for your package. If someone comes near it, you can thank them for stepping away via the 2-way communication.

No Need to Disturb Movie Night

During movie night, the only disruption you may want is that of the pizza delivery person. With a video doorbell, you can see that the person at the door is whom you were expecting before putting the movie on pause and going to the door.

Put the World on Mute

For those who work night jobs or have babies in the home sleeping during the day is essential. For those people, the value of being able to put the doorbell on mute is an incalculable gift.

GuardMe Security is a premier provider of monitored home alarms and has served the community with exceptional service for over 20 years.